This PR moves the tldraw.com app into the public repo. ### Change Type - [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published package[^2] --------- Co-authored-by: Dan Groshev <git@dgroshev.com> Co-authored-by: alex <alex@dytry.ch>
486 lines
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486 lines
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import * as github from '@actions/github'
import { GetObjectCommand, ListObjectsV2Command, S3Client } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3'
import { Upload } from '@aws-sdk/lib-storage'
import assert from 'assert'
import { execSync } from 'child_process'
import { appendFileSync, existsSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs'
import path, { join } from 'path'
import { PassThrough } from 'stream'
import tar from 'tar'
import { exec } from './lib/exec'
import { makeEnv } from './lib/makeEnv'
import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog'
const worker = path.relative(process.cwd(), path.resolve(__dirname, '../apps/dotcom-worker'))
const assetUpload = path.relative(
path.resolve(__dirname, '../apps/dotcom-asset-upload')
const dotcom = path.relative(process.cwd(), path.resolve(__dirname, '../apps/dotcom'))
// Do not use `process.env` directly in this script. Add your variable to `makeEnv` and use it via
// `env` instead. This makes sure that all required env vars are present.
const env = makeEnv([
const githubPrNumber = process.env.GITHUB_REF?.match(/refs\/pull\/(\d+)\/merge/)?.[1]
function getPreviewId() {
if (env.TLDRAW_ENV !== 'preview') return undefined
if (githubPrNumber) return `pr-${githubPrNumber}`
return process.env.TLDRAW_PREVIEW_ID ?? undefined
const previewId = getPreviewId()
if (env.TLDRAW_ENV === 'preview' && !previewId) {
throw new Error(
'If running preview deploys from outside of a PR action, TLDRAW_PREVIEW_ID env var must be set'
const sha =
// if the event is 'pull_request', github.context.sha is an ephemeral merge commit
// while the actual commit we want to create the deployment for is the 'head' of the PR.
github.context.eventName === 'pull_request'
? github.context.payload.pull_request?.head.sha
: github.context.sha
const sentryReleaseName = `${env.TLDRAW_ENV}-${previewId ? previewId + '-' : ''}-${sha}`
async function main() {
env.TLDRAW_ENV === 'staging' || env.TLDRAW_ENV === 'production' || env.TLDRAW_ENV === 'preview',
'TLDRAW_ENV must be staging or production or preview'
await discordMessage(`--- **${env.TLDRAW_ENV} deploy pre-flight** ---`)
await discordStep('[1/6] setting up deploy', async () => {
// make sure the tldraw .css files are built:
await exec('yarn', ['lazy', 'prebuild'])
// link to vercel and supabase projects:
await vercelCli('link', ['--project', env.VERCEL_PROJECT_ID])
// deploy pre-flight steps:
// 1. get the dotcom app ready to go (env vars and pre-build)
await discordStep('[2/6] building dotcom app', async () => {
await createSentryRelease()
await prepareDotcomApp()
await uploadSourceMaps()
await coalesceWithPreviousAssets(`${dotcom}/.vercel/output/static/assets`)
await discordStep('[3/6] cloudflare deploy dry run', async () => {
await deployAssetUploadWorker({ dryRun: true })
await deployTlsyncWorker({ dryRun: true })
// --- point of no return! do the deploy for real --- //
await discordMessage(`--- **pre-flight complete, starting real deploy** ---`)
// 2. deploy the cloudflare workers:
await discordStep('[4/6] deploying asset uploader to cloudflare', async () => {
await deployAssetUploadWorker({ dryRun: false })
await discordStep('[5/6] deploying multiplayer worker to cloudflare', async () => {
await deployTlsyncWorker({ dryRun: false })
// 3. deploy the pre-build dotcom app:
const { deploymentUrl, inspectUrl } = await discordStep(
'[6/6] deploying dotcom app to vercel',
async () => {
return await deploySpa()
let deploymentAlias = null as null | string
if (previewId) {
const aliasDomain = `${previewId}-preview-deploy.tldraw.com`
await discordStep('[7/6] aliasing preview deployment', async () => {
await vercelCli('alias', ['set', deploymentUrl, aliasDomain])
