import { LiveMap } from '@liveblocks/client' import type { TDAsset, TDBinding, TDShape, TDUser, TldrawApp } from '@tldraw/tldraw' import React, { useCallback, useRef, useState } from 'react' import { useHotkeys } from 'react-hotkeys-hook' import { Storage, useRedo, useRoom, useUndo, useUpdateMyPresence } from '~utils/liveblocks' declare const window: Window & { app: TldrawApp } export function useMultiplayerState(roomId: string) { const [app, setApp] = useState() const [error, setError] = useState() const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true) const room = useRoom() const onUndo = useUndo() const onRedo = useRedo() const updateMyPresence = useUpdateMyPresence() const rIsPaused = useRef(false) const rLiveShapes = useRef() const rLiveBindings = useRef() const rLiveAssets = useRef() // Callbacks -------------- // Put the state into the window, for debugging. const onMount = useCallback( (app: TldrawApp) => { app.loadRoom(roomId) app.pause() // Turn off the app's own undo / redo stack = app setApp(app) }, [roomId] ) // Update the live shapes when the app's shapes change. const onChangePage = useCallback( ( app: TldrawApp, shapes: Record, bindings: Record, assets: Record ) => { room.batch(() => { const lShapes = rLiveShapes.current const lBindings = rLiveBindings.current const lAssets = rLiveAssets.current if (!(lShapes && lBindings && lAssets)) return Object.entries(shapes).forEach(([id, shape]) => { if (!shape) { lShapes.delete(id) } else { lShapes.set(, shape) } }) Object.entries(bindings).forEach(([id, binding]) => { if (!binding) { lBindings.delete(id) } else { lBindings.set(, binding) } }) Object.entries(assets).forEach(([id, asset]) => { if (!asset) { lAssets.delete(id) } else { lAssets.set(, asset) } }) }) }, [room] ) // Handle presence updates when the user's pointer / selection changes const onChangePresence = useCallback( (app: TldrawApp, user: TDUser) => { updateMyPresence({ id:, user }) }, [updateMyPresence] ) // Document Changes -------- React.useEffect(() => { const unsubs: (() => void)[] = [] if (!(app && room)) return // Handle errors unsubs.push(room.subscribe('error', (error) => setError(error))) // Handle changes to other users' presence unsubs.push( room.subscribe('others', (others, event) => { if (event.type === 'leave') { if (event.user.presence) { app?.removeUser( } } else { app.updateUsers( others .toArray() .filter((other) => other.presence) .map((other) => other.presence!.user) .filter(Boolean) ) } }) ) let stillAlive = true // Setup the document's storage and subscriptions async function setupDocument() { const storage = await room.getStorage() // Migrate previous versions const version = storage.root.get('version') // Initialize (get or create) maps for shapes/bindings/assets let lShapes = storage.root.get('shapes') if (!lShapes || !('_serialize' in lShapes)) { storage.root.set('shapes', new LiveMap()) lShapes = storage.root.get('shapes') } rLiveShapes.current = lShapes let lBindings = storage.root.get('bindings') if (!lBindings || !('_serialize' in lBindings)) { storage.root.set('bindings', new LiveMap()) lBindings = storage.root.get('bindings') } rLiveBindings.current = lBindings let lAssets = storage.root.get('assets') if (!lAssets || !('_serialize' in lAssets)) { storage.root.set('assets', new LiveMap()) lAssets = storage.root.get('assets') } rLiveAssets.current = lAssets if (!version) { // The doc object will only be present if the document was created // prior to the current multiplayer implementation. At this time, the // document was a single LiveObject named 'doc'. If we find a doc, // then we need to move the shapes and bindings over to the new structures // and then mark the doc as migrated. const doc = storage.root.get('doc') // No doc? No problem. This was likely a newer document if (doc) { const { document: { pages: { page: { shapes, bindings }, }, assets, }, } = doc.toObject() Object.values(shapes).forEach((shape) => lShapes.set(, shape)) Object.values(bindings).forEach((binding) => lBindings.set(, binding)) Object.values(assets).forEach((asset) => lAssets.set(, asset)) } } // Save the version number for future migrations storage.root.set('version', 2.1) // Subscribe to changes const handleChanges = () => { app?.replacePageContent( Object.fromEntries(lShapes.entries()), Object.fromEntries(lBindings.entries()), Object.fromEntries(lAssets.entries()) ) } if (stillAlive) { unsubs.push(room.subscribe(lShapes, handleChanges)) // Update the document with initial content handleChanges() // Zoom to fit the content app.zoomToFit() if (app.zoom > 1) { app.resetZoom() } setLoading(false) } } setupDocument() return () => { stillAlive = false unsubs.forEach((unsub) => unsub()) } }, [room, app]) const onSessionStart = React.useCallback(() => { if (!room) return room.history.pause() rIsPaused.current = true }, [room]) const onSessionEnd = React.useCallback(() => { if (!room) return room.history.resume() rIsPaused.current = false }, [room]) useHotkeys( 'ctrl+shift+l;,⌘+shift+l', () => { if (window.confirm('Reset the document?')) { room.batch(() => { const lShapes = rLiveShapes.current const lBindings = rLiveBindings.current const lAssets = rLiveAssets.current if (!(lShapes && lBindings && lAssets)) return lShapes.forEach((shape) => { lShapes.delete( }) lBindings.forEach((shape) => { lBindings.delete( }) lAssets.forEach((shape) => { lAssets.delete( }) }) } }, [] ) return { onUndo, onRedo, onMount, onSessionStart, onSessionEnd, onChangePage, onChangePresence, error, loading, } }