Fix build errors

This commit is contained in:
Steve Ruiz 2021-08-11 22:11:23 +01:00
parent e71bf1d327
commit c92eba9c4e
19 changed files with 290 additions and 46 deletions

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module.exports = {
// enable the rule specifically for TypeScript files
files: ['*.ts', '*.tsx'],
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': [false],
'@typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types': [0],

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"test": "jest",
"lerna": "lerna",
"start": "lerna run dev --stream --parallel",
"start:www": "lerna run dev --stream --parallel & cd packages/www && yarn build",
"start:www": "lerna run dev --stream --parallel & cd packages/www && yarn build",
"build": "yarn build:packages && cd packages/www && yarn build",
"build:packages": "cd packages/core && yarn build && cd ../tldraw && yarn build"

packages/core/src/types.d.ts vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
/// <reference types="react" />
export interface TLPage<T extends TLShape> {
id: string;
name?: string;
childIndex?: number;
shapes: Record<string, T>;
bindings: Record<string, TLBinding>;
backgroundColor?: string;
export interface TLPageState {
id: string;
brush?: TLBounds;
pointedId?: string;
hoveredId?: string;
editingId?: string;
bindingId?: string;
boundsRotation?: number;
currentParentId?: string;
selectedIds: string[];
camera: {
point: number[];
zoom: number;
export interface TLHandle {
id: string;
index: number;
point: number[];
canBind?: boolean;
bindingId?: string;
export interface TLShape {
id: string;
type: string;
parentId: string;
childIndex: number;
name: string;
point: number[];
rotation?: number;
children?: string[];
handles?: Record<string, TLHandle>;
isLocked?: boolean;
isHidden?: boolean;
isEditing?: boolean;
isGenerated?: boolean;
isAspectRatioLocked?: boolean;
export declare type TLShapeUtils<T extends TLShape> = Record<string, TLShapeUtil<T>>;
export interface TLRenderInfo<T extends SVGElement | HTMLElement = any> {
isEditing: boolean;
isBinding: boolean;
isDarkMode: boolean;
isCurrentParent: boolean;
ref?: React.RefObject<T>;
onTextChange?: TLCallbacks['onTextChange'];
onTextBlur?: TLCallbacks['onTextBlur'];
onTextFocus?: TLCallbacks['onTextFocus'];
onTextKeyDown?: TLCallbacks['onTextKeyDown'];
onTextKeyUp?: TLCallbacks['onTextKeyUp'];
export interface TLTool {
id: string;
name: string;
export interface TLBinding {
id: string;
type: string;
toId: string;
fromId: string;
export interface TLSettings {
isDebugMode: boolean;
isDarkMode: boolean;
isPenMode: boolean;
export interface TLTheme {
brushFill?: string;
brushStroke?: string;
selectFill?: string;
selectStroke?: string;
background?: string;
foreground?: string;
export declare type TLWheelEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<string>, e: React.WheelEvent<Element> | WheelEvent) => void;
export declare type TLPinchEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<string>, e: React.WheelEvent<Element> | WheelEvent | React.TouchEvent<Element> | TouchEvent) => void;
export declare type TLPointerEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<string>, e: React.PointerEvent) => void;
export declare type TLCanvasEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<'canvas'>, e: React.PointerEvent) => void;
export declare type TLBoundsEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<'bounds'>, e: React.PointerEvent) => void;
export declare type TLBoundsHandleEventHandler = (info: TLPointerInfo<TLBoundsCorner | TLBoundsEdge | 'rotate'>, e: React.PointerEvent) => void;
export interface TLCallbacks {
onChange: (ids: string[]) => void;
onPinchStart: TLPinchEventHandler;
onPinchEnd: TLPinchEventHandler;
onPinch: TLPinchEventHandler;
onPan: TLWheelEventHandler;
onZoom: TLWheelEventHandler;
onPointerMove: TLPointerEventHandler;
onPointerUp: TLPointerEventHandler;
onPointerDown: TLPointerEventHandler;
onPointCanvas: TLCanvasEventHandler;
onDoubleClickCanvas: TLCanvasEventHandler;
onRightPointCanvas: TLCanvasEventHandler;
onDragCanvas: TLCanvasEventHandler;
onReleaseCanvas: TLCanvasEventHandler;
onPointShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onDoubleClickShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onRightPointShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onDragShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onHoverShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onUnhoverShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onReleaseShape: TLPointerEventHandler;
onPointBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onDoubleClickBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onRightPointBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onDragBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onHoverBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onUnhoverBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onReleaseBounds: TLBoundsEventHandler;
onPointBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onDoubleClickBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onRightPointBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onDragBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onHoverBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onUnhoverBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onReleaseBoundsHandle: TLBoundsHandleEventHandler;
onPointHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onDoubleClickHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onRightPointHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onDragHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onHoverHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onUnhoverHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onReleaseHandle: TLPointerEventHandler;
onTextChange: (id: string, text: string) => void;
onTextBlur: (id: string) => void;
onTextFocus: (id: string) => void;
onTextKeyDown: (id: string, key: string) => void;
onTextKeyUp: (id: string, key: string) => void;
onBlurEditingShape: () => void;
onError: (error: Error) => void;
export interface TLBounds {
minX: number;
minY: number;
maxX: number;
maxY: number;
width: number;
height: number;
rotation?: number;
export declare type TLIntersection = {
didIntersect: boolean;
message: string;
points: number[][];
export declare enum TLBoundsEdge {
Top = "top_edge",
Right = "right_edge",
Bottom = "bottom_edge",
Left = "left_edge"
export declare enum TLBoundsCorner {
TopLeft = "top_left_corner",
TopRight = "top_right_corner",
BottomRight = "bottom_right_corner",
BottomLeft = "bottom_left_corner"
export interface TLPointerInfo<T extends string = string> {
target: T;
pointerId: number;
origin: number[];
point: number[];
delta: number[];
pressure: number;
shiftKey: boolean;
ctrlKey: boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
altKey: boolean;
export interface TLKeyboardInfo {
origin: number[];
point: number[];
key: string;
keys: string[];
shiftKey: boolean;
ctrlKey: boolean;
metaKey: boolean;
altKey: boolean;
export interface TLTransformInfo<T extends TLShape> {
type: TLBoundsEdge | TLBoundsCorner;
initialShape: T;
scaleX: number;
scaleY: number;
transformOrigin: number[];
export interface TLBezierCurveSegment {
start: number[];
tangentStart: number[];
normalStart: number[];
pressureStart: number;
end: number[];
tangentEnd: number[];
normalEnd: number[];
pressureEnd: number;
export declare abstract class TLShapeUtil<T extends TLShape> {
boundsCache: WeakMap<TLShape, TLBounds>;
isEditableText: boolean;
isAspectRatioLocked: boolean;
canEdit: boolean;
canBind: boolean;
abstract type: T['type'];
abstract defaultProps: T;
abstract render(shape: T, info: TLRenderInfo): JSX.Element;
abstract renderIndicator(shape: T): JSX.Element | null;
abstract getBounds(shape: T): TLBounds;
abstract getRotatedBounds(shape: T): TLBounds;
abstract hitTest(shape: T, point: number[]): boolean;
abstract hitTestBounds(shape: T, bounds: TLBounds): boolean;
abstract transform(shape: T, bounds: TLBounds, info: TLTransformInfo<T>): Partial<T>;
transformSingle(shape: T, bounds: TLBounds, info: TLTransformInfo<T>): Partial<T>;
shouldRender(_prev: T, _next: T): boolean;
shouldDelete(_shape: T): boolean;
getCenter(shape: T): number[];
getBindingPoint(shape: T, point: number[], origin: number[], direction: number[], padding: number, anywhere: boolean): {
point: number[];
distance: number;
} | undefined;
create(props: Partial<T>): T;
mutate(shape: T, props: Partial<T>): T;
updateChildren<K extends TLShape>(_shape: T, _children: K[]): Partial<K>[] | void;
onChildrenChange(_shape: T, _children: TLShape[]): Partial<T> | void;
onBindingChange(_shape: T, _binding: TLBinding, _target: TLShape, _targetBounds: TLBounds, _center: number[]): Partial<T> | void;
onHandleChange(_shape: T, _handle: Partial<T['handles']>, _info: Partial<TLPointerInfo>): Partial<T> | void;
onRightPointHandle(_shape: T, _handle: Partial<T['handles']>, _info: Partial<TLPointerInfo>): Partial<T> | void;
onDoubleClickHandle(_shape: T, _handle: Partial<T['handles']>, _info: Partial<TLPointerInfo>): Partial<T> | void;
onSessionComplete(_shape: T): Partial<T> | void;
onBoundsReset(_shape: T): Partial<T> | void;
onStyleChange(_shape: T): Partial<T> | void;
export interface IShapeTreeNode {
shape: TLShape;
children?: IShapeTreeNode[];
isEditing: boolean;
isBinding: boolean;
isDarkMode: boolean;
isCurrentParent: boolean;
export declare type MappedByType<T extends {
type: string;
}> = {
[P in T['type']]: T extends any ? (P extends T['type'] ? T : never) : never;
export declare type RequiredKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: Record<string, unknown> extends Pick<T, K> ? never : K;
}[keyof T];
export {};

