import { APIGroup, InputSection } from '@/types/content-types' import { TldrawApiModel } from '@/utils/TldrawApiModel' import { nicelog } from '@/utils/nicelog' import fs from 'fs' import path from 'path' import { CONTENT_DIR, getSlug } from '../utils' import { getApiMarkdown } from './getApiMarkdown' export async function createApiMarkdown() { const apiInputSection: InputSection = { id: 'reference' as string, title: 'API Reference', description: "Reference for the tldraw package's APIs (generated).", categories: [], sidebar_behavior: 'reference', hero: null, } const addedCategories = new Set() const INPUT_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), 'api') const OUTPUT_DIR = path.join(CONTENT_DIR, 'reference') if (fs.existsSync(OUTPUT_DIR)) { fs.rmSync(OUTPUT_DIR, { recursive: true }) } fs.mkdirSync(OUTPUT_DIR) const model = new TldrawApiModel() const packageModels = [] // get all files in the INPUT_DIR const files = fs.readdirSync(INPUT_DIR) for (const file of files) { // get the file path const filePath = path.join(INPUT_DIR, file) // parse the file const apiModel = model.loadPackage(filePath) // add the parsed file to the packageModels array packageModels.push(apiModel) } await model.preprocessReactComponents() for (const packageModel of packageModels) { const categoryName =`@tldraw/`, '') if (!addedCategories.has(categoryName)) { apiInputSection.categories!.push({ id: categoryName, title:, description: '', groups: Object.values(APIGroup).map((title) => ({ id: title, path: null, })), hero: null, }) addedCategories.add(categoryName) } const entrypoint = packageModel.entryPoints[0] for (let j = 0; j < entrypoint.members.length; j++) { const item = entrypoint.members[j] const outputFileName = `${getSlug(item)}.mdx` const result = await getApiMarkdown(model, categoryName, item, j) nicelog(`✎ ${outputFileName}`) fs.writeFileSync(path.join(OUTPUT_DIR, outputFileName), result.markdown) } } // Add the API section to the sections.json file const sectionsJsonPath = path.join(CONTENT_DIR, 'sections.json') const sectionsJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(sectionsJsonPath, 'utf8')) as InputSection[] sectionsJson.splice( sectionsJson.findIndex((s) => === 'reference'), 1 ) sectionsJson.push(apiInputSection) fs.writeFileSync(sectionsJsonPath, JSON.stringify(sectionsJson, null, '\t') + '\n') model.throwEncounteredErrors() }