alex 640bc9de24
Revert 09c36781 & tweak linting (#1501)
This diff reverts 09c36781 and tweaks how some of our linting was

I'm not actually sure what caused the regression that 09c36781 was
fixing - it was something to do with typescript being used to transpile
eslintrc.js, but that being excluded from the tsconfig for those
projects. I fixed that by removing `rootDir` from those, but that
revealed some other issues with files not getting ignored correctly.

I fixed the ignoring issue with a change I've wanted to make to these
scripts for a while: only running them on files that are actually
tracked by git, instead of on everything with a relevant extension. A
side effect of that is that we have to re-implement .eslintignore
support ourselves, but that's very straight forward: the `ignore`
package that eslint uses is very easy to include.

### Change Type
- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
package (will not publish a new version)

### Test Plan

### Release Notes
2023-06-02 10:45:51 +00:00

146 lines
3.7 KiB

import kleur from 'kleur'
import path from 'path'
import { REPO_ROOT, writeJsonFile } from './lib/file'
import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog'
import { getAllWorkspacePackages } from './lib/workspace'
function scriptPath(packageDir: string, scriptName: string) {
return path.relative(packageDir, path.join(__dirname, scriptName))
function tsScript(scriptName: string) {
return (packageDir: string) => `yarn run -T tsx ${scriptPath(packageDir, scriptName)}`
// all packages should have these scripts
const expectedScripts = {
lint: tsScript('lint.ts'),
// packages (in packages/) should have these scripts
const expectedPackageScripts = {
test: () => 'lazy inherit',
// published packages should have these scripts
const expectedPublishedPackageScripts = {
build: tsScript('build-package.ts'),
'build-api': tsScript('build-api.ts'),
prepack: tsScript('prepack.ts'),
postpack: (packageDir: string) => scriptPath(packageDir, ''),
'pack-tarball': () => 'yarn pack',
// individual packages can have different scripts than the above if needed
const perPackageExceptions: Record<string, Record<string, () => string | undefined>> = {
config: {
lint: () => undefined,
tsconfig: {
lint: () => undefined,
'@tldraw/monorepo': {
lint: () => 'lazy lint',
'@tldraw/polyfills': {
test: () => undefined,
'@tldraw/tlsync-sockets': {
test: () => 'lazy inherit --passWithNoTests',
'@tldraw/tlsync-worker': {
test: () => 'lazy inherit --passWithNoTests',
'@tldraw/ui': {
test: () => 'lazy inherit --passWithNoTests',
'@tldraw/assets': {
test: () => undefined,
build: () => undefined,
'build-api': () => undefined,
prepack: () => undefined,
postpack: () => undefined,
async function main({ fix }: { fix?: boolean }) {
const packages = await getAllWorkspacePackages()
const needsFix = new Set()
let errorCount = 0
for (const { path: packageDir, relativePath, packageJson, name } of packages) {
if (!packageJson.scripts) {
packageJson.scripts = {}
const packageScripts = packageJson.scripts
let expected =
name.startsWith('@tldraw/') &&
(relativePath.startsWith('bublic/packages/') || relativePath.startsWith('packages/'))
? packageJson.private
? expectedPackageScripts
: expectedPublishedPackageScripts
: expectedScripts
if (perPackageExceptions[name]) {
expected = {
for (const [scriptName, getExpectedScript] of Object.entries(expected)) {
const actualScript = packageScripts[scriptName]
const expectedScript = getExpectedScript(packageDir)
if (actualScript !== expectedScript) {
'❌ ',`${name}: `),`$ yarn ${scriptName}`),
kleur.grey(' -> '), ?? '<missing>'),
kleur.gray(' (expected: '),,
packageScripts[scriptName] = expectedScript
} else {
'✅ ',`${name}: `),`$ yarn ${scriptName}`),
kleur.grey(' -> '), ?? '<missing>'),
if (errorCount) {
if (fix) {
for (const { packageJson, name, relativePath } of packages) {
if (needsFix.has(name)) {
nicelog(kleur.yellow(`Fixing ${name}...`))
await writeJsonFile(path.join(REPO_ROOT, relativePath, 'package.json'), packageJson)
nicelog(kleur.yellow(`Fixed ${errorCount} errors`))
} else {
nicelog(`Found ${errorCount} errors`))
fix: process.argv.includes('--fix'),