import vec from 'utils/vec' import { getArcLength, uniqueId, getSvgPathFromStroke, rng, getBoundsFromPoints, translateBounds, pointInBounds, pointInCircle, circleFromThreePoints, isAngleBetween, getPerfectDashProps, } from 'utils' import { ArrowShape, DashStyle, Decoration, ShapeHandle, ShapeType, } from 'types' import { intersectArcBounds, intersectLineSegmentBounds, } from 'utils/intersections' import { defaultStyle, getShapeStyle } from 'state/shape-styles' import getStroke from 'perfect-freehand' import React from 'react' import { registerShapeUtils } from './register' const pathCache = new WeakMap([]) // A cache for semi-expensive circles calculated from three points function getCtp(shape: ArrowShape) { const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles return circleFromThreePoints(start.point, end.point, bend.point) } const arrow = registerShapeUtils({ boundsCache: new WeakMap([]), defaultProps: { id: uniqueId(), type: ShapeType.Arrow, isGenerated: false, name: 'Arrow', parentId: 'page1', childIndex: 0, point: [0, 0], rotation: 0, isAspectRatioLocked: false, isLocked: false, isHidden: false, bend: 0, handles: { start: { id: 'start', index: 0, point: [0, 0], }, end: { id: 'end', index: 1, point: [1, 1], }, bend: { id: 'bend', index: 2, point: [0.5, 0.5], }, }, decorations: { start: null, middle: null, end: Decoration.Arrow, }, style: { ...defaultStyle, isFilled: false, }, }, create(props) { const shape = { ...this.defaultProps, ...props, decorations: { ...this.defaultProps.decorations, ...props.decorations, }, style: {,, isFilled: false, }, } // shape.handles.bend.point = getBendPoint(shape) return shape }, shouldRender(shape, prev) { return shape.handles !== prev.handles || !== }, render(shape) { const { id, bend, handles, style } = shape const { start, end, bend: _bend } = handles const isStraightLine = vec.isEqual( _bend.point,, end.point) ) const styles = getShapeStyle(style) const strokeWidth = +styles.strokeWidth const sw = strokeWidth * 1.618 const arrowDist = vec.dist(start.point, end.point) let shaftPath: JSX.Element let startAngle: number let endAngle: number if (isStraightLine) { const straight_sw = strokeWidth * (style.dash === DashStyle.Draw && bend === 0 ? 0.9 : 1.618) if ( === DashStyle.Draw && !pathCache.has(shape)) { renderFreehandArrowShaft(shape) } const path = === DashStyle.Draw ? pathCache.get(shape) : 'M' + start.point + 'L' + end.point const { strokeDasharray, strokeDashoffset } = getPerfectDashProps( arrowDist, sw,, 2 ) startAngle = Math.PI endAngle = 0 // Straight arrow path shaftPath = ( <> ) } else { const circle = getCtp(shape) const path = getArrowArcPath(start, end, circle, bend) const { strokeDasharray, strokeDashoffset } = getPerfectDashProps( getArcLength( [circle[0], circle[1]], circle[2], start.point, end.point ) - 1, sw,, 2 ) startAngle = vec.angle([circle[0], circle[1]], start.point) - vec.angle(end.point, start.point) + (Math.PI / 2) * (bend > 0 ? 0.98 : -0.98) endAngle = vec.angle([circle[0], circle[1]], end.point) - vec.angle(start.point, end.point) + (Math.PI / 2) * (bend > 0 ? 0.98 : -0.98) // Curved arrow path shaftPath = ( <> ) } return ( {shaftPath} {shape.decorations.start === Decoration.Arrow && ( )} {shape.decorations.end === Decoration.Arrow && ( )} ) }, rotateBy(shape, delta) { const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles const mp =, end.point) start.point = vec.rotWith(start.point, mp, delta) end.point = vec.rotWith(end.point, mp, delta) bend.point = vec.rotWith(bend.point, mp, delta) this.onHandleChange(shape, shape.handles) return this }, rotateTo(shape, rotation, delta) { const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles const mp =, end.point) start.point = vec.rotWith(start.point, mp, delta) end.point = vec.rotWith(end.point, mp, delta) bend.point = vec.rotWith(bend.point, mp, delta) this.onHandleChange(shape, shape.handles) return this }, getBounds(shape) { if (!this.boundsCache.has(shape)) { const { start, bend, end } = shape.handles this.boundsCache.set( shape, getBoundsFromPoints([start.point, bend.point, end.point]) ) } return translateBounds(this.boundsCache.get(shape), shape.point) }, getRotatedBounds(shape) { const { start, bend, end } = shape.handles return translateBounds( getBoundsFromPoints([start.point, bend.point, end.point], shape.rotation), shape.point ) }, getCenter(shape) { const { start, end } = shape.handles return vec.add(shape.point,, end.point)) }, hitTest(shape, point) { const { start, end } = shape.handles if (shape.bend === 0) { return ( vec.distanceToLineSegment( start.point, end.point, vec.sub(point, shape.point) ) < 4 ) } const [cx, cy, r] = getCtp(shape) return !pointInCircle(point, vec.add(shape.point, [cx, cy]), r - 4) }, hitTestBounds(this, shape, brushBounds) { const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles const sp = vec.add(shape.point, start.point) const ep = vec.add(shape.point, end.point) if (pointInBounds(sp, brushBounds) || pointInBounds(ep, brushBounds)) { return true } if (vec.isEqual(, end.point), bend.point)) { return intersectLineSegmentBounds(sp, ep, brushBounds).length > 0 } else { const [cx, cy, r] = getCtp(shape) const cp = vec.add(shape.point, [cx, cy]) return intersectArcBounds(sp, ep, cp, r, brushBounds).length > 0 } }, transform(shape, bounds, { initialShape, scaleX, scaleY }) { const initialShapeBounds = this.getBounds(initialShape) // let nw = initialShape.point[0] / initialShapeBounds.width // let nh = initialShape.point[1] / initialShapeBounds.height // shape.point = [ // bounds.width * (scaleX < 0 ? 