Commit graph

14 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Steve Ruiz
Camera options followups (#3701)
This PR adds a slideshow example (similar to @TodePond's slides but more
on rails) as a way to put some pressure on camera controls.

Along the way, it fixes some issues I found with animations and the new
camera controls.

- forced changes will continue to force through animations
- animations no longer set unnecessary additional listeners
- animations end correctly
- updating camera options does not immediately update the camera (to
allow for animations, etc.)

It also changes the location of the "in front of the canvas" element so
that it is not hidden by the hit test blocking element.

### Change Type

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
2024-05-07 10:06:35 +00:00
Mitja Bezenšek
Readonly / room creation omnibus (#3192)
Reworks how the readonly urls work. Till now we just used a simple
function that would scramble the slugs. Now we use a proper key value
mapping between regular and readonly slugs:

- We use two KV stores. One is for going from a slug to a readonly slug
and the other one for going the other way around. They are populated at
the same time.
- We separate preview KV stores (dev, preview, staging) from production
one. I've already created these on Cloudflare. [My understanding is
ids [can be
since we can only access KV from our worker. Happy to move them to env
variables though.

- [x] Disable creating new rooms when tldraw is embedded inside iframes
on other websites (we check the referrer and if it's not the same as the
iframe's origin we don't allow it)
- [x] Fork a project when inside an iframe now opens the forked project
on and not inside iframe.
- [x] We allow embeding of iframes, but we now track the where they are
used via the referrer. We send this to Vercel analytics.
- [x] Improved UX of the share menu to make it less confusing. Toggle is
- [x]  `/new` and `/r` routes not redirect to `/`.
- [x] This introduces a new `/ro` route for readonly rooms. Legacy rooms
still live on `/v`.
- [x] Brought back `dotcom-shared` project to share code between BE and
FE. Mostly types.
- [x] Prevent creating of rooms by entering `/r/non-existing-slug`. 
- [x] Handle getting a readonly slug for old rooms. Added a comment
about it
- [x] We no longer expose editor on the window object for readonly
rooms. Prevents the users disabling readonly rooms manually.

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [ ] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [ ] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [ ] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know

### Test Plan
1. Make sure old readonly rooms still work.
2. Creating a readonly link from an existing room should still use `/v`
3. Newly created rooms should use `/ro` path for readonly rooms. Make
sure these work as well.
4. `/r` room was disabled and redirects to `/`
5. `/new` should still work when not inside iframes.

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

1. This adds new functionality for readonly rooms:
- We have a new route `/ro` for newly created readonly rooms. These
rooms no longer use the scrambling logic to create readonly slugs.
Instead we now use KV storage from cloudflare to track the mapping for
slugs -> readonly slug and readonly slug -> slug.
- The old route `/v` is preserved, so that the old room still work as
they did before.
- For old rooms we will keep on generating the old readonly slugs, but
for new rooms we'll start using the new logic.
2. We no longer prevent embedding of tldraw inside iframes. 
3. We do prevent generating new rooms from inside the iframes though.
`/r`, `/new`, `/r/non-existing-id` should not allow creation of new
rooms inside iframes. Only `/new` still works when not inside iframes.
4. Forking a project from inside an iframe now opens it on
5. Slight copy change on the sharing menu. We no longer have a toggle
between readonly and non-readonly links.
6. `editor` and `app` are no longer exposed on the window object for
readonly rooms. Prevents users from using the `updateInstanceState` to
escape readonly rooms.


Co-authored-by: Mime Čuvalo <>
2024-04-25 14:10:40 +00:00
Steve Ruiz
[chore] Bump browser-fs-access. (#3277)
This PR bumps browser-fs-access to the latest version.

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [ ] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [ ] `dotcom` — Changes the web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [x] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [ ] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [x] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know
2024-03-29 10:56:30 +00:00
Dan Groshev
use native structuredClone on node, cloudflare workers, and in tests (#3166)
Currently, we only use native `structuredClone` in the browser, falling
back to `JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(...))` elsewhere, despite Node
supporting `structuredClone` [since
and Cloudflare Workers supporting it [since
This PR adjusts our shim to use the native `structuredClone` on all
platforms, if available.

Additionally, `jsdom` doesn't implement `structuredClone`, a bug [open
since 2022]( This PR patches
`jsdom` environment in all packages/apps that use it for tests.

Also includes a driveby removal of `deepCopy`, a function that is
strictly inferior to `structuredClone`.

