import { APIGroup } from '@/types/content-types' import { TldrawApiModel } from '@/utils/TldrawApiModel' import { ApiClass, ApiConstructSignature, ApiConstructor, ApiDeclaredItem, ApiDocumentedItem, ApiEnum, ApiFunction, ApiInterface, ApiItem, ApiItemKind, ApiMethod, ApiMethodSignature, ApiNamespace, ApiOptionalMixin, ApiProperty, ApiPropertySignature, ApiReadonlyMixin, ApiStaticMixin, ApiTypeAlias, ApiVariable, Excerpt, HeritageType, } from '@microsoft/api-extractor-model' import { MarkdownWriter, formatWithPrettier, getPath, getSlug } from '../utils' interface Result { markdown: string keywords: string[] } const date = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { year: 'numeric', month: '2-digit', day: '2-digit', }).format(new Date()) interface Member { item: ApiItem inheritedFrom: ApiItem | null } export async function getApiMarkdown( model: TldrawApiModel, categoryName: string, item: ApiItem, j: number ) { const result: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } const toc: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } const membersResult: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } const isComponent = model.isComponent(item) const componentProps = isComponent ? model.getReactPropsItem(item) : null const contents = collectMembersAndExtends(model, item) if (contents.constructors.length) { const constructorResult: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } for (const member of contents.constructors) { await addMarkdownForMember(model, constructorResult, member) addHorizontalRule(constructorResult) } addMarkdown(membersResult, constructorResult.markdown) } if ( || isComponent) { const propertiesResult: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } if (componentProps) addExtends(propertiesResult, item, contents.heritage) for (const member of { const slug = getSlug(member.item) addMarkdown(toc, ` - [${member.item.displayName}](#${slug})\n`) await addMarkdownForMember(model, propertiesResult, member, { isComponentProp: isComponent, }) addHorizontalRule(propertiesResult) } if ( componentProps && componentProps instanceof ApiDeclaredItem && componentProps?.kind !== 'Interface' ) { propertiesResult.markdown += await excerptToMarkdown(componentProps, componentProps.excerpt, { kind: componentProps.kind, }) } if (propertiesResult.markdown.trim()) { addMarkdown(toc, `- [Properties](#properties)\n`) addMarkdown(membersResult, `## Properties\n\n`) addMarkdown(membersResult, propertiesResult.markdown) } else if (isComponent && !componentProps) { addMarkdown(membersResult, `## Properties\n\n`) addMarkdown(membersResult, `This component does not take any props.\n\n`) } } if (contents.methods.length) { const methodsResult: Result = { markdown: '', keywords: [] } addMarkdown(toc, `- [Methods](#methods)\n`) addMarkdown(methodsResult, `## Methods\n\n`) for (const member of contents.methods) { const slug = getSlug(member.item) addMarkdown(toc, ` - [${member.item.displayName}](#${slug})\n`) await addMarkdownForMember(model, methodsResult, member) addHorizontalRule(methodsResult) } addMarkdown(membersResult, methodsResult.markdown) } await addFrontmatter(model, result, item, categoryName, j) if (toc.markdown.length) { result.markdown += `
\n\tTable of contents\n` addMarkdown(result, toc.markdown) result.markdown += `
\n\n` } if (!isComponent) { addExtends(result, item, contents.heritage) } await addDocComment(model, result, item) if (membersResult.markdown.length) { addHorizontalRule(result) addMarkdown(result, membersResult.markdown) } return result } /* --------------------- Helpers -------------------- */ function sortMembers(members: Member[]) { return members.sort((a, b) => { const aIsStatic = ApiStaticMixin.isBaseClassOf(a.item) && a.item.isStatic const bIsStatic = ApiStaticMixin.isBaseClassOf(b.item) && b.item.isStatic if (aIsStatic && !bIsStatic) return -1 if (!aIsStatic && bIsStatic) return 1 return a.item.displayName.localeCompare(b.item.displayName) }) } function collectMembersAndExtends(model: TldrawApiModel, item: ApiItem) { const isComponent = model.isComponent(item) const constructors: Member[] = [] const properties: Member[] = [] const methods: Member[] = [] const heritage: HeritageType[] = [] function visit(item: ApiItem, inheritedFrom: ApiItem | null) { if (item.members) { for (const member of item.members) { switch (member.kind) { case ApiItemKind.Constructor: case ApiItemKind.ConstructSignature: addMember(constructors, member, inheritedFrom) break case ApiItemKind.Variable: case ApiItemKind.Property: case ApiItemKind.PropertySignature: addMember(properties, member, inheritedFrom) break case ApiItemKind.Method: case ApiItemKind.Function: case ApiItemKind.MethodSignature: if (isComponent) { addMember(properties, member, inheritedFrom) } else { addMember(methods, member, inheritedFrom) } break case ApiItemKind.EnumMember: case ApiItemKind.Class: case ApiItemKind.TypeAlias: case ApiItemKind.Interface: // TODO: document these break default: