import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next' const AV_SIZE = 32 const PADDING = 4 const COLS = 16 type SponsorResult = { avatarUrl: string; login: string } type QueryResult = { node: { sponsorEntity: { avatarUrl: string; login: string } } } function getXY(i: number) { return [(i % COLS) * (AV_SIZE + PADDING), Math.floor(i / COLS) * (AV_SIZE + PADDING)] } export default async function GetSponsors(_req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { const sponsorInfo = await fetch('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', Authorization: 'bearer ' + process.env.GITHUB_API_SECRET, }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `{ viewer { sponsors(first: 0) { totalCount } sponsorshipsAsMaintainer(first: 100, orderBy: { field:CREATED_AT, direction:DESC }) { edges { node { sponsorEntity { ...on User { avatarUrl login } } } } } } }`, }), }).then((res) => res.json()) // Get the total count of sponsors const totalCount: number = // Map out the login and avatarUrl for each sponsor const sponsors = ( as QueryResult[] ).map((edge) => ({ login: edge.node.sponsorEntity.login, avatarUrl: edge.node.sponsorEntity.avatarUrl?.replace(/&/g, '&') ?? '', })) // If we're going to create a more link (see below), then make room for it if necessary if (totalCount > 100 && sponsors.length % COLS <= 2) { sponsors.pop() sponsors.pop() sponsors.pop() } // Generate images for each of the first 100 sponsors. const avatars = sponsors .map(({ avatarUrl, login }, i) => { const [x, y] = getXY(i) return `${login}` }) .join('') // If there are more than 100 sponsors, generate some text to list how many more. let more = '' if (totalCount > sponsors.length) { // More text const [x, y] = getXY(sponsors.length) const width = (AV_SIZE + PADDING) * 3 more = `...and ${totalCount - sponsors.length} more!` } const svgImage = ` ${avatars}${more}` res .status(200) .setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=604800') .setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/svg+xml') .send(svgImage) }