import { execSync } from 'child_process' import { fetch } from 'cross-fetch' import { existsSync, readFileSync, readdirSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import path, { join } from 'path' import { compare, parse } from 'semver' import { exec } from './exec' import { BUBLIC_ROOT } from './file' import { nicelog } from './nicelog' export type PackageDetails = { name: string dir: string localDeps: string[] version: string } function getPackageDetails(dir: string): PackageDetails | null { const packageJsonPath = path.join(dir, 'package.json') if (!existsSync(packageJsonPath)) { return null } const packageJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join(dir, 'package.json'), 'utf8')) if (packageJson.private) { return null } return { name:, dir, version: packageJson.version, localDeps: Object.keys(packageJson.dependencies ?? {}).filter((dep) => dep.startsWith('@tldraw') ), } } export function getAllPackageDetails(): Record { const dirs = readdirSync(join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages')) const results = dirs .map((dir) => getPackageDetails(path.join(BUBLIC_ROOT, 'packages', dir))) .filter((x): x is PackageDetails => Boolean(x)) return Object.fromEntries( => [, result])) } export function setAllVersions(version: string) { const packages = getAllPackageDetails() for (const packageDetails of Object.values(packages)) { const manifest = JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join(packageDetails.dir, 'package.json'), 'utf8')) manifest.version = version writeFileSync( path.join(packageDetails.dir, 'package.json'), JSON.stringify(manifest, null, '\t') + '\n' ) if ( === '@tldraw/editor') { const versionFileContents = `export const version = '${version}'\n` writeFileSync(path.join(packageDetails.dir, 'src', 'version.ts'), versionFileContents) } if ( === '@tldraw/tldraw') { const versionFileContents = `export const version = '${version}'\n` writeFileSync( path.join(packageDetails.dir, 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'version.ts'), versionFileContents ) } } const lernaJson = JSON.parse(readFileSync('lerna.json', 'utf8')) lernaJson.version = version writeFileSync('lerna.json', JSON.stringify(lernaJson, null, '\t') + '\n') execSync('yarn') } export function getLatestVersion() { const packages = getAllPackageDetails() const allVersions = Object.values(packages).map((p) => parse(p.version)!) allVersions.sort(compare) const latestVersion = allVersions[allVersions.length - 1] if (!latestVersion) { throw new Error('Could not find latest version') } return latestVersion } function topologicalSortPackages(packages: Record) { const sorted: PackageDetails[] = [] const visited = new Set() function visit(packageName: string, path: string[]) { if (visited.has(packageName)) { return } visited.add(packageName) const packageDetails = packages[packageName] if (!packageDetails) { throw new Error(`Could not find package ${packageName}. path: ${path.join(' -> ')}`) } packageDetails.localDeps.forEach((dep) => visit(dep, [...path, dep])) sorted.push(packageDetails) } Object.keys(packages).forEach((packageName) => visit(packageName, [packageName])) return sorted } export async function publish() { const npmToken = process.env.NPM_TOKEN if (!npmToken) { throw new Error('NPM_TOKEN not set') } execSync(`yarn config set npmAuthToken ${npmToken}`, { stdio: 'inherit' }) execSync(`yarn config set npmRegistryServer`, { stdio: 'inherit' }) const packages = getAllPackageDetails() const publishOrder = topologicalSortPackages(packages) for (const packageDetails of publishOrder) { const prereleaseTag = parse(packageDetails.version)?.prerelease[0] ?? 'latest' nicelog( `Publishing ${} with version ${packageDetails.version} under tag @${prereleaseTag}` ) await retry( async () => { let output = '' try { await exec( `yarn`, [ 'npm', 'publish', '--tag', String(prereleaseTag), '--tolerate-republish', '--access', 'public', ], { pwd: packageDetails.dir, processStdoutLine: (line) => { output += line + '\n' nicelog(line) }, processStderrLine: (line) => { output += line + '\n' nicelog(line) }, } ) } catch (e) { if (output.includes('You cannot publish over the previously published versions')) { // --tolerate-republish seems to not work for canary versions??? so let's just ignore this error return } throw e } }, { delay: 10_000, numAttempts: 5, } ) await retry( async ({ attempt, total }) => { nicelog('Waiting for package to be published... attempt', attempt, 'of', total) // fetch the new package directly from the npm registry const newVersion = packageDetails.version const unscopedName ='@tldraw/', '') const url = `${unscopedName}/-/${unscopedName}-${newVersion}.tgz` nicelog('looking for package at url: ', url) const res = await fetch(url, { method: 'HEAD', }) if (res.status >= 400) { throw new Error(`Package not found: ${res.status}`) } }, { delay: 3000, numAttempts: 10, } ) } } function retry( fn: (args: { attempt: number; remaining: number; total: number }) => Promise, opts: { numAttempts: number delay: number } ): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let attempts = 0 function attempt() { fn({ attempt: attempts, remaining: opts.numAttempts - attempts, total: opts.numAttempts }) .then(resolve) .catch((err) => { attempts++ if (attempts >= opts.numAttempts) { reject(err) } else { setTimeout(attempt, opts.delay) } }) } attempt() }) }