import { Octokit } from '@octokit/rest' import { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { REPO_ROOT } from './lib/file' import { formatLabelOptionsForPRTemplate, getLabelNames } from './lib/labels' const prTemplatePath = join(REPO_ROOT, '.github', '') const octo = process.env.GH_TOKEN ? new Octokit({ auth: process.env.GH_TOKEN }) : new Octokit() async function updatePRTemplate(check: boolean) { if (!existsSync(prTemplatePath)) { console.error('❌ Could not find PR template at', prTemplatePath) process.exit(1) } const prTemplate = readFileSync(prTemplatePath).toString() const labelsPart = prTemplate.match(/(### Change type(.|\s)*?\n)###/)?.[1] if (!labelsPart) { console.error( '❌ Could not find the labels section of the pull request template! It should start with "### Change type"' ) process.exit(1) } const updated = prTemplate.replace( labelsPart, `### Change type\n\n${formatLabelOptionsForPRTemplate()}\n\n` ) if (check && updated !== prTemplate) { console.error( '❌ PR template labels section is out of date. Run `yarn update-pr-template` to fix it.' ) console.error( '💡 Were you trying to change the labels section manually? Update scripts/lib/labels.ts instead.' ) process.exit(1) } // make sure all labels exist const repoLabels = new Set( ( await octo.issues.listLabelsForRepo({ owner: 'tldraw', repo: 'tldraw', per_page: 100, }) ) => ) const missingLabels = getLabelNames().filter((x) => !repoLabels.has(x)) if (missingLabels.length > 0) { console.error( '❌ The following labels do not exist in the tldraw repo:', => JSON.stringify(l)).join(', ') ) console.error( `Add them yourself or update scripts/lib/labels.ts and re-run \`yarn update-pr-template\` to remove them.` ) process.exit(1) } if (!check) { console.log('Writing template to', prTemplatePath) writeFileSync(prTemplatePath, updated) } else { console.log('All good!') } } updatePRTemplate(process.argv.includes('--check'))