import { Bounds, Shape, ShapeType, Corner, Edge, ShapeStyles, ShapeBinding, Mutable, ShapeByType, Data, } from 'types' import * as vec from 'utils/vec' import { getBoundsCenter, getBoundsFromPoints, getRotatedCorners, } from 'utils/utils' import { boundsCollidePolygon, boundsContainPolygon, pointInBounds, } from 'utils/bounds' import { v4 as uuid } from 'uuid' import circle from './circle' import dot from './dot' import polyline from './polyline' import rectangle from './rectangle' import ellipse from './ellipse' import line from './line' import ray from './ray' import draw from './draw' import arrow from './arrow' import group from './group' /* Shape Utiliies A shape utility is an object containing utility methods for each type of shape in the application. While shapes may be very different, each shape must support a common set of utility methods, such as hit tests or translations, that Operations throughout the app will call these utility methods when performing tests (such as hit tests) or mutations, such as translations. */ export interface ShapeUtility { // A cache for the computed bounds of this kind of shape. boundsCache: WeakMap // Whether to show transform controls when this shape is selected. canTransform: boolean // Whether the shape's aspect ratio can change canChangeAspectRatio: boolean // Whether the shape's style can be filled canStyleFill: boolean // Create a new shape. create(props: Partial): K // Update a shape's styles applyStyles( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, style: Partial ): ShapeUtility translateBy( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, point: number[] ): ShapeUtility translateTo( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, point: number[] ): ShapeUtility rotateBy( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, rotation: number ): ShapeUtility rotateTo( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, rotation: number, delta: number ): ShapeUtility // Transform to fit a new bounding box when more than one shape is selected. transform( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, bounds: Bounds, info: { type: Edge | Corner initialShape: K scaleX: number scaleY: number transformOrigin: number[] } ): ShapeUtility // Transform a single shape to fit a new bounding box. transformSingle( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, bounds: Bounds, info: { type: Edge | Corner initialShape: K scaleX: number scaleY: number transformOrigin: number[] } ): ShapeUtility setProperty

( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, prop: P, value: K[P] ): ShapeUtility // Respond when any child of this shape changes. onChildrenChange( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, children: Shape[] ): ShapeUtility // Respond when a user moves one of the shape's bound elements. onBindingChange( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, bindings: Record ): ShapeUtility // Respond when a user moves one of the shape's handles. onHandleChange( this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable, handle: Partial ): ShapeUtility // Clean up changes when a session ends. onSessionComplete(this: ShapeUtility, shape: Mutable): ShapeUtility // Render a shape to JSX. render(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K): JSX.Element // Get the bounds of the a shape. getBounds(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K): Bounds // Get the routated bounds of the a shape. getRotatedBounds(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K): Bounds // Get the center of the shape getCenter(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K): number[] // Test whether a point lies within a shape. hitTest(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K, test: number[]): boolean // Test whether bounds collide with or contain a shape. hitTestBounds(this: ShapeUtility, shape: K, bounds: Bounds): boolean } // A mapping of shape types to shape utilities. const shapeUtilityMap: Record> = { [ShapeType.Circle]: circle, [ShapeType.Dot]: dot, [ShapeType.Polyline]: polyline, [ShapeType.Rectangle]: rectangle, [ShapeType.Ellipse]: ellipse, [ShapeType.Line]: line, [ShapeType.Ray]: ray, [ShapeType.Draw]: draw, [ShapeType.Arrow]: arrow, [ShapeType.Text]: arrow, [ShapeType.Group]: group, } /** * A helper to retrieve a shape utility based on a shape object. * @param shape * @returns */ export function getShapeUtils(shape: T): ShapeUtility { return shapeUtilityMap[shape.type] as ShapeUtility } function getDefaultShapeUtil(): ShapeUtility { return { boundsCache: new WeakMap(), canTransform: true, canChangeAspectRatio: true, canStyleFill: true, create(props) { return { id: uuid(), isGenerated: false, point: [0, 0], name: 'Shape', parentId: 'page0', childIndex: 0, rotation: 0, isAspectRatioLocked: false, isLocked: false, isHidden: false, ...props, } as T }, render(shape) { return }, translateBy(shape, delta) { shape.point = vec.round(vec.add(shape.point, delta)) return this }, translateTo(shape, point) { shape.point = vec.round(point) return this }, rotateTo(shape, rotation) { shape.rotation = rotation return this }, rotateBy(shape, rotation) { shape.rotation += rotation return this }, transform(shape, bounds) { shape.point = [bounds.minX, bounds.minY] return this }, transformSingle(shape, bounds, info) { return this.transform(shape, bounds, info) }, onChildrenChange() { return this }, onBindingChange() { return this }, onHandleChange() { return this }, onSessionComplete() { return this }, getBounds(shape) { const [x, y] = shape.point return { minX: x, minY: y, maxX: x + 1, maxY: y + 1, width: 1, height: 1, } }, getRotatedBounds(shape) { return getBoundsFromPoints( getRotatedCorners(this.getBounds(shape), shape.rotation) ) }, getCenter(shape) { return getBoundsCenter(this.getBounds(shape)) }, hitTest(shape, point) { return pointInBounds(point, this.getBounds(shape)) }, hitTestBounds(shape, brushBounds) { const rotatedCorners = getRotatedCorners( this.getBounds(shape), shape.rotation ) return ( boundsContainPolygon(brushBounds, rotatedCorners) || boundsCollidePolygon(brushBounds, rotatedCorners) ) }, setProperty(shape, prop, value) { shape[prop] = value return this }, applyStyles(shape, style) { Object.assign(, style) return this }, } } /** * A factory of shape utilities, with typing enforced. * @param shape * @returns */ export function registerShapeUtils( shapeUtil: Partial> ): ShapeUtility { return Object.freeze({ ...getDefaultShapeUtil(), ...shapeUtil }) } export function createShape( type: T, props: Partial> ): ShapeByType { return shapeUtilityMap[type].create(props) as ShapeByType } export default shapeUtilityMap