import glob from 'fast-glob' import { mkdirSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import { exec } from '../../../scripts/lib/exec' import { Config } from './vercel-output-config' import { config } from 'dotenv' import json5 from 'json5' import { nicelog } from '../../../scripts/lib/nicelog' import { T } from '@tldraw/validate' import { getMultiplayerServerURL } from '../vite.config' const cspDirectives: { [key: string]: string[] } = { 'default-src': [`'self'`], 'connect-src': [ `'self'`, `ws:`, `wss:`, ``, ``, `https://*`, `https://*`, ], 'font-src': [`'self'`, ``, ``], 'frame-src': [`https:`], 'img-src': [`'self'`, `http:`, `https:`, `data:`, `blob:`], 'media-src': [`'self'`, `http:`, `https:`, `data:`, `blob:`], 'style-src': [`'self'`, `'unsafe-inline'`, ``], 'report-uri': [process.env.SENTRY_CSP_REPORT_URI ?? ``], } const csp = Object.keys(cspDirectives) .map((directive) => `${directive} ${cspDirectives[directive].join(' ')}`) .join('; ') const commonSecurityHeaders = { 'Strict-Transport-Security': 'max-age=63072000; includeSubDomains; preload', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', 'Referrer-Policy': 'no-referrer-when-downgrade', 'Content-Security-Policy': csp, } // We load the list of routes that should be forwarded to our SPA's index.html here. // It uses a jest snapshot file because deriving the set of routes from our // react-router config works fine in our test environment, but is tricky to get running in this // build script environment for various reasons (no global React, tsx being weird about decorators, etc). function loadSpaRoutes() { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires const routesJson = require('../src/__snapshots__/routes.test.tsx.snap')['the_routes 1'] const routes = T.arrayOf( T.object({ reactRouterPattern: T.string, vercelRouterPattern: T.string, }) ).validate(json5.parse(routesJson)) return => ({ check: true, src: route.vercelRouterPattern, dest: '/index.html', headers: commonSecurityHeaders, })) } config({ path: './.env.local', }) nicelog('The multiplayer server is', process.env.MULTIPLAYER_SERVER) async function build() { // make sure we have the latest routes await exec('yarn', ['test', 'src/routes.test.tsx']) const spaRoutes = loadSpaRoutes() await exec('vite', ['build', '--emptyOutDir']) await exec('yarn', ['run', '-T', 'sentry-cli', 'sourcemaps', 'inject', 'dist/assets']) // Clear output static folder (in case we are running locally and have already built the app once before) await exec('rm', ['-rf', '.vercel/output']) mkdirSync('.vercel/output', { recursive: true }) await exec('cp', ['-r', 'dist', '.vercel/output/static']) await exec('rm', ['-rf', ...glob.sync('.vercel/output/static/**/*')]) // Add fonts to preload into index.html const assetsList = (await exec('ls', ['-1', 'dist/assets'])).split('\n').filter(Boolean) const fontsToPreload = [ 'Shantell_Sans-Tldrawish', 'IBMPlexSerif-Medium', 'IBMPlexSans-Medium', 'IBMPlexMono-Medium', ] const indexHtml = await readFileSync('.vercel/output/static/index.html', 'utf8') await writeFileSync( '.vercel/output/static/index.html', indexHtml.replace( '', fontsToPreload .map( (font) => `` ) .join('\n') ) ) const multiplayerServerUrl = getMultiplayerServerURL() ?? 'http://localhost:8787' writeFileSync( '.vercel/output/config.json', JSON.stringify( { version: 3, routes: [ // rewrite api calls to the multiplayer server { src: '^/api(/(.*))?$', dest: `${multiplayerServerUrl}$1`, check: true, }, // cache static assets immutably { src: '^/assets/(.*)$', headers: { 'Cache-Control': 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable', 'X-Content-Type-Options': 'nosniff', }, }, // server up index.html specifically because we want to include // security headers. otherwise, it goes to the handle: 'miss' // part below (and _not_ to the spaRoutes as maybe expected!) { check: true, src: '/', dest: '/index.html', headers: commonSecurityHeaders, }, // serve static files { handle: 'miss', }, // finally handle SPA routing ...spaRoutes, // react router will handle drawing the 404 page { check: true, src: '.*', dest: '/index.html', status: 404, headers: commonSecurityHeaders, }, ], overrides: {}, } satisfies Config, null, 2 ) ) } build()