model.nonBlockingError( member, `Unknown member kind: ${member.kind} in ${item.displayName}` ) break } } } if (model.isComponent(item)) { const componentProps = model.getReactPropsItem(item) if (componentProps) { visit(componentProps, null) } } const extendsTypes = item instanceof ApiClass && item.extendsType ? [item.extendsType] : item instanceof ApiInterface ? item.extendsTypes : [] for (const extendsType of extendsTypes) { if (!inheritedFrom) { heritage.push(extendsType) } const tokens = extendsType.excerpt.spannedTokens let extendedItem = null if (tokens[0].kind === 'Reference') { extendedItem = model.tryResolveToken(item, tokens[0]) } if (extendedItem) { visit(extendedItem, extendedItem) } } } visit(item, null) sortMembers(constructors) sortMembers(properties) sortMembers(methods) return { constructors, properties, methods, heritage } } function addMember(members: Member[], item: ApiItem, inheritedFrom: ApiItem | null) { if (members.some((m) => m.item.displayName === item.displayName)) return members.push({ item, inheritedFrom }) } function addMarkdown(result: Result, markdown: string) { result.markdown += markdown } async function addMarkdownForMember( model: TldrawApiModel, result: Result, { item, inheritedFrom }: Member, { isComponentProp = false } = {} ) { if (item.displayName.startsWith('_')) return addMemberNameAndMeta(result, model, item, { isComponentProp, inheritedFrom }) await addDocComment(model, result, item) } async function addFrontmatter( model: TldrawApiModel, result: Result, member: ApiItem, categoryName: string, order: number ) { let description = '' if (member instanceof ApiDocumentedItem && member.tsdocComment) { const comment = await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown( member, member.tsdocComment.summarySection ) // only up to the first newline description = comment.trim().split('\n')[0].replace(/:/g, '') } let kw = '' if (result.keywords.length) { kw += `\nkeywords:` for (const k of result.keywords) { if (k.startsWith('_')) continue kw += `\n - ${k.trim().split('\n')[0]}` } } const frontmatter: Record = { title: member.displayName, status: 'published', description, category: categoryName, group: model.isComponent(member) ? APIGroup.Component : member.kind, date, order: order.toString(), apiTags: getTags(model, member).join(','), } if (member instanceof ApiDeclaredItem && member.sourceLocation.fileUrl) { frontmatter.sourceUrl = member.sourceLocation.fileUrl } result.markdown += [ '---', ...Object.entries(frontmatter).map(([key, value]) => `${key}: ${value}`), kw, '---', '', ].join('\n') } function addHorizontalRule(result: Result) { result.markdown += `---\n\n` } function getItemTitle(item: ApiItem) { if (item.kind === ApiItemKind.Constructor) { return 'Constructor' } const name = item.displayName if (item.kind === ApiItemKind.Method || item.kind === ApiItemKind.Function) { return `${name}()` } return name } function addMemberNameAndMeta( result: Result, model: TldrawApiModel, item: ApiItem, { level = 3, isComponentProp = false, inheritedFrom = null, }: { level?: number; isComponentProp?: boolean; inheritedFrom?: ApiItem | null } = {} ) { const heading = `${'#'.repeat(level)} ${getItemTitle(item)}` const inherited = inheritedFrom ? { name: inheritedFrom.displayName, link: `/reference/${getPath(inheritedFrom)}` } : null const tags = getTags(model, item, { isComponentProp, includeKind: false }) result.markdown += [ ``, '', heading, '', '', '', ].join('\n') } async function addDocComment(model: TldrawApiModel, result: Result, member: ApiItem) { if (!(member instanceof ApiDocumentedItem)) { return } const isComponent = model.isComponent(member) if (member.tsdocComment) { result.markdown += await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown( member, member.tsdocComment.summarySection ) } if ( !isComponent && (member instanceof ApiVariable || member instanceof ApiTypeAlias || member instanceof ApiProperty || member instanceof ApiPropertySignature || member instanceof ApiClass || member instanceof ApiFunction || member instanceof ApiInterface || member instanceof ApiEnum || member instanceof ApiNamespace || member instanceof ApiMethod) ) { result.markdown += await excerptToMarkdown(member, member.excerpt, { kind: member.kind, }) result.markdown += `\n\n` } if (member.tsdocComment) { const exampleBlocks = member.tsdocComment.customBlocks.filter( (block) => block.blockTag.tagNameWithUpperCase === '@EXAMPLE' ) if (exampleBlocks.length) { result.markdown += `\n\n` result.markdown += `Example\n\n` for (const example of exampleBlocks) { result.markdown += await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown(member, example.content) } } } if (isComponent) return if ( member instanceof ApiMethod || member instanceof ApiMethodSignature || member instanceof ApiConstructor || member instanceof ApiConstructSignature || member instanceof ApiFunction ) { if (!member.parameters.length) { return } else { result.markdown += `Parameters\n\n` result.markdown += '\n\n' for (const param of member.parameters) { result.markdown += '\n' result.markdown += '\n\n' result.markdown += `\`${}\`\n\n` result.markdown += `\n` result.markdown += `\n\n` result.markdown += await excerptToMarkdown(member, param.parameterTypeExcerpt, { kind: 'ParameterType', printWidth: 60, }) result.markdown += `\n\n` if (param.tsdocParamBlock) { result.markdown += await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown( member, param.tsdocParamBlock.content ) } result.markdown += `\n\n\n` result.markdown += `\n` } result.markdown += '\n\n' } if (!