750 lines
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750 lines
18 KiB
import { Bounds } from 'types'
import vec from 'utils/vec'
/* ----------------- Start Copy Here ---------------- */
export default class Utils {
* Linear interpolation betwen two numbers.
* @param y1
* @param y2
* @param mu
static lerp(y1: number, y2: number, mu: number): number {
mu = Utils.clamp(mu, 0, 1)
return y1 * (1 - mu) + y2 * mu
* Modulate a value between two ranges.
* @param value
* @param rangeA from [low, high]
* @param rangeB to [low, high]
* @param clamp
static modulate(
value: number,
rangeA: number[],
rangeB: number[],
clamp = false
): number {
const [fromLow, fromHigh] = rangeA
const [v0, v1] = rangeB
const result = v0 + ((value - fromLow) / (fromHigh - fromLow)) * (v1 - v0)
return clamp
? v0 < v1
? Math.max(Math.min(result, v1), v0)
: Math.max(Math.min(result, v0), v1)
: result
* Clamp a value into a range.
* @param n
* @param min
static clamp(n: number, min: number): number
static clamp(n: number, min: number, max: number): number
static clamp(n: number, min: number, max?: number): number {
return Math.max(min, typeof max !== 'undefined' ? Math.min(n, max) : n)
// TODO: replace with a string compression algorithm
static compress(s: string): string {
return s
// TODO: replace with a string decompression algorithm
static decompress(s: string): string {
return s
* Recursively clone an object or array.
* @param obj
static deepClone<T>(obj: T): T {
if (obj === null) return null
const clone: any = { ...obj }
(key) =>
(clone[key] =
typeof obj[key] === 'object' ? Utils.deepClone(obj[key]) : obj[key])
if (Array.isArray(obj)) {
clone.length = obj.length
return Array.from(clone) as any as T
return clone as T
* Seeded random number generator, using [xorshift](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xorshift).
* The result will always be betweeen -1 and 1.
* Adapted from [seedrandom](https://github.com/davidbau/seedrandom).
static rng(seed = ''): () => number {
let x = 0
let y = 0
let z = 0
let w = 0
function next() {
const t = x ^ (x << 11)
;(x = y), (y = z), (z = w)
w ^= ((w >>> 19) ^ t ^ (t >>> 8)) >>> 0
return w / 0x100000000
for (let k = 0; k < seed.length + 64; k++) {
;(x ^= seed.charCodeAt(k) | 0), next()
return next
* Shuffle the contents of an array.
* @param arr
* @param offset
static shuffleArr<T>(arr: T[], offset: number): T[] {
return arr.map((_, i) => arr[(i + offset) % arr.length])
* Deep compare two arrays.
* @param a
* @param b
static deepCompareArrays<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean {
if (a?.length !== b?.length) return false
return Utils.deepCompare(a, b)
* Deep compare any values.
* @param a
* @param b
static deepCompare<T>(a: T, b: T): boolean {
return a === b || JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b)
* Find whether two arrays intersect.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param fn An optional function to apply to the items of a; will check if b includes the result.
static arrsIntersect<T, K>(a: T[], b: K[], fn?: (item: K) => T): boolean
static arrsIntersect<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): boolean
static arrsIntersect<T>(
a: T[],
b: unknown[],
fn?: (item: unknown) => T
): boolean {
return a.some((item) => b.includes(fn ? fn(item) : item))
* Get the unique values from an array of strings or numbers.
* @param items
static uniqueArray<T extends string | number>(...items: T[]): T[] {
return Array.from(new Set(items).values())
* Convert a set to an array.
* @param set
static setToArray<T>(set: Set<T>): T[] {
return Array.from(set.values())
* Get the outer of between a circle and a point.
* @param C The circle's center.
* @param r The circle's radius.
* @param P The point.
* @param side
static getCircleTangentToPoint(
C: number[],
r: number,
P: number[],
side: number
): number[] {
const B = vec.lrp(C, P, 0.5),
r1 = vec.dist(C, B),
delta = vec.sub(B, C),
d = vec.len(delta)
if (!(d <= r + r1 && d >= Math.abs(r - r1))) {
const a = (r * r - r1 * r1 + d * d) / (2.0 * d),
n = 1 / d,
p = vec.add(C, vec.mul(delta, a * n)),
h = Math.sqrt(r * r - a * a),
k = vec.mul(vec.per(delta), h * n)
return side === 0 ? vec.add(p, k) : vec.sub(p, k)
* Get outer tangents of two circles.
