const { BUILD_NAME, logBrowserstackUrl, filterCapabilities } = require('./wdio.util') global.webdriverService = 'browserstack' global.webdriverTestUrl = 'http://localhost:5420/' const capabilities = [ /** * ==================================================================== * Windows 11 * ==================================================================== */ { 'bstack:options': { os: 'Windows', osVersion: '11', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '3.14.0', }, browserName: 'Chrome', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'chrome', os: 'win32', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { os: 'Windows', osVersion: '11', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '4.6.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'Edge', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'edge', os: 'win32', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { os: 'Windows', osVersion: '11', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '4.6.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'Firefox', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'firefox', os: 'win32', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, /** * ==================================================================== * MacOS * ==================================================================== */ // { // 'bstack:options' : { // "os" : "OS X", // "osVersion" : "Ventura", // "browserVersion" : "16.0", // "seleniumVersion" : "4.6.0", // }, // "acceptInsecureCerts" : "true", // "browserName" : "Safari", // }, { 'bstack:options': { os: 'OS X', osVersion: 'Ventura', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '4.6.0', }, browserName: 'Chrome', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'chrome', os: 'darwin', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { os: 'OS X', osVersion: 'Ventura', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '4.6.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'Firefox', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'firefox', os: 'darwin', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { os: 'OS X', osVersion: 'Ventura', browserVersion: 'latest', seleniumVersion: '4.6.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'Edge', 'tldraw:options': { browser: 'edge', os: 'darwin', ui: 'desktop', device: 'desktop', input: ['mouse'], }, }, /** // * ==================================================================== // * Android // * ==================================================================== // */ { 'bstack:options': { osVersion: '13.0', deviceName: 'Google Pixel 7', appiumVersion: '1.22.0', }, browserName: 'chrome', 'tldraw:options': { appium: true, browser: 'chrome', os: 'android', ui: 'mobile', device: 'mobile', input: ['touch'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { osVersion: '11.0', deviceName: 'Samsung Galaxy S21', appiumVersion: '1.22.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'samsung', 'tldraw:options': { appium: true, browser: 'samsung', os: 'android', ui: 'mobile', device: 'mobile', input: ['touch'], }, }, { 'bstack:options': { osVersion: '11.0', deviceName: 'Samsung Galaxy S21', appiumVersion: '1.22.0', }, acceptInsecureCerts: 'true', browserName: 'chrome', 'tldraw:options': { appium: true, browser: 'chrome', os: 'android', ui: 'mobile', device: 'mobile', input: ['touch'], }, }, /** * ==================================================================== * iOS * ==================================================================== */ // { // 'bstack:options': { // "osVersion" : "16", // "deviceName" : "iPhone 14", // "appiumVersion": "1.22.0" // }, // "acceptInsecureCerts" : "true", // "browserName" : "safari", // }, // { // 'bstack:options': { // "osVersion" : "16", // "deviceName" : "iPad Pro 12.9 2022", // "appiumVersion": "1.22.0" // }, // "acceptInsecureCerts" : "true", // "browserName" : "safari", // }, ].map((capability) => { return { ...capability, acceptInsecureCerts: true, 'bstack:options': { ...capability['bstack:options'], projectName: 'tldraw', buildName: BUILD_NAME, consoleLogs: 'verbose', }, 'tldraw:options': { ...capability['tldraw:options'], }, } }) exports.config = { user: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_USER, key: process.env.BROWSERSTACK_KEY, hostname: '', specs: ['./test/specs/index.ts'], services: [ [ 'browserstack', { browserstackLocal: true, testObservability: true, testObservabilityOptions: { projectName: 'tldraw', buildName: BUILD_NAME, buildTag: process.env.GITHUB_SHA || 'local', }, opts: { verbose: 'true', }, }, ], ], exclude: [], maxInstances: 1, waitforInterval: 200, /** * Capabilities can be configured via * * The once commented out currently fail on because of insecure certs, details */ capabilities: filterCapabilities(capabilities), bail: 0, waitforTimeout: 10000, connectionRetryTimeout: 120000, connectionRetryCount: 3, framework: 'mocha', reporters: ['spec'], mochaOpts: { ui: 'bdd', timeout: 5 * 60 * 1000, }, logLevel: process.env.WD_LOG_LEVEL ?? 'info', coloredLogs: true, screenshotPath: './errorShots/', waitforTimeout: 30000, connectionRetryTimeout: 90000, connectionRetryCount: 3, beforeSession: (_config, capabilities) => { global.tldrawOptions = capabilities['tldraw:options'] }, afterSession: async (_config, capabilities, _specs) => { await logBrowserstackUrl() }, autoCompileOpts: { autoCompile: true, tsNodeOpts: { transpileOnly: true, swc: true, project: './tsconfig.json', }, }, }