import styled from 'styles' import { useSelector } from 'state' import { deepCompareArrays, getPage, getSelectedIds, setToArray, } from 'utils/utils' import { getShapeUtils } from 'lib/shape-utils' import useShapeEvents from 'hooks/useShapeEvents' import { memo, useRef } from 'react' import { ShapeType } from 'types' import vec from 'utils/vec' export default function Selected() { const currentSelectedShapeIds = useSelector( ({ data }) => setToArray(getSelectedIds(data)), deepCompareArrays ) const isSelecting = useSelector((s) => s.isIn('selecting')) if (!isSelecting) return null return ( { => ( ))} ) } export const ShapeOutline = memo(function ShapeOutline({ id }: { id: string }) { const rIndicator = useRef(null) const shape = useSelector((s) => getPage([id]) const events = useShapeEvents(id, shape?.type === ShapeType.Group, rIndicator) if (!shape) return null // This needs computation from state, similar to bounds, in order // to handle parent rotation. const center = getShapeUtils(shape).getCenter(shape) const transform = ` rotate(${shape.rotation * (180 / Math.PI)}, ${center}) translate(${shape.point}) ` return ( ) }) const SelectIndicator = styled('path', { zStrokeWidth: 2, strokeLineCap: 'round', strokeLinejoin: 'round', stroke: '$selected', pointerEvents: 'none', fill: 'transparent', variants: { isLocked: { true: { zDash: 2, }, false: {}, }, variant: {}, }, })