* @param x0
* @param y0
* @param r0
* @param x1
* @param y1
* @param r1
* @returns [lx0, ly0, lx1, ly1, rx0, ry0, rx1, ry1]
static getOuterTangentsOfCircles(
C0: number[],
r0: number,
C1: number[],
r1: number
): number[][] {
const a0 = vec.angle(C0, C1)
const d = vec.dist(C0, C1)
// Circles are overlapping, no tangents
if (d < Math.abs(r1 - r0)) return
const a1 = Math.acos((r0 - r1) / d),
t0 = a0 + a1,
t1 = a0 - a1
return [
[C0[0] + r0 * Math.cos(t1), C0[1] + r0 * Math.sin(t1)],
[C1[0] + r1 * Math.cos(t1), C1[1] + r1 * Math.sin(t1)],
[C0[0] + r0 * Math.cos(t0), C0[1] + r0 * Math.sin(t0)],
[C1[0] + r1 * Math.cos(t0), C1[1] + r1 * Math.sin(t0)],
* Get the closest point on the perimeter of a circle to a given point.
* @param C The circle's center.
* @param r The circle's radius.
* @param P The point.
static getClosestPointOnCircle(
C: number[],
r: number,
P: number[]
): number[] {
const v = vec.sub(C, P)
return vec.sub(C, vec.mul(vec.div(v, vec.len(v)), r))
static det(
a: number,
b: number,
c: number,
d: number,
e: number,
f: number,
g: number,
h: number,
i: number
): number {
return a * e * i + b * f * g + c * d * h - a * f * h - b * d * i - c * e * g
* Get a circle from three points.
* @param A
* @param B
* @param C
* @returns [x, y, r]
static circleFromThreePoints(
A: number[],
B: number[],
C: number[]
): number[] {
const a = Utils.det(A[0], A[1], 1, B[0], B[1], 1, C[0], C[1], 1)
const bx = -Utils.det(
A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1],
B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1],
C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1],
const by = Utils.det(
A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1],
B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1],
C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1],
const c = -Utils.det(
A[0] * A[0] + A[1] * A[1],
B[0] * B[0] + B[1] * B[1],
C[0] * C[0] + C[1] * C[1],
const x = -bx / (2 * a)
const y = -by / (2 * a)
const r = Math.sqrt(bx * bx + by * by - 4 * a * c) / (2 * Math.abs(a))
return [x, y, r]
* Find the approximate perimeter of an ellipse.
* @param rx
* @param ry
static perimeterOfEllipse(rx: number, ry: number): number {
const h = Math.pow(rx - ry, 2) / Math.pow(rx + ry, 2)
const p = Math.PI * (rx + ry) * (1 + (3 * h) / (10 + Math.sqrt(4 - 3 * h)))
return p
* Get the short angle distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static shortAngleDist(a0: number, a1: number): number {
const max = Math.PI * 2
const da = (a1 - a0) % max
return ((2 * da) % max) - da
* Get the long angle distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static longAngleDist(a0: number, a1: number): number {
return Math.PI * 2 - Utils.shortAngleDist(a0, a1)
* Interpolate an angle between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
* @param t
static lerpAngles(a0: number, a1: number, t: number): number {
return a0 + Utils.shortAngleDist(a0, a1) * t
* Get the short distance between two angles.
* @param a0
* @param a1
static angleDelta(a0: number, a1: number): number {
return Utils.shortAngleDist(a0, a1)
* Get the "sweep" or short distance between two points on a circle's perimeter.
* @param C
* @param A
* @param B
static getSweep(C: number[], A: number[], B: number[]): number {
return Utils.angleDelta(vec.angle(C, A), vec.angle(C, B))
* Rotate a point around a center.
* @param x The x-axis coordinate of the point.
* @param y The y-axis coordinate of the point.
* @param cx The x-axis coordinate of the point to rotate round.
* @param cy The y-axis coordinate of the point to rotate round.
* @param angle The distance (in radians) to rotate.
static rotatePoint(A: number[], B: number[], angle: number): number[] {
const s = Math.sin(angle)
const c = Math.cos(angle)
const px = A[0] - B[0]
const py = A[1] - B[1]
const nx = px * c - py * s
const ny = px * s + py * c
return [nx + B[0], ny + B[1]]
* Clamp radians within 0 and 2PI
* @param r
static clampRadians(r: number): number {
return (Math.PI * 2 + r) % (Math.PI * 2)
* Clamp rotation to even segments.
