import { writeFileSync } from 'fs' import tar from 'tar' import tmp from 'tmp' import { exec } from './exec' import { PackageDetails, getAllPackageDetails } from './publishing' async function hasPackageChanged(pkg: PackageDetails) { const dir = tmp.dirSync({ unsafeCleanup: true }) const dirPath = try { const version = pkg.version const unscopedName ='@tldraw/', '') const url = `${}/-/${unscopedName}-${version}.tgz` const res = await fetch(url) if (res.status >= 400) { throw new Error(`Package not found at url ${url}: ${res.status}`) } const publishedTarballPath = `${dirPath}/published-package.tgz` writeFileSync(publishedTarballPath, Buffer.from(await res.arrayBuffer())) const publishedManifest = getTarballManifestSync(publishedTarballPath) const localTarballPath = `${dirPath}/local-package.tgz` await exec('yarn', ['pack', '--out', localTarballPath], { pwd: pkg.dir }) const localManifest = getTarballManifestSync(localTarballPath) return !manifestsAreEqual(publishedManifest, localManifest) } finally { dir.removeCallback() } } function manifestsAreEqual(a: Record, b: Record) { const aKeys = Object.keys(a) const bKeys = Object.keys(b) if (aKeys.length !== bKeys.length) { return false } for (const key of aKeys) { if (!bKeys.includes(key)) { return false } if (!a[key].equals(b[key])) { return false } } return true } function getTarballManifestSync(tarballPath: string) { const manifest: Record = {} tar.list({ file: tarballPath, onentry: (entry) => { entry.on('data', (data) => { // we could hash these to reduce memory but it's probably fine const existing = manifest[entry.path] if (existing) { manifest[entry.path] = Buffer.concat([existing, data]) } else { manifest[entry.path] = data } }) }, sync: true, }) return manifest } export async function didAnyPackageChange() { const details = await getAllPackageDetails() for (const pkg of Object.values(details)) { if (await hasPackageChanged(pkg)) { console.log('Package changed:', return true } } return false }