### Change Type

<!--  Please select a 'Scope' label ️ -->

- [x] `sdk` — Changes the tldraw SDK
- [x] `dotcom` — Changes the web app
- [ ] `docs` — Changes to the documentation, examples, or templates.
- [ ] `vs code` — Changes to the vscode plugin
- [ ] `internal` — Does not affect user-facing stuff

<!--  Please select a 'Type' label ️ -->

- [ ] `bugfix` — Bug fix
- [ ] `feature` — New feature
- [x] `improvement` — Improving existing features
- [x] `chore` — Updating dependencies, other boring stuff
- [ ] `galaxy brain` — Architectural changes
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code
- [ ] `tools` — Changes to infrastructure, CI, internal scripts,
debugging tools, etc.
- [ ] `dunno` — I don't know

### Test Plan

1. A smoke test would be enough

- [ ] Unit Tests
- [x] End to end tests
2024-03-18 17:16:09 +00:00
Dan Groshev
Better websocket reconnection handling (#2960)
Right now it's fairly easy to encounter a situation when a tab coming
online wouldn't recognise that the connection can now be reestablished
for a while. This PR cleans up reconnection logic, reenables tests, and
makes sure we get online as robustly as possible.

### Change Type

- [x] `patch` — Bug fix

### Test Plan

1. Check that reconnection works as expected

- [x] End to end tests


Co-authored-by: David Sheldrick <>
2024-03-04 16:48:14 +00:00
tldraw_final_v6_final(old version).docx.pdf (#2998)
Rename `@tldraw/tldraw` to just `tldraw`! `@tldraw/tldraw` still exists
as an alias to `tldraw` for folks who are still using that.

### Test Plan

- [x] Unit Tests
- [ ] End to end tests

### Release Notes

- The `@tldraw/tldraw` package has been renamed to `tldraw`. You can
keep using the old version if you want though!
2024-02-29 16:06:19 +00:00
David Sheldrick
[dx] Derive vercel routes from react-router config (#2937)
I had some free time at the end of the week so I investigated the idea
of deriving the vercel routing config from the react-router config, then
storing the derived vercel route info in a jest snapshot, and then
loading the jest snapshot during the build script.

Seems to work well!

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-02-26 12:30:35 +00:00
Dan Groshev
Make Vercel URL rewrites precise (#2913)
### The problem

Right now we use a catchall path in Vercel routing config to rewrite all
requests that don't match existing assets to `/index.html`, which is
needed for client side routing to work. This, however, messes up 404
errors for truly non-existing files which won't be handled by the SPA,
because they get redirected to index.html.

Even worse, this interacts very poorly with caching. Normally if we
request a non-existent file, then put the file in place, and request the
file again, we'll get 404 the first time and the actual file the second
time. However, in our case we instead return `/index.html` after the
first attempt and cache that response, making it impossible to correct a
missing file without cache flush.

### The solution

One way to fix this is to make the regex in Vercel config precise, so
that they only match our SPA routes. However, it can be dangerous,
because this means we'll need to manually update the config with new SPA
routes every time we add any. This PR tests that regexes we're using in
Vercel match all routes that we set in the SPA router.

### Potential future improvements

It's very possible to generate Vercel's config from React Router routing
objects, but at the moment it's not done because that would require
importing most of dotcom during the build phase, which seem to cause

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published

### Test Plan

1. Might need a light smoke test after deployment to dotcom.

- [x] End to end tests
2024-02-22 18:25:45 +00:00
Mime Čuvalo
dev: swap yarn test and test-dev for better dx (#2773)
As discussed offline, just making `yarn test` do what we expect it to.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-02-14 16:05:59 +00:00
Dan Groshev
make CI check for yarn install warnings and fix the peer deps ones we have (#2683)
- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
2024-01-30 11:41:46 +00:00
Mime Čuvalo
dev: add test-dev command for easier testing of packages (#2627)
@si14 you might know a better way to wire this up! lemme know if there's
something more clever here.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published

### Release Notes

- Adds easier testing command for individual packages.
2024-01-29 10:29:38 +00:00
David Sheldrick
[dotcom] Delete service worker, cache tldraw assets (#2552)
A few things happening here

- Delete our service worker. Turns out that a couple of years back
browsers decided that a service worker is no longer required for a PWA
so you can just have the manifest and still install on the user's
- Cache tldraw's assets as part of the dotcom vite asset pipeline. This
allows them to participate in the asset coalescing (preserving old
versions of asset files so old clients don't stop working when you
deploy new versions of things, see for more context).
- Add a new 'imports.vite.js' file to the assets package, because we
import a bunch of json translation files, and vite imports .json files
as parsed json objects instead of string urls, and there's no good way
to tell it not to. Even if there was we wouldn't want to impose that
config on our users. So another way to tell vite to load any asset as a
url string is to append `?url` to the end of the import path. That's
what this file does.

closes [#2486](

### Change Type

- [x] `minor` — New feature

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version

### Release Notes

- Fix 'could not load assets' error that we often see on
after a deploy
2024-01-19 15:31:01 +00:00
Dan Groshev
Bump Yarn to 4.0.2 and add version constraints (#2481)
This PR bumps Yarn to 4.0.2, adds version constraints and fixes reported

Current constraints (per @ds300):

1. all dependencies (both prod and dev) should have consistent versions
across the project
2. only the root `package.json` should have `packageManager` set

Removed 54 packages due to deduplication.