* @param r
* @param segments
static clampToRotationToSegments(r: number, segments: number): number {
const seg = (Math.PI * 2) / segments
return Math.floor((Utils.clampRadians(r) + seg / 2) / seg) * seg
* Is angle c between angles a and b?
* @param a
* @param b
* @param c
static isAngleBetween(a: number, b: number, c: number): boolean {
if (c === a || c === b) return true
const PI2 = Math.PI * 2
const AB = (b - a + PI2) % PI2
const AC = (c - a + PI2) % PI2
return AB <= Math.PI !== AC > AB
* Convert degrees to radians.
* @param d
static degreesToRadians(d: number): number {
return (d * Math.PI) / 180
* Convert radians to degrees.
* @param r
static radiansToDegrees(r: number): number {
return (r * 180) / Math.PI
* Get the length of an arc between two points on a circle's perimeter.
* @param C
* @param r
* @param A
* @param B
static getArcLength(
C: number[],
r: number,
A: number[],
B: number[]
): number {
const sweep = Utils.getSweep(C, A, B)
return r * (2 * Math.PI) * (sweep / (2 * Math.PI))
* Get a dash offset for an arc, based on its length.
* @param C
* @param r
* @param A
* @param B
* @param step
static getArcDashOffset(
C: number[],
r: number,
A: number[],
B: number[],
step: number
): number {
const del0 = Utils.getSweep(C, A, B)
const len0 = Utils.getArcLength(C, r, A, B)
const off0 = del0 < 0 ? len0 : 2 * Math.PI * C[2] - len0
return -off0 / 2 + step
* Get a dash offset for an ellipse, based on its length.
* @param A
* @param step
static getEllipseDashOffset(A: number[], step: number): number {
const c = 2 * Math.PI * A[2]
return -c / 2 + -step
* Get an array of points between two points.
* @param a
* @param b
* @param options
static getPointsBetween(
a: number[],
b: number[],
options = {} as {
steps?: number
ease?: (t: number) => number
): number[][] {
const { steps = 6, ease = (t) => t * t * t } = options
return Array.from(Array(steps))
.map((_, i) => ease(i / steps))
.map((t) => [...vec.lrp(a, b, t), (1 - t) / 2])
static getRayRayIntersection(
p0: number[],
n0: number[],
p1: number[],
n1: number[]
): number[] {
const p0e = vec.add(p0, n0),
p1e = vec.add(p1, n1),
m0 = (p0e[1] - p0[1]) / (p0e[0] - p0[0]),
m1 = (p1e[1] - p1[1]) / (p1e[0] - p1[0]),
b0 = p0[1] - m0 * p0[0],
b1 = p1[1] - m1 * p1[0],
x = (b1 - b0) / (m0 - m1),
y = m0 * x + b0
return [x, y]
static bez1d(a: number, b: number, c: number, d: number, t: number): number {
return (
a * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) +
3 * b * t * (1 - t) * (1 - t) +
3 * c * t * t * (1 - t) +
d * t * t * t
static getCubicBezierBounds(
p0: number[],
c0: number[],
c1: number[],
p1: number[]
): Bounds {
// solve for x
let a = 3 * p1[0] - 9 * c1[0] + 9 * c0[0] - 3 * p0[0]
let b = 6 * p0[0] - 12 * c0[0] + 6 * c1[0]
let c = 3 * c0[0] - 3 * p0[0]
let disc = b * b - 4 * a * c
let xl = p0[0]
let xh = p0[0]
if (p1[0] < xl) xl = p1[0]
if (p1[0] > xh) xh = p1[0]
if (disc >= 0) {
const t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) {
const x1 = Utils.bez1d(p0[0], c0[0], c1[0], p1[0], t1)
if (x1 < xl) xl = x1
if (x1 > xh) xh = x1
const t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) {
const x2 = Utils.bez1d(p0[0], c0[0], c1[0], p1[0], t2)
if (x2 < xl) xl = x2
if (x2 > xh) xh = x2
// Solve for y
a = 3 * p1[1] - 9 * c1[1] + 9 * c0[1] - 3 * p0[1]
b = 6 * p0[1] - 12 * c0[1] + 6 * c1[1]
c = 3 * c0[1] - 3 * p0[1]
disc = b * b - 4 * a * c
let yl = p0[1]
let yh = p0[1]
if (p1[1] < yl) yl = p1[1]
if (p1[1] > yh) yh = p1[1]
if (disc >= 0) {
