import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node' import { ErrorBoundary } from 'react-error-boundary' import Bounds from './bounds/bounding-box' import BoundsBg from './bounds/bounds-bg' import Brush from './brush' import ContextMenu from './context-menu/context-menu' import Coop from './coop/coop' import Defs from './defs' import Handles from './bounds/handles' import Page from './page' import React, { useRef } from 'react' import state, { useSelector } from 'state' import styled from 'styles' import useCamera from 'hooks/useCamera' import useCanvasEvents from 'hooks/useCanvasEvents' import useZoomEvents from 'hooks/useZoomEvents' function resetError() { null } export default function Canvas(): JSX.Element { const rCanvas = useRef(null) const rGroup = useRef(null) useCamera(rGroup) useZoomEvents() const events = useCanvasEvents(rCanvas) const isReady = useSelector((s) => s.isIn('ready')) return ( {isReady && ( )} ) } const MainSVG = styled('svg', { position: 'fixed', overflow: 'hidden', top: 0, left: 0, width: '100%', height: '100%', touchAction: 'none', zIndex: 100, backgroundColor: '$canvas', pointerEvents: 'all', // cursor: 'none', '& *': { userSelect: 'none', }, }) function ErrorFallback({ error, resetErrorBoundary }) { React.useEffect(() => { const copy = 'Sorry, something went wrong. Press Ok to reset the document, or press cancel to continue and see if it resolves itself.' console.error(error) Sentry.captureException(error) if (window.confirm(copy)) { state.send('RESET_DOCUMENT_STATE') resetErrorBoundary() } }, []) return }