### Change Type

- [ ] `patch` — Bug fix
- [ ] `minor` — New feature
- [ ] `major` — Breaking change
- [x] `dependencies` — Changes to package dependencies[^1]
- [ ] `documentation` — Changes to the documentation only[^2]
- [ ] `tests` — Changes to any test code only[^2]
- [ ] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published
- [ ] I don't know

[^1]: publishes a `patch` release, for devDependencies use `internal`
[^2]: will not publish a new version


<summary>An example of a report with a bunch of problems</summary>

❯ yarn constraints
➤ Errors prefixed by '⚙' can be fixed by running yarn constraints --fix

├─ @tldraw/monorepo@workspace:.
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/parser"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.37.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '8.36.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-config-prettier"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.8.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.3.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-plugin-react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^7.32.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.28.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^3.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│     ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│     └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
├─ @tldraw/docs@workspace:apps/docs
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@types/ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.5.9' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.5.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.37.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '8.36.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-config-next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '13.2.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '12.2.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^14.0.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^13.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["prettier-plugin-organize-imports"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^3.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ dotcom@workspace:apps/dotcom
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@radix-ui/react-popover"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '1.0.6-rc.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-router-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^6.17.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^6.9.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["vite"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.3.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ dotcom-asset-upload@workspace:apps/dotcom-asset-upload
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["itty-router"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.6' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.13' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.5.9' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.5.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/bookmark-extractor@workspace:apps/dotcom-bookmark-extractor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/dotcom-worker@workspace:apps/dotcom-worker
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["itty-router"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.6' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.13' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@vercel/analytics"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^1.1.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-router-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^6.17.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^6.9.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["vite"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.3.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ huppy@workspace:apps/huppy
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^14.0.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^13.2.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["eslint-config-next"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '13.2.4' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '12.2.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/vscode-editor@workspace:apps/vscode/editor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["concurrently"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.2.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["dotenv"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^16.3.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^16.0.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["react-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ tldraw-vscode@workspace:apps/vscode/extension
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@typescript-eslint/parser"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.57.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.10.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tslib"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.6.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.4.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["tsx"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^3.12.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^4.0.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ config@workspace:config
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-config-prettier"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.8.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.3.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["eslint-plugin-react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^7.32.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '7.28.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Missing field packageManager; expected null
├─ @tldraw/assets@workspace:packages/assets
│  └─ ⚙ Missing field packageManager; expected null
├─ @tldraw/editor@workspace:packages/editor
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@testing-library/jest-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.16.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.14.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-canvas-mock"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.5.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.5.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-environment-jsdom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^29.4.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^28.1.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/state@workspace:packages/state
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@types/react"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^18.2.47' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^18.2.33' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/store@workspace:packages/store
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tldraw@workspace:packages/tldraw
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["@radix-ui/react-popover"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '1.0.6-rc.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^1.0.7' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["@testing-library/jest-dom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.16.5' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.14.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-canvas-mock"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^2.5.1' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^2.5.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["jest-environment-jsdom"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^29.4.3' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^28.1.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tlschema@workspace:packages/tlschema
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/tlsync@workspace:packages/tlsync
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting dependencies["ws"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^8.14.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  ├─ '^8.13.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^8.16.0' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
│  │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/utils@workspace:packages/utils
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
├─ @tldraw/validate@workspace:packages/validate
│  └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'
└─ @tldraw/scripts@workspace:scripts
   ├─ Conflict detected in constraint targeting devDependencies["typescript"]; conflicting values are:
   │  ├─ '^5.2.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
   │  └─ '^5.0.2' at enforceConsistentDependenciesAcrossTheProject (…/tldraw/yarn.config.cjs:14:15)
   └─ ⚙ Invalid field packageManager; expected null, found 'yarn@3.5.0'

2024-01-18 11:09:17 +00:00
Steve Ruiz
unbrivate, dot com in (#2475)
This PR moves the app into the public repo.

### Change Type

- [x] `internal` — Any other changes that don't affect the published


Co-authored-by: Dan Groshev <>
Co-authored-by: alex <>
2024-01-16 14:38:05 +00:00