deploymentAlias = `https://${aliasDomain}`
nicelog('Creating deployment for', deploymentUrl)
await createGithubDeployment(deploymentAlias ?? deploymentUrl, inspectUrl)
await discordMessage(`**Deploy complete!**`)
async function prepareDotcomApp() {
// pre-build the app:
await exec('yarn', ['build-app'], {
env: {
? `https://${previewId}-tldraw-assets.tldraw.workers.dev`
? `https://${previewId}-tldraw-multiplayer.tldraw.workers.dev`
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTROL_SERVER: 'https://control.tldraw.com',
SENTRY_ORG: 'tldraw',
let didUpdateAssetUploadWorker = false
async function deployAssetUploadWorker({ dryRun }: { dryRun: boolean }) {
if (previewId && !didUpdateAssetUploadWorker) {
join(assetUpload, 'wrangler.toml'),
name = "${previewId}-tldraw-assets"`
didUpdateAssetUploadWorker = true
await exec('yarn', ['wrangler', 'deploy', dryRun ? '--dry-run' : null, '--env', env.TLDRAW_ENV], {
pwd: assetUpload,
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'production',
// wrangler needs CI=1 set to prevent it from trying to do interactive prompts
CI: '1',
let didUpdateTlsyncWorker = false
async function deployTlsyncWorker({ dryRun }: { dryRun: boolean }) {
if (previewId && !didUpdateTlsyncWorker) {
join(worker, 'wrangler.toml'),
name = "${previewId}-tldraw-multiplayer"`
didUpdateTlsyncWorker = true
await exec(
dryRun ? '--dry-run' : null,
pwd: worker,
env: {
NODE_ENV: 'production',
// wrangler needs CI=1 set to prevent it from trying to do interactive prompts
CI: '1',
type ExecOpts = NonNullable<Parameters<typeof exec>[2]>
async function vercelCli(command: string, args: string[], opts?: ExecOpts) {
return exec(
env: {
// specify org id via args instead of via env vars because otherwise it gets upset
// that there's no project id either
function sanitizeVariables(errorOutput: string): string {
const regex = /(--var\s+(\w+):[^ \n]+)/g
const sanitizedOutput = errorOutput.replace(regex, (_, match) => {
const [variable] = match.split(':')
return `${variable}:*`
return sanitizedOutput
async function discord(method: string, url: string, body: unknown): Promise<any> {
const response = await fetch(`${env.DISCORD_DEPLOY_WEBHOOK_URL}${url}`, {
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
body: JSON.stringify(body),
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Discord webhook request failed: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`)
return response.json()
const AT_TEAM_MENTION = '<@&959380625100513310>'
async function discordMessage(content: string, { always = false }: { always?: boolean } = {}) {
const shouldNotify = env.TLDRAW_ENV === 'production' || always
if (!shouldNotify) {
return {
edit: () => {
// noop
const message = await discord('POST', '?wait=true', { content: sanitizeVariables(content) })
return {
edit: async (newContent: string) => {
await discord('PATCH', `/messages/${message.id}`, { content: sanitizeVariables(newContent) })
async function discordStep<T>(content: string, cb: () => Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
const message = await discordMessage(`${content}...`)
try {
const result = await cb()
await message.edit(`${content} ✅`)
return result
} catch (err) {
await message.edit(`${content} ❌`)
throw err
async function deploySpa(): Promise<{ deploymentUrl: string; inspectUrl: string }> {
// both 'staging' and 'production' are deployed to vercel as 'production' deploys
// in separate 'projects'
const prod = env.TLDRAW_ENV !== 'preview'
const out = await vercelCli('deploy', ['--prebuilt', ...(prod ? ['--prod'] : [])], {
pwd: dotcom,
const previewURL = out.match(/Preview: (https:\/\/\S*)/)?.[1]
const inspectUrl = out.match(/Inspect: (https:\/\/\S*)/)?.[1]
const productionURL = out.match(/Production: (https:\/\/\S*)/)?.[1]
const deploymentUrl = previewURL ?? productionURL
if (!deploymentUrl) {
throw new Error('Could not find deployment URL in vercel output ' + out)
if (!inspectUrl) {
throw new Error('Could not find inspect URL in vercel output ' + out)
return { deploymentUrl, inspectUrl }
// Creates a github 'deployment', which creates a 'View Deployment' button in the PR timeline.