View file

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
"include": ["src"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/*.test.ts", "dist"],
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "src",
"jsx": "preserve",
"lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
"module": "esnext",

View file

@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
"name": "react-esbuild-starter",
"version": "2.1.0",
"private": true,
"description": "Starter template for React + Typescript, powered by Esbuild",
"repository": "",
"author": "Tomas Belada <>",
"name": "@tldraw/dev",
"version": "0.0.41",
"private": false,
"description": "A tiny little drawing app (core).",
"author": "@steveruizok",
"license": "MIT",
"keywords": [

View file

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
"main": "./dist/cjs/index.js",
"types": "./dist/types/index.d.ts",
"typings": "./dist/types/index.d.ts",
"scripts": {
"dev": "node scripts/dev & tsc --watch --incremental --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir dist/types",
"build": "yarn clean && node scripts/build && tsc --emitDeclarationOnly --outDir dist/types",

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import type { TLBinding } from './../../../core/src/types'
import type { TLBinding } from '@tldraw/core'
import { TLShape, TLShapeUtil, TLHandle } from '@tldraw/core'
export enum TLDrawToolType {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { FlipType } from './../../../types'
import { FlipType } from '../../../types'
import { TLBoundsCorner, Utils } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { Data, Command } from '../../state-types'
import { TLDR } from '../../tldr'

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import type { RectangleShape } from './../../../shape/shape-types'
import type { RectangleShape } from '../../../shape/shape-types'
import { TLDrawState } from '../../tlstate'
import { mockDocument } from '../../test-helpers'
@ -27,33 +27,17 @@ describe('Toggle command', () => {
it('toggles on before off when mixed values', () => {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
import { ArrowBinding } from './../../../../shape/shape-types'
import { Vec } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { TLDrawShape } from '../../../../shape'
import type { Session } from '../../../state-types'

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { Utils, Vec } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { TLBinding } from 'packages/core/src/types'
import type { TLBinding } from '@tldraw/core'
import type { TLDrawShape } from '../../../../shape'
import type { Session } from '../../../state-types'
import type { Data } from '../../../state-types'

View file

@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
"include": ["src"],
"exclude": ["node_modules", "**/*.test.ts", "dist"],
"compilerOptions": {
"rootDir": "src",
"jsx": "preserve",
"lib": ["dom", "esnext"],
"module": "esnext",
"outDir": "./dist/types",
"paths": {
"@tldraw/core": ["packages/core/dist"]
"outDir": "./dist/types"

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
/// <reference types="next" />
/// <reference types="next/types/global" />
/// <reference types="next/image-types/global" />
// NOTE: This file should not be edited
// see for more information.

View file

@ -36,4 +36,4 @@
"eslint-config-next": "11.0.1",
"typescript": "^4.3.5"

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app'
import useGtag from '../hooks/useGtag'
import Head from 'next/head'
import './styles.css'

View file

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next'
import type { GetServerSideProps } from 'next'
import * as React from 'react'
export default function Room(): JSX.Element {

View file

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
"isolatedModules": true,
"jsx": "preserve",
"paths": {
"@tldraw/tldraw": ["../tldraw"]
"@tldraw/tldraw": ["packages/tldraw/dist"]
"include": ["next-env.d.ts", "**/*.ts", "**/*.tsx"],

View file

@ -29,7 +29,8 @@
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "node_modules/jest"],
"types": ["node", "jest"],
"paths": {
"@tldraw/*": ["./packages/*"]
"@tldraw/tldraw": ["./packages/tldraw/dist"],
"@tldraw/core": ["./packages/core/dist"]