const t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
if (t1 > 0 && t1 < 1) {
const y1 = Utils.bez1d(p0[1], c0[1], c1[1], p1[1], t1)
if (y1 < yl) yl = y1
if (y1 > yh) yh = y1
const t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(disc)) / (2 * a)
if (t2 > 0 && t2 < 1) {
const y2 = Utils.bez1d(p0[1], c0[1], c1[1], p1[1], t2)
if (y2 < yl) yl = y2
if (y2 > yh) yh = y2
return {
minX: xl,
minY: yl,
maxX: xh,
maxY: yh,
width: Math.abs(xl - xh),
height: Math.abs(yl - yh),
static getExpandedBounds(a: Bounds, b: Bounds): Bounds {
const minX = Math.min(a.minX, b.minX),
minY = Math.min(a.minY, b.minY),
maxX = Math.max(a.maxX, b.maxX),
maxY = Math.max(a.maxY, b.maxY),
width = Math.abs(maxX - minX),
height = Math.abs(maxY - minY)
return { minX, minY, maxX, maxY, width, height }
static getCommonBounds(...b: Bounds[]): Bounds {
if (b.length < 2) return b[0]
let bounds = b[0]
for (let i = 1; i < b.length; i++) {
bounds = Utils.getExpandedBounds(bounds, b[i])
return bounds
* Get a bezier curve data for a spline that fits an array of points.
* @param pts
* @param tension
* @param isClosed
* @param numOfSegments
static getCurvePoints(
pts: number[][],
tension = 0.5,
isClosed = false,
numOfSegments = 3
): number[][] {
const _pts = [...pts],
len = pts.length,
res: number[][] = [] // results
let t1x: number, // tension vectors
t2x: number,
t1y: number,
t2y: number,
c1: number, // cardinal points
c2: number,
c3: number,
c4: number,
st: number,
st2: number,
st3: number
// The algorithm require a previous and next point to the actual point array.
// Check if we will draw closed or open curve.
// If closed, copy end points to beginning and first points to end
// If open, duplicate first points to befinning, end points to end
if (isClosed) {
_pts.unshift(_pts[len - 1])
} else {
//copy 1. point and insert at beginning
_pts.push(_pts[len - 1])
// _pts.push(_pts[len - 1])
// For each point, calculate a segment
for (let i = 1; i < _pts.length - 2; i++) {
// Calculate points along segment and add to results
for (let t = 0; t <= numOfSegments; t++) {
// Step
st = t / numOfSegments
st2 = Math.pow(st, 2)
st3 = Math.pow(st, 3)
// Cardinals
c1 = 2 * st3 - 3 * st2 + 1
c2 = -(2 * st3) + 3 * st2
c3 = st3 - 2 * st2 + st
c4 = st3 - st2
// Tension
t1x = (_pts[i + 1][0] - _pts[i - 1][0]) * tension
t2x = (_pts[i + 2][0] - _pts[i][0]) * tension
t1y = (_pts[i + 1][1] - _pts[i - 1][1]) * tension
t2y = (_pts[i + 2][1] - _pts[i][1]) * tension
// Control points
c1 * _pts[i][0] + c2 * _pts[i + 1][0] + c3 * t1x + c4 * t2x,
c1 * _pts[i][1] + c2 * _pts[i + 1][1] + c3 * t1y + c4 * t2y,
res.push(pts[pts.length - 1])
return res
* Simplify a line (using Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm).
* @param points An array of points as [x, y, ...][]
* @param tolerance The minimum line distance (also called epsilon).
* @returns Simplified array as [x, y, ...][]
static simplify(points: number[][], tolerance = 1): number[][] {
const len = points.length,
a = points[0],
b = points[len - 1],
[x1, y1] = a,
[x2, y2] = b
if (len > 2) {
let distance = 0
let index = 0
const max = Math.hypot(y2 - y1, x2 - x1)
for (let i = 1; i < len - 1; i++) {
const [x0, y0] = points[i],
d =
Math.abs((y2 - y1) * x0 - (x2 - x1) * y0 + x2 * y1 - y2 * x1) / max
if (distance > d) continue
distance = d
index = i
if (distance > tolerance) {
const l0 = Utils.simplify(points.slice(0, index + 1), tolerance)
const l1 = Utils.simplify(points.slice(index + 1), tolerance)
return l0.concat(l1.slice(1))
return [a, b]