# tldraw Welcome to the public monorepo for [tldraw]( tldraw is an open source library for creating infinite canvas experiences in React. It's the software behind the digital whiteboard []( 👉 Read the docs and learn more at []( ## Local development To run the local development server, first clone this repo. Install dependencies: ```bash yarn ``` Start the local development server: ```bash yarn dev ``` Open the example project at `localhost:5420`. ## License tldraw's source code and distributed packages are provided under the restrictive / copyleft [tldraw license]( You may use and modify tldraw as long as your code is kept open source and licensed under the same AGPLv3 license. If you want to use tldraw in closed-source software or in a project not licensed under AGPL-3.0, you need to purchase a commercial license. We are happy to provide free licenses on a case-by-case basis for use in charitable projects, research projects, or early-stage commercial products. To obtain a commercial license, please contact us at []( ## Trademarks The tldraw name and logo are trademarks of tldraw. Please see our [trademark guidelines]( for info on acceptable usage. ## Community Have questions, comments or feedback? [Join our discord]( or [start a discussion]( ## Contribution Please see our [contributing guide]( Found a bug? Please [submit an issue]( ## Contact Find us on Twitter at [@tldraw]( or email [](mailto:// You can also [join our discord]( for quick help and support.