1 - nw : nw), // bounds.height * (scaleY < 0 ? 1 - nh : nh), // ] shape.point = [bounds.minX, bounds.minY] const handles = ['start', 'end'] handles.forEach((handle) => { const [x, y] = initialShape.handles[handle].point const nw = x / initialShapeBounds.width const nh = y / initialShapeBounds.height shape.handles[handle].point = [ bounds.width * (scaleX < 0 ? 1 - nw : nw), bounds.height * (scaleY < 0 ? 1 - nh : nh), ] }) const { start, bend, end } = shape.handles const dist = vec.dist(start.point, end.point) const midPoint =, end.point) const bendDist = (dist / 2) * initialShape.bend const u = vec.uni(vec.vec(start.point, end.point)) const point = vec.add(midPoint, vec.mul(vec.per(u), bendDist)) bend.point = Math.abs(bendDist) < 10 ? midPoint : point return this }, onDoublePointHandle(shape, handle) { switch (handle) { case 'bend': { shape.bend = 0 shape.handles.bend.point = getBendPoint(shape) break } case 'start': { shape.decorations.start = shape.decorations.start ? null : Decoration.Arrow break } case 'end': { shape.decorations.end = shape.decorations.end ? null : Decoration.Arrow break } } return this }, onHandleChange(shape, handles) { for (const id in handles) { const handle = handles[id] shape.handles[] = handle } const midPoint =, shape.handles.end.point) if ('bend' in handles) { const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles const dist = vec.dist(start.point, end.point) const midPoint =, end.point) const u = vec.uni(vec.vec(start.point, end.point)) const ap = vec.add(midPoint, vec.mul(vec.per(u), dist / 2)) const bp = vec.sub(midPoint, vec.mul(vec.per(u), dist / 2)) bend.point = vec.nearestPointOnLineSegment(ap, bp, bend.point, true) shape.bend = vec.dist(bend.point, midPoint) / (dist / 2) const sa = vec.angle(end.point, start.point) const la = sa - Math.PI / 2 if (isAngleBetween(sa, la, vec.angle(end.point, bend.point))) { shape.bend *= -1 } } shape.handles.bend.point = getBendPoint(shape) if (vec.isEqual(shape.handles.bend.point, midPoint)) { shape.bend = 0 } return this }, onSessionComplete(shape) { const bounds = this.getBounds(shape) const offset = vec.sub([bounds.minX, bounds.minY], shape.point) this.translateTo(shape, vec.add(shape.point, offset)) const { start, end, bend } = shape.handles start.point = vec.sub(start.point, offset) end.point = vec.sub(end.point, offset) bend.point = vec.sub(bend.point, offset) shape.handles = { ...shape.handles } return this }, applyStyles(shape, style) { Object.assign(, style) = false return this }, canStyleFill: false, }) export default arrow function getArrowArcPath( start: ShapeHandle, end: ShapeHandle, circle: number[], bend: number ) { return [ 'M', start.point[0], start.point[1], 'A', circle[2], circle[2], 0, 0, bend < 0 ? 0 : 1, end.point[0], end.point[1], ].join(' ') } function getBendPoint(shape: ArrowShape) { const { start, end } = shape.handles const dist = vec.dist(start.point, end.point) const midPoint =, end.point) const bendDist = (dist / 2) * shape.bend const u = vec.uni(vec.vec(start.point, end.point)) return Math.abs(bendDist) < 10 ? midPoint : vec.add(midPoint, vec.mul(vec.per(u), bendDist)) } function renderFreehandArrowShaft(shape: ArrowShape) { const { style, id } = shape const { start, end } = shape.handles const getRandom = rng(id) const strokeWidth = +getShapeStyle(style).strokeWidth * 2 const st = Math.abs(getRandom()) const stroke = getStroke( [ start.point, ...vec.pointsBetween(start.point, end.point), end.point, end.point, end.point, ], { size: strokeWidth / 2, thinning: 0.5 + getRandom() * 0.3, easing: (t) => t * t, end: { taper: 1 }, start: { taper: 1 + 32 * (st * st * st) }, simulatePressure: true, } ) pathCache.set(shape, getSvgPathFromStroke(stroke)) } function getArrowHeadPath(shape: ArrowShape, point: number[], angle = 0) { const { left, right } = getArrowHeadPoints(shape, point, angle) return ['M', left, 'L', point, right].join(' ') } function getArrowHeadPoints(shape: ArrowShape, point: number[], angle = 0) { const { start, end } = shape.handles const stroke = +getShapeStyle( * 2 const arrowDist = vec.dist(start.point, end.point) const arrowHeadlength = Math.min(arrowDist / 3, stroke * 4) // Unit vector from start to end const u = vec.uni(vec.vec(start.point, end.point)) // The end of the arrowhead wings const v = vec.rot(vec.mul(vec.neg(u), arrowHeadlength), angle) // Use the shape's random seed to create minor offsets for the angles const getRandom = rng( return { left: vec.add( point, vec.rot(v, Math.PI / 6 + (Math.PI / 12) * getRandom()) ), right: vec.add( point, vec.rot(v, -(Math.PI / 6) + (Math.PI / 12) * getRandom()) ), } }