import { ApiItem, ApiItemKind, ApiModel } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model' import { DocCodeSpan, DocEscapedText, DocFencedCode, DocLinkTag, DocNode, DocParagraph, DocPlainText, DocSection, DocSoftBreak, } from '@microsoft/tsdoc' import { assert } from '@tldraw/utils' import { slug as githubSlug } from 'github-slugger' import path from 'path' import prettier from 'prettier' export const API_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), 'api') export const CONTENT_DIR = path.join(process.cwd(), 'content') function isOnParentPage(itemKind: ApiItemKind) { switch (itemKind) { case ApiItemKind.CallSignature: case ApiItemKind.Class: case ApiItemKind.EntryPoint: case ApiItemKind.Enum: case ApiItemKind.Function: case ApiItemKind.Interface: case ApiItemKind.Model: case ApiItemKind.Namespace: case ApiItemKind.Package: case ApiItemKind.TypeAlias: case ApiItemKind.Variable: case ApiItemKind.None: return false case ApiItemKind.Constructor: case ApiItemKind.ConstructSignature: case ApiItemKind.EnumMember: case ApiItemKind.Method: case ApiItemKind.MethodSignature: case ApiItemKind.Property: case ApiItemKind.PropertySignature: case ApiItemKind.IndexSignature: return true default: throw Error(itemKind) } } export function getSlug(item: ApiItem): string { return githubSlug(item.displayName, true) } export function getPath(item: ApiItem): string { if (isOnParentPage(item.kind)) { const parentPath = getPath(item.parent!) const childSlug = getSlug(item) return `${parentPath}#${childSlug}` } return item.canonicalReference .toString() .replace(/^@tldraw\//, '') .replace(/:.+$/, '') .replace(/!/g, '/') .replace(/\./g, '-') } const prettierConfigPromise = prettier.resolveConfig(__dirname) const languages: { [tag: string]: string | undefined } = { ts: 'typescript', tsx: 'typescript', } export async function formatWithPrettier( code: string, { languageTag, // roughly the width of our code blocks on a desktop printWidth = 80, }: { languageTag?: string; printWidth?: number } = {} ) { const language = languages[languageTag || 'ts'] if (!language) { throw new Error(`Unknown language: ${languageTag}`) } const prettierConfig = await prettierConfigPromise let formattedCode = code try { formattedCode = await prettier.format(code, { ...prettierConfig, parser: language, printWidth, tabWidth: 2, useTabs: false, }) } catch (e) { console.warn(`☢️ Could not format code: ${code}`) } // sometimes prettier adds a semicolon to the start of the code when formatting expressions (JSX // in particular), so strip it if we see it if (formattedCode.startsWith(';')) { formattedCode = formattedCode.slice(1) } return formattedCode.trimEnd() } export class MarkdownWriter { static async docNodeToMarkdown(apiContext: ApiItem, docNode: DocNode) { const writer = new MarkdownWriter(apiContext) await writer.writeDocNode(docNode) return writer.toString() } private constructor(private readonly apiContext: ApiItem) {} private result = '' write( string[]): this { this.result += parts.join('') return this } endsWith(str: string) { return this.result.endsWith(str) } writeIfNeeded(str: string): this { if (!this.endsWith(str)) { this.write(str) } return this } async writeDocNode(docNode: DocNode) { if (docNode instanceof DocPlainText) { this.write(docNode.text) } else if (docNode instanceof DocSection || docNode instanceof DocParagraph) { await this.writeDocNodes(docNode.nodes) this.writeIfNeeded('\n\n') } else if (docNode instanceof DocSoftBreak) { this.writeIfNeeded('\n') } else if (docNode instanceof DocCodeSpan) { this.write('`', docNode.code, '`') } else if (docNode instanceof DocFencedCode) { this.writeIfNeeded('\n').write( '```', docNode.language, '\n', await formatWithPrettier(docNode.code, { languageTag: docNode.language, }), '\n', '```\n' ) } else if (docNode instanceof DocEscapedText) { this.write(docNode.encodedText) } else if (docNode instanceof DocLinkTag) { if (docNode.urlDestination) { this.write( '[', docNode.linkText ?? docNode.urlDestination, '](', docNode.urlDestination, ')' ) } else { assert(docNode.codeDestination) const apiModel = getTopLevelModel(this.apiContext) const refResult = apiModel.resolveDeclarationReference( docNode.codeDestination, this.apiContext ) if (refResult.errorMessage) { console.warn(`☢️ Error processing API: ${refResult.errorMessage}`) return } const linkedItem = refResult.resolvedApiItem! const path = getPath(linkedItem) this.write( '[', docNode.linkText ?? getDefaultReferenceText(linkedItem), '](/reference/', path, ')' ) } } else { throw new Error(`Unknown docNode kind: ${docNode.kind}`) } } async writeDocNodes(docNodes: readonly DocNode[]) { for (const docNode of docNodes) { await this.writeDocNode(docNode) } return this } toString() { return this.result } } function getDefaultReferenceText(item: ApiItem): string { function parentPrefix(str: string, sep = '.'): string { if (!item.parent) return str return `${getDefaultReferenceText(item.parent)}${sep}${str}` } switch (item.kind) { case ApiItemKind.CallSignature: return parentPrefix(`${item.displayName}()`) case ApiItemKind.Constructor: case ApiItemKind.ConstructSignature: { const parent = item.parent! return `new ${getDefaultReferenceText(parent)}()` } case ApiItemKind.EnumMember: case ApiItemKind.Method: case ApiItemKind.MethodSignature: case ApiItemKind.Property: case ApiItemKind.PropertySignature: return parentPrefix(item.displayName) case ApiItemKind.IndexSignature: return parentPrefix(`[${item.displayName}]`, '') case ApiItemKind.Class: case ApiItemKind.EntryPoint: case ApiItemKind.Enum: case ApiItemKind.Function: case ApiItemKind.Interface: case ApiItemKind.Model: case ApiItemKind.Namespace: case ApiItemKind.Package: case ApiItemKind.TypeAlias: case ApiItemKind.Variable: case ApiItemKind.None: return item.displayName default: throw Error(item.kind) } } function getTopLevelModel(item: ApiItem): ApiModel { const model = item.getAssociatedModel()! if (model.parent) { return getTopLevelModel(model.parent) } return model }