(member instanceof ApiConstructor)) { result.markdown += `Returns\n\n` result.markdown += await excerptToMarkdown(member, member.returnTypeExcerpt, { kind: 'ReturnType', }) result.markdown += `\n\n` if (member.tsdocComment && member.tsdocComment.returnsBlock) { result.markdown += await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown( member, member.tsdocComment.returnsBlock.content ) } } } else if ( member instanceof ApiVariable || member instanceof ApiTypeAlias || member instanceof ApiProperty || member instanceof ApiPropertySignature || member instanceof ApiClass || member instanceof ApiInterface || member instanceof ApiEnum || member instanceof ApiNamespace ) { const params = member.tsdocComment?.params if (params && params.count > 0) { result.markdown += `Parameters\n\n` result.markdown += '\n\n' for (const block of params.blocks) { result.markdown += '\n' result.markdown += '\n\n' result.markdown += `\`${block.parameterName}\`\n\n` result.markdown += `\n` result.markdown += `\n\n` result.markdown += await MarkdownWriter.docNodeToMarkdown(member, block.content) result.markdown += `\n\n\n` result.markdown += `\n` } result.markdown += '\n\n' } } else { model.nonBlockingError(member, `Unknown member kind: ${member.kind}`) } } async function excerptToMarkdown( item: ApiItem, excerpt: Excerpt, { kind, printWidth }: { kind: ApiItemKind | 'ReturnType' | 'ParameterType'; printWidth?: number } ) { const links = {} as Record let code = '' for (const token of excerpt.spannedTokens) { code += token.text if (!token.canonicalReference) continue const apiItemResult = item .getAssociatedModel()! .resolveDeclarationReference(token.canonicalReference!, item) if (apiItemResult.errorMessage) continue const apiItem = apiItemResult.resolvedApiItem! const url = `/reference/${getPath(apiItem)}` links[token.text] = url } code = code.replace(/^export /, '') code = code.replace(/^declare /, '') switch (kind) { case ApiItemKind.CallSignature: case ApiItemKind.EntryPoint: case ApiItemKind.EnumMember: case ApiItemKind.Function: case ApiItemKind.Model: case ApiItemKind.Namespace: case ApiItemKind.None: case ApiItemKind.Package: case ApiItemKind.TypeAlias: code = await formatWithPrettier(code, { printWidth }) break case 'ReturnType': case 'ParameterType': code = await formatWithPrettier(`type X = () =>${code}`, { printWidth }) if (!code.startsWith('type X = () =>')) { throw Error() } code = code = code.replace(/^type X = \(\) =>[ \n]/, '') break case ApiItemKind.Class: case ApiItemKind.Enum: case ApiItemKind.Interface: code = await formatWithPrettier(`${code} {}`, { printWidth }) break case ApiItemKind.Constructor: case ApiItemKind.ConstructSignature: case ApiItemKind.IndexSignature: case ApiItemKind.Method: case ApiItemKind.MethodSignature: case ApiItemKind.Property: case ApiItemKind.PropertySignature: case ApiItemKind.Variable: code = await formatWithPrettier(`class X { ${code} }`, { printWidth }) if (!(code.startsWith('class X {\n') && code.endsWith('\n}'))) { throw Error() } code = code.slice('class X {\n'.length, -'\n}'.length) code = code.replace(/^ {2}/gm, '') break default: throw Error() } return [ ``, '', '```ts', code, '```', '', '', ].join('\n') } function getTags( model: TldrawApiModel, member: ApiItem, { isComponentProp = false, includeKind = true } = {} ) { const tags = [] if (ApiStaticMixin.isBaseClassOf(member) && member.isStatic) { tags.push('static') } let kind = member.kind.toLowerCase() if (ApiReadonlyMixin.isBaseClassOf(member) && member.isReadonly) { if (member.kind === ApiItemKind.Variable) { kind = 'constant' } else if (!isComponentProp) { tags.push('readonly') } } if (model.isComponent(member)) { kind = 'component' } if (ApiOptionalMixin.isBaseClassOf(member) && member.isOptional) { tags.push('optional') } if (includeKind) { tags.push(kind) } return tags } function addExtends(result: Result, item: ApiItem, heritage: HeritageType[]) { if (!heritage.length) return const links = {} as Record for (const type of heritage) { for (const token of type.excerpt.spannedTokens) { if (!token.canonicalReference) continue const apiItemResult = item .getAssociatedModel()! .resolveDeclarationReference(token.canonicalReference!, item) if (apiItemResult.errorMessage) continue const apiItem = apiItemResult.resolvedApiItem! links[token.text] = `/reference/${getPath(apiItem)}` } } result.markdown += [ ``, '', `Extends \`${ => type.excerpt.text).join(', ')}\`.`, '', '', '', ].join('\n') }