import React, { useRef, memo, useEffect } from 'react' import state, { useSelector } from 'state' import styled from 'styles' import { getShapeUtils } from 'state/shape-utils' import { deepCompareArrays } from 'utils' import tld from 'utils/tld' import useShapeEvents from 'hooks/useShapeEvents' import useShape from 'hooks/useShape' import vec from 'utils/vec' import { getShapeStyle } from 'state/shape-styles' interface ShapeProps { id: string } function Shape({ id }: ShapeProps): JSX.Element { const rGroup = useRef(null) const isHidden = useSelector((s) => { const shape = tld.getShape(, id) if (shape === undefined) return true return shape?.isHidden }) const children = useSelector((s) => { const shape = tld.getShape(, id) if (shape === undefined) return [] return shape?.children }) const strokeWidth = useSelector((s) => { const shape = tld.getShape(, id) if (shape === undefined) return 0 const style = getShapeStyle(shape?.style) return +style.strokeWidth }) const transform = useSelector((s) => { const shape = tld.getShape(, id) if (shape === undefined) return '' const center = getShapeUtils(shape).getCenter(shape) const rotation = shape.rotation * (180 / Math.PI) const parentPoint = tld.getShape(, shape.parentId)?.point || [0, 0] return ` translate(${vec.neg(parentPoint)}) rotate(${rotation}, ${center}) translate(${shape.point}) ` }) const isCurrentParent = useSelector((s) => { return === id }) const events = useShapeEvents(id, isCurrentParent, rGroup) const shape = tld.getShape(, id) if (!shape) { console.warn('Could not find that shape:', id) return null } // From here on, not reactive—if we're here, we can trust that the // shape in state is a shape with changes that we need to render. const { isParent, isForeignObject, canStyleFill } = getShapeUtils(shape) return ( {isForeignObject ? ( ) : ( )} {!isHidden && (isForeignObject ? ( ) : ( ))} {isParent && => )} ) } export default memo(Shape) interface RealShapeProps { id: string isParent: boolean strokeWidth: number } const RealShape = memo(function RealShape({ id, isParent, strokeWidth, }: RealShapeProps) { return ( ) }) const ForeignObjectHover = memo(function ForeignObjectHover({ id, }: { id: string }) { const size = useSelector((s) => { const shape = tld.getPage([id] if (shape === undefined) return [0, 0] const bounds = getShapeUtils(shape).getBounds(shape) return [bounds.width, bounds.height] }, deepCompareArrays) return ( ) }) const ForeignObjectRender = memo(function ForeignObjectRender({ id, }: { id: string }) { const shape = useShape(id) const rFocusable = useRef(null) const isEditing = useSelector((s) => === id) useEffect(() => { if (isEditing) { setTimeout(() => { const elm = rFocusable.current if (!elm) return elm.focus() }, 0) } }, [isEditing]) if (shape === undefined) return null return getShapeUtils(shape).render(shape, { isEditing, ref: rFocusable }) }) const StyledShape = styled('path', { strokeLinecap: 'round', strokeLinejoin: 'round', pointerEvents: 'none', }) const EventSoak = styled('use', { opacity: 0, strokeLinecap: 'round', strokeLinejoin: 'round', variants: { variant: { ghost: { pointerEvents: 'all', filter: 'none', opacity: 0, }, hollow: { pointerEvents: 'stroke', }, filled: { pointerEvents: 'all', }, }, }, }) const StyledGroup = styled('g', { outline: 'none', '& > *[data-shy=true]': { opacity: 0, }, '&:hover': { '& > *[data-shy=true]': { opacity: 1, }, }, variants: { isCurrentParent: { true: { '& > *[data-shy=true]': { opacity: 1, }, }, }, }, })