import { TldrawFile } from 'tldraw' import * as vscode from 'vscode' import { defaultFileContents, fileExists, loadFile } from './file' import { nicelog } from './utils' export type DocumentChangeEventArgs = | { reason: 'undo' | 'redo' } | { reason: 'revert' fileContents: TldrawFile } export class TLDrawDocument implements vscode.CustomDocument { isBlankDocument = false lastBackupDestination: vscode.Uri | undefined private readonly _onDidChangeDocument = new vscode.EventEmitter() /** Fired to notify webviews that the document has changed. */ public readonly onDidChangeContent = this._onDidChangeDocument.event private readonly _onDidChange = new vscode.EventEmitter<{ readonly label: string undo(): void redo(): void }>() public readonly onDidChange = this._onDidChange.event private readonly _onDidDispose = new vscode.EventEmitter() /** Fired when the document is disposed of. */ public readonly onDidDispose = this._onDidDispose.event private disposables: vscode.Disposable[] = [ this._onDidChange, this._onDidChangeDocument, this._onDidDispose, ] private constructor( public uri: vscode.Uri, public documentData: TldrawFile, backupId: string | undefined ) { this.isBlankDocument = backupId === 'undefined' } static async create(uri: vscode.Uri, backupId: string | undefined) { let fileData: TldrawFile if (typeof backupId === 'string' && (await fileExists(vscode.Uri.parse(backupId)))) { fileData = await TLDrawDocument.readFile(vscode.Uri.parse(backupId)) } else { fileData = await TLDrawDocument.readFile(uri) } return new TLDrawDocument(uri, fileData, backupId) } makeEdit(nextFile: TldrawFile) { nicelog('makeEdit') const prevData = this.documentData this.documentData = nextFile{ label: 'edit', undo: async () => { nicelog('undo') this.documentData = prevData{ reason: 'undo', }) }, redo: async () => { nicelog('redo') this.documentData = nextFile{ reason: 'redo', }) }, }) } dispose(): void { this.disposables.forEach((d) => d.dispose()) } private static async readFile(uri: vscode.Uri): Promise { nicelog('readFile') if (uri.scheme === 'untitled') { return defaultFileContents } const fileContents = await vscode.workspace.fs.readFile(uri) return loadFile(Buffer.from(fileContents).toString('utf8')) } async loadBlankDocument() { this.documentData = defaultFileContents await this.writeToResource(this.uri) if (this.lastBackupDestination && (await fileExists(this.lastBackupDestination))) { await vscode.workspace.fs.delete(this.lastBackupDestination) } } /** Called by VS Code when the user saves the document. */ async save(cancellation: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { nicelog('save') await this.saveAs(this.uri, cancellation) } /** Called by VS Code when the user saves the document to a new location. */ async saveAs(targetResource: vscode.Uri, cancellation: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { nicelog('saveAs') if (cancellation.isCancellationRequested) { return } await this.writeToResource(targetResource) } private async writeToResource(targetResource: vscode.Uri) { const fileContents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(this.documentData, null, '\t'), 'utf8') await vscode.workspace.fs.writeFile(targetResource, fileContents) } /** Called by VS Code when the user calls `revert` on a document. */ async revert(_cancellation: vscode.CancellationToken): Promise { nicelog('revert') const diskContent = await TLDrawDocument.readFile(this.uri) this.documentData = diskContent{ reason: 'revert', fileContents: diskContent, }) } /** * Called by VS Code to backup the edited document. * * These backups are used to implement hot exit. */ async backup( destination: vscode.Uri, cancellation: vscode.CancellationToken ): Promise { nicelog('backup') this.lastBackupDestination = destination await this.saveAs(destination, cancellation) return { id: destination.toString(), delete: async () => { try { await vscode.workspace.fs.delete(destination) } catch { // noop } }, } } async v1Backup(backupSaved: string, backupFailed: string) { const regex = /\.tldr$/gi if (!regex.test(this.uri.path)) { vscode.window.showInformationMessage(backupFailed) return } let destination = this.uri.with({ path: this.uri.path.replace(/\.tldr$/gi, ' - old.tldr') }) let exists = await fileExists(destination) let fileNumber = 1 while (exists) { destination = this.uri.with({ path: this.uri.path.replace(/\.tldr$/gi, ` - old (${fileNumber}).tldr`), }) exists = await fileExists(destination) fileNumber++ } await vscode.workspace.fs.copy(this.uri, destination, { overwrite: false }) const fileName = destination.path.split('/').pop() vscode.window.showInformationMessage(`${backupSaved}: ${fileName}`) } }