import { MarkdownWriter } from '@/scripts/utils' import { ApiDocumentedItem, ApiFunction, ApiItem, ApiModel, ApiPackage, ApiVariable, ExcerptToken, ExcerptTokenKind, } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model' import { assert } from '@tldraw/utils' export class TldrawApiModel extends ApiModel { private reactComponents = new Set() private reactComponentProps = new Set() nonBlockingErrors: Error[] = [] async preprocessReactComponents() { for (const packageModel of this.members) { assert(packageModel instanceof ApiPackage) if ( !== 'tldraw') continue const entrypoint = packageModel.entryPoints[0] for (const member of entrypoint.members) { assert(member instanceof ApiDocumentedItem) if (!member.tsdocComment) continue if (!member.tsdocComment.modifierTagSet.hasTagName('@react')) continue this.reactComponents.add(member) try { const props = this.getReactPropsItem(member) if (props instanceof ApiDocumentedItem && props.tsdocComment) { const markdown = await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown( props, props.tsdocComment.summarySection ) if (markdown.trim()) { this.nonBlockingError( props, "Component props should not contain documentation as it won't be included in the docs site. Add it to the component instead." ) } } if (props) this.reactComponentProps.add(props) } catch (e: any) { this.nonBlockingErrors.push(e) } } } } resolveToken(origin: ApiItem, token: ExcerptToken) { const apiItemResult = this.resolveDeclarationReference(token.canonicalReference!, origin) if (apiItemResult.errorMessage) { this.error(origin, apiItemResult.errorMessage) } return apiItemResult.resolvedApiItem! } tryResolveToken(origin: ApiItem, token: ExcerptToken) { const apiItemResult = this.resolveDeclarationReference(token.canonicalReference!, origin) if (apiItemResult.errorMessage) { return null } return apiItemResult.resolvedApiItem! } getReactPropsItem(component: ApiItem): ApiItem | null { if (component instanceof ApiFunction) { if (component.parameters.length === 0) return null this.assert( component, component.parameters.length === 1, `Expected 1 parameter for @react component` ) const propsParam = component.parameters[0] const tokens = propsParam.parameterTypeExcerpt.spannedTokens if (tokens.length === 1 && tokens[0].kind === 'Reference') { return this.resolveToken(component, tokens[0]) } else if ( tokens.length === 2 && tokens[0].kind === 'Reference' && tokens[1].text.startsWith('<') ) { return this.resolveToken(component, tokens[0]) } this.nonBlockingError( component, `Expected props parameter to be a simple reference. Rewrite this to use a \`${component.displayName}Props\` interface.\nFound: ${propsParam.parameterTypeExcerpt.text}` ) return null } else if (component instanceof ApiVariable) { const tokens = component.variableTypeExcerpt.spannedTokens if ( tokens.length === 5 && tokens[0].text === 'import("react").' && tokens[1].text === 'NamedExoticComponent' && tokens[2].text === '<' && tokens[3].kind === ExcerptTokenKind.Reference && tokens[4].text === '>' ) { return this.resolveToken(component, tokens[3]) } if ( tokens.length === 4 && tokens[0].text === 'React.NamedExoticComponent' && tokens[1].text === '<' && tokens[2].kind === ExcerptTokenKind.Reference && tokens[3].text === '>' ) { return this.resolveToken(component, tokens[2]) } if ( tokens.length === 8 && tokens[0].text === 'React.ForwardRefExoticComponent' && tokens[1].text === '<' && tokens[2].kind === ExcerptTokenKind.Reference && tokens[3].text === ' & ' && tokens[4].text === 'React.RefAttributes' && tokens[5].text === '<' && tokens[6].kind === ExcerptTokenKind.Reference && tokens[7].text === '>>' ) { return this.resolveToken(component, tokens[2]) } if (component.variableTypeExcerpt.text === 'import("react").NamedExoticComponent') { // this is a `memo` component with no props return null } this.nonBlockingError( component, `Expected a simple props interface for react component. Got: ${component.variableTypeExcerpt.text}` ) return null } else { this.nonBlockingError(component, `Unknown item kind for @react component: ${component.kind}`) return null } } isComponent(item: ApiItem): boolean { return this.reactComponents.has(item) } isComponentProps(item: ApiItem): boolean { return this.reactComponentProps.has(item) } private createError(item: ApiItem, message: string) { const suffix = '_fileUrlPath' in item && typeof item._fileUrlPath === 'string' ? `\nin ${item._fileUrlPath}` : '' return new Error(`${item.displayName}: ${message}${suffix}`) } nonBlockingError(item: ApiItem, message: string) { this.nonBlockingErrors.push(this.createError(item, message)) } throwEncounteredErrors() { if (this.nonBlockingErrors.length > 0) { throw new Error( => (e as any).message).join('\n\n')) } } error(item: ApiItem, message: string): never { throw this.createError(item, message) } assert(item: ApiItem, condition: unknown, message: string): asserts condition { if (!condition) { this.error(item, message) } } }