import { existsSync, mkdirSync, readdirSync, readFileSync, rmSync } from 'fs' import { join } from 'path' import { SemVer } from 'semver' import { optimize } from 'svgo' import { publishDates, version } from './../packages/editor/src/version' import { readJsonIfExists, REPO_ROOT, writeCodeFile, writeFile, writeJsonFile, writeStringFile, } from './lib/file' import { nicelog } from './lib/nicelog' // We'll need to copy the assets into these folders const PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS = [join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets')] const FONT_MAPPING: Record = { 'IBMPlexMono-Medium': 'monospace', 'IBMPlexSerif-Medium': 'serif', 'IBMPlexSans-Medium': 'sansSerif', 'Shantell_Sans-Tldrawish': 'draw', } const ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH = join(REPO_ROOT, 'assets') const collectedAssetUrls: { fonts: Record icons: Record translations: Record embedIcons: Record } = { fonts: {}, icons: {}, translations: {}, embedIcons: {}, } // 1. ICONS async function copyIcons() { // Get a list of all icons const icons = readdirSync(join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon')).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith('.svg') ) // Write list of names into icon-names.json (just the name, not extension) const iconNames = => name.replace('.svg', '')) const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, 'icons', 'icon') // Create the optimized SVGs const optimizedSvgs = => { const iconPath = join(sourceFolderPath, icon) const content = readFileSync(iconPath, 'utf8') const svg = optimize(content, { path: iconPath }) return { fileName: icon, data: } }) // Optimize all of the svg icons and write them into the new folders for (const folderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const publicIconsRootFolderPath = join(folderPath, 'icons') const pulicIconsFolderPath = join(publicIconsRootFolderPath, 'icon') if (existsSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath)) { rmSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Create the folders mkdirSync(publicIconsRootFolderPath, { recursive: true }) mkdirSync(pulicIconsFolderPath, { recursive: true }) // Copy each optimized icons into the new folder for (const { fileName, data } of optimizedSvgs) { await writeStringFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, fileName), data) } // Write the JSON file containing all of the names of the icons await writeJsonFile(join(pulicIconsFolderPath, 'icon-names.json'), iconNames) } // Get the names of all of the svg icons and create a TypeScript file of valid icon names const iconTypeFile = ` /** @public */ export type TLUiIconType = ${ => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(' | ')} /** @public */ export const iconTypes = [ ${ => JSON.stringify(icon.replace('.svg', ''))).join(', ')} ] as const` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'icon-types.ts'), iconTypeFile ) // add to the asset declaration file for (const icon of icons) { const name = icon.replace('.svg', '') collectedAssetUrls.icons[name] = `icons/icon/${icon}` } } // 2. EMBED-ICONS async function copyEmbedIcons() { const folderName = 'embed-icons' const extension = '.png' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const name = item.replace(extension, '') collectedAssetUrls.embedIcons[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 3. FONTS async function copyFonts() { const folderName = 'fonts' const extension = '.woff2' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((icon) => icon.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const itemWithoutExtension = item.replace(extension, '') const name = FONT_MAPPING[itemWithoutExtension] if (!name) { nicelog('Font mapping not found for', itemWithoutExtension) process.exit(1) } collectedAssetUrls.fonts[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 3. TRANSLATIONS async function copyTranslations() { const folderName = 'translations' const extension = '.json' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((item) => item.endsWith(extension)) for (const publicFolderPath of PUBLIC_FOLDER_PATHS) { const destinationFolderPath = join(publicFolderPath, folderName) // Delete the folder if it exists if (existsSync(destinationFolderPath)) { rmSync(destinationFolderPath, { recursive: true }) } // Make the new folder mkdirSync(destinationFolderPath) // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // Create hardcoded files const uiPath = join( REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'hooks', 'useTranslation' ) // languages.ts const languagesSource = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'languages.json'))! interface Language { label: string locale: string } const languagesFile = ` /** @public */ export const LANGUAGES = ${JSON.stringify( languagesSource.sort((a: Language, b: Language) => a.label.localeCompare(b.label, 'en')) )} as const ` const schemaPath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'tlschema', 'src', 'translations') const schemaLanguagesFilePath = join(schemaPath, 'languages.ts') await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', schemaLanguagesFilePath, languagesFile ) // main.ts const defaultTranslation = await readJsonIfExists(join(sourceFolderPath, 'main.json'))! const defaultTranslationFilePath = join(uiPath, 'defaultTranslation.ts') const defaultTranslationFile = ` /** @internal */ export const DEFAULT_TRANSLATION = ${JSON.stringify(defaultTranslation)} ` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', defaultTranslationFilePath, defaultTranslationFile ) // translationKeys.ts const translationKeys = Object.keys(defaultTranslation).map((key) => `'${key}'`) const translationKeysFilePath = join(uiPath, 'TLUiTranslationKey.ts') const translationKeysFile = ` /** @public */ export type TLUiTranslationKey = ${translationKeys.join(' | ')} ` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', translationKeysFilePath, translationKeysFile ) // add to the asset declaration file for (const item of itemsToCopy) { const name = item.replace(extension, '') collectedAssetUrls.translations[name] = `${folderName}/${item}` } } // 4. WATERMARKS async function copyWatermarks() { const folderName = 'watermarks' const extension = '.svg' const sourceFolderPath = join(ASSETS_FOLDER_PATH, folderName) const itemsToCopy = readdirSync(sourceFolderPath).filter((watermark) => watermark.endsWith(extension) ) const destinationFolderPath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'editor', 'assets', 'watermarks') // Copy all items into the new folder for (const item of itemsToCopy) { await writeFile(join(destinationFolderPath, item), readFileSync(join(sourceFolderPath, item))) } } // 5. ASSET DECLARATION FILES async function writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile() { const codeFilePath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'urls.js') const codeFile = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrlsByMetaUrl(opts) { return { ${Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls) .flatMap(([type, assets]) => [ `${type}: {`, ...Object.entries(assets).map( ([name, href]) => `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(new URL(${JSON.stringify( './' + href )}, import.meta.url).href, opts),` ), '},', ]) .join('\n')} } } ` await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, codeFile) } async function writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile( importSuffix: string, fileName: string ): Promise { let imports = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' ` let declarations = ` /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrlsByImport(opts) { return { ` for (const [type, assets] of Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls)) { declarations += `${type}: {\n` for (const [name, href] of Object.entries(assets)) { const variableName = `${type}_${name}` .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/g, '_') .replace(/_+/g, '_') .replace(/_(.)/g, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase()) imports += `import ${variableName} from ${JSON.stringify('./' + href + importSuffix)};\n` declarations += `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(${variableName}, opts),\n` } declarations += '},\n' } declarations += ` } } ` const codeFilePath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', fileName) await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, imports + declarations ) } async function writeSelfHostedAssetDeclarationFile(): Promise { const codeFilePath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'selfHosted.js') const codeFile = ` // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/triple-slash-reference /// import { formatAssetUrl } from './utils.js' /** * @param {AssetUrlOptions} [opts] * @public */ export function getAssetUrls(opts) { return { ${Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls) .flatMap(([type, assets]) => [ `${type}: {`, ...Object.entries(assets).map( ([name, href]) => `${JSON.stringify(name)}: formatAssetUrl(${JSON.stringify('./' + href)}, opts),` ), '},', ]) .join('\n')} } } ` await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'javascript', codeFilePath, codeFile) } async function writeAssetDeclarationDTSFile() { let dts = ` export type AssetUrl = string | { src: string } export type AssetUrlOptions = { baseUrl?: string } | ((assetUrl: string) => string) export type AssetUrls = { ` for (const [type, assets] of Object.entries(collectedAssetUrls)) { dts += `${type}: {\n` for (const name of Object.keys(assets)) { dts += `${JSON.stringify(name)}: string,\n` } dts += '},\n' } dts += ` } ` const assetDeclarationFilePath = join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'assets', 'types.d.ts') await writeCodeFile('scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', assetDeclarationFilePath, dts) } function getNewPublishDates(packageVersion: string) { const currentVersion = new SemVer(version) const currentPackageVersion = new SemVer(packageVersion) const now = new Date().toISOString() if (currentPackageVersion.major > currentVersion.major) { return { major: now, minor: now, patch: now, } } else if (currentPackageVersion.minor > currentVersion.minor) { return { major: publishDates.major, minor: now, patch: now, } } else if (currentPackageVersion.patch > currentVersion.patch) { return { major: publishDates.major, minor: publishDates.minor, patch: now, } } return publishDates } async function copyVersionToDotCom() { const packageJson = await readJsonIfExists(join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'package.json')) const packageVersion = packageJson.version const publishDates = getNewPublishDates(packageVersion) const file = `export const version = '${packageVersion}' export const publishDates = { major: '${publishDates.major}', minor: '${publishDates.minor}', patch: '${publishDates.patch}', }` await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', join(REPO_ROOT, 'apps', 'dotcom', 'version.ts'), file ) await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'editor', 'src', 'version.ts'), file ) await writeCodeFile( 'scripts/refresh-assets.ts', 'typescript', join(REPO_ROOT, 'packages', 'tldraw', 'src', 'lib', 'ui', 'version.ts'), file ) } // --- RUN async function main() { nicelog('Copying icons...') await copyIcons() nicelog('Copying embed icons...') await copyEmbedIcons() nicelog('Copying fonts...') await copyFonts() nicelog('Copying translations...') await copyTranslations() nicelog('Copying watermarks...') await copyWatermarks() nicelog('Writing asset declaration file...') await writeAssetDeclarationDTSFile() await writeUrlBasedAssetDeclarationFile() await writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile('', 'imports.js') await writeImportBasedAssetDeclarationFile('?url', 'imports.vite.js') await writeSelfHostedAssetDeclarationFile() await copyVersionToDotCom() nicelog('Done!') } main()