async function createGithubDeployment(deploymentUrl: string, inspectUrl: string) {
const client = github.getOctokit(env.GH_TOKEN)
const deployment = await client.rest.repos.createDeployment({
owner: 'tldraw',
repo: 'tldraw',
ref: sha,
payload: { web_url: deploymentUrl },
environment: env.TLDRAW_ENV,
transient_environment: true,
required_contexts: [],
auto_merge: false,
task: 'deploy',
await client.rest.repos.createDeploymentStatus({
owner: 'tldraw',
repo: 'tldraw',
deployment_id: (deployment.data as any).id,
state: 'success',
environment_url: deploymentUrl,
log_url: inspectUrl,
const sentryEnv = {
SENTRY_ORG: 'tldraw',
const execSentry = (command: string, args: string[]) =>
exec(`yarn`, ['run', '-T', 'sentry-cli', command, ...args], { env: sentryEnv })
async function createSentryRelease() {
await execSentry('releases', ['new', sentryReleaseName])
if (!existsSync(`${dotcom}/sentry-release-name.ts`)) {
throw new Error('sentry-release-name.ts does not exist')
`// This file is replaced during deployments to point to a meaningful release name in Sentry.` +
`export const sentryReleaseName = '${sentryReleaseName}'`
async function uploadSourceMaps() {
const sourceMapDir = `${dotcom}/dist/assets`
await execSentry('sourcemaps', ['upload', '--release', sentryReleaseName, sourceMapDir])
execSync('rm -rf ./.next/static/chunks/**/*.map')
const R2_URL = `https://c34edc4e76350954b63adebde86d5eb1.r2.cloudflarestorage.com`
const R2_BUCKET = `dotcom-deploy-assets-cache`
const R2 = new S3Client({
region: 'auto',
endpoint: R2_URL,
credentials: {
accessKeyId: env.R2_ACCESS_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: env.R2_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET,
* When we run a vite prod build it creates a folder in the output dir called assets in which
* every file includes a hash of its contents in the filename. These files include files that
* are 'imported' by the js bundle, e.g. svg and css files, along with the js bundle itself
* (split into chunks).
* By default, when we deploy a new version of the app it will replace the previous versions
* of the files with new versions. This is problematic when we make a new deploy because if
* existing users have tldraw open in tabs while we make the new deploy, they might still try
* to fetch .js chunks or images which are no longer present on the server and may not have
* been cached by vercel's CDN in their location (or at all).
* To avoid this, we keep track of the assets from previous deploys in R2 and include them in the
* new deploy. This way, if a user has an old version of the app open in a tab, they will still
* be able to fetch the old assets from the previous deploy.
async function coalesceWithPreviousAssets(assetsDir: string) {
nicelog('Saving assets to R2 bucket')
const objectKey = `${previewId ?? env.TLDRAW_ENV}/${new Date().toISOString()}+${sha}.tar.gz`
const pack = tar.c({ gzip: true, cwd: assetsDir }, readdirSync(assetsDir))
// Need to pipe through a PassThrough here because the tar stream is not a first class node stream
// and AWS's sdk expects a node stream (it checks `Body instanceof streams.Readable`)
const Body = new PassThrough()
await new Upload({
client: R2,
params: {
Bucket: R2_BUCKET,
Key: objectKey,
nicelog('Extracting previous assets from R2 bucket')
const { Contents } = await R2.send(
new ListObjectsV2Command({
Bucket: R2_BUCKET,
Prefix: `${previewId ?? env.TLDRAW_ENV}/`,
const [mostRecent, ...others] =
// filter out the one we just uploaded
Contents?.filter((obj) => obj.Key !== objectKey).sort(
(a, b) => (b.LastModified?.getTime() ?? 0) - (a.LastModified?.getTime() ?? 0)
) ?? []
if (!mostRecent) {
nicelog('No previous assets found')
// Always include the assets from the directly previous build, but also if there
// have been more deploys in the last two weeks, include those too.
const twoWeeks = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 14
const recentOthers = others.filter(
(o) => (o.LastModified?.getTime() ?? 0) > Date.now() - twoWeeks
const objectsToFetch = [mostRecent, ...recentOthers]
`Fetching ${objectsToFetch.length} previous assets from R2 bucket:`,
objectsToFetch.map((k) => k.Key)
for (const obj of objectsToFetch) {
const { Body } = await R2.send(
new GetObjectCommand({
Bucket: R2_BUCKET,
Key: obj.Key,
if (!Body) {
throw new Error(`Could not fetch object ${obj.Key}`)
// pipe into untar
// `keep-existing` is important here because we don't want to overwrite the new assets
// if they have the same name as the old assets becuase they will have different sentry debugIds
// and it will mess up the inline source viewer on sentry errors.
const out = tar.x({ cwd: assetsDir, 'keep-existing': true })
for await (const chunk of Body?.transformToWebStream() as any as AsyncIterable<Uint8Array>) {
main().catch(async (err) => {
// don't notify discord on preview builds
if (env.TLDRAW_ENV !== 'preview') {
await discordMessage(`${AT_TEAM_MENTION} Deploy failed: ${err.stack}`, { always: true })