Lokalise: Translations update (#2342)
This pull request was initiated by Lokalise (user Lu) at 2023-12-19 10:48:13 ## Release Notes Added Czech translations. Updated translations for German, Korean, Russian, Ukrainian, Traditional Chinese.
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 439 additions and 11 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
"action.convert-to-bookmark": "Převést na záložku",
"action.convert-to-embed": "Převést na vložení",
"action.open-embed-link": "Otevřít odkaz",
"action.align-bottom": "Zarovnat dolů",
"action.align-center-horizontal": "Zarovnat horizontálně",
"action.align-center-vertical": "Zarovnat vertikálně",
"action.align-center-horizontal.short": "Zarovnat H",
"action.align-center-vertical.short": "Zarovnat V",
"action.align-left": "Zarovnat doleva",
"action.align-right": "Zarovnat doprava",
"action.align-top": "Zarovnat nahoru",
"action.back-to-content": "Zpět na obsah",
"action.bring-forward": "Předložit",
"action.bring-to-front": "Přenést do popředí",
"action.copy-as-json.short": "JSON",
"action.copy-as-json": "Kopírovat jako JSON",
"action.copy-as-png.short": "PNG",
"action.copy-as-png": "Kopírovat jako PNG",
"action.copy-as-svg.short": "SVG",
"action.copy-as-svg": "Kopírovat jako SVG",
"action.copy": "Kopírovat",
"action.cut": "Vyjmout",
"action.delete": "Odstranit",
"action.distribute-horizontal": "Rozdělit horizontálně",
"action.distribute-vertical": "Rozdělit vertikálně",
"action.distribute-horizontal.short": "Rozdělit H",
"action.distribute-vertical.short": "Rozdělit V",
"action.duplicate": "Duplikovat",
"action.edit-link": "Upravit odkaz",
"action.exit-pen-mode": "Ukončete režim pera",
"action.export-as-json.short": "JSON",
"action.export-as-json": "Exportovat jako JSON",
"action.export-as-png.short": "PNG",
"action.export-as-png": "Exportovat jako PNG",
"action.export-as-svg.short": "SVG",
"action.export-as-svg": "Exportovat jako SVG",
"action.flip-horizontal": "Překlopit vodorovně",
"action.flip-vertical": "Překlopit svisle",
"action.flip-horizontal.short": "Otočit H",
"action.flip-vertical.short": "Otočit V",
"action.group": "Skupina",
"action.insert-media": "Nahrát média",
"action.new-shared-project": "Nový sdílený projekt",
"action.open-file": "Otevřít soubor",
"action.pack": "Zabalit",
"action.paste": "Vložit",
"action.print": "Tisk",
"action.redo": "Zpět",
"action.rotate-ccw": "Otočit proti směru hodinových ručiček",
"action.rotate-cw": "Otočit ve směru hodinových ručiček",
"action.save-copy": "Uložit kopii",
"action.select-all": "Vybrat vše",
"action.select-none": "Nevybrat žádné",
"action.send-backward": "Poslat zpět",
"action.send-to-back": "Odeslat nazpátek",
"action.share-project": "Sdílet tento projekt",
"action.stack-horizontal": "Zabalit horizontálně",
"action.stack-vertical": "Zabalit svisle",
"action.stack-horizontal.short": "Zabalit H",
"action.stack-vertical.short": "Zabalit V",
"action.stretch-horizontal": "Roztáhnout vodorovně",
"action.stretch-vertical": "Roztáhnout vertikálně",
"action.stretch-horizontal.short": "Roztáhnout H",
"action.stretch-vertical.short": "Roztáhnout V",
"action.toggle-auto-size": "Přepínání automatické velikosti",
"action.toggle-dark-mode.menu": "Tmavý režim",
"action.toggle-dark-mode": "Zapnout tmavý režim",
"action.toggle-debug-mode.menu": "Režim ladění",
"action.toggle-debug-mode": "Zapnout režim ladění",
"action.toggle-focus-mode.menu": "Režim ostření",
"action.toggle-focus-mode": "Zapnout režim ostření",
"action.toggle-grid.menu": "Zobrazit mřížku",
"action.toggle-grid": "Zapnout mřížku",
"action.toggle-snap-mode.menu": "Vždy přichytit",
"action.toggle-snap-mode": "Vždy zapnout přichycení",
"action.toggle-tool-lock.menu": "Zámek nástroje",
"action.toggle-tool-lock": "Přepnout zámek nástroje",
"action.toggle-transparent.context-menu": "Transparentní",
"action.toggle-transparent.menu": "Transparentní",
"action.toggle-transparent": "Přepnout průhledné pozadí",
"action.undo": "Vrátit",
"action.ungroup": "Zrušit seskupení",
"action.zoom-in": "Přiblížit",
"action.zoom-out": "Oddálit",
"action.zoom-to-100": "Přiblížit na 100 %",
"action.zoom-to-fit": "Přiblížit",
"action.zoom-to-selection": "Přiblížit k výběru",
"color-style.black": "Černá",
"color-style.blue": "Modrá",
"color-style.green": "Zelená",
"color-style.grey": "Šedá",
"color-style.light-blue": "Světle modrá",
"color-style.light-green": "Světle zelená",
"color-style.light-red": "Světle červená",
"color-style.light-violet": "Světle fialová",
"color-style.orange": "Oranžová",
"color-style.red": "Červená",
"color-style.violet": "Fialová",
"color-style.yellow": "Žlutá",
"fill-style.none": "Žádné",
"fill-style.semi": "Semi",
"fill-style.solid": "Pevný",
"fill-style.pattern": "Vzor",
"dash-style.dashed": "Čárkovaně",
"dash-style.dotted": "Tečkovaný",
"dash-style.draw": "Kreslit",
"dash-style.solid": "Pevný",
"size-style.s": "Malý",
"size-style.m": "Střední",
"size-style.l": "Velký",
"size-style.xl": "Extra velké",
"opacity-style.0.1": "10%",
"opacity-style.0.25": "25%",
"opacity-style.0.5": "50%",
"opacity-style.0.75": "75%",
"opacity-style.1": "100%",
"font-style.draw": "Kreslit",
"font-style.sans": "Sans",
"font-style.serif": "Serif",
"font-style.mono": "Mono",
"align-style.start": "Začátek",
"align-style.middle": "Střed",
"align-style.end": "Konec",
"align-style.justify": "Zdůvodněte",
"geo-style.arrow-down": "Šipka dolů",
"geo-style.arrow-left": "Šipka doleva",
"geo-style.arrow-right": "Šipka doprava",
"geo-style.arrow-up": "Šipka nahoru",
"geo-style.diamond": "Diamant",
"geo-style.ellipse": "Elipsa",
"geo-style.hexagon": "Šestiúhelník",
"geo-style.octagon": "Osmiúhelník",
"geo-style.oval": "Ovál",
"geo-style.pentagon": "Pentagon",
"geo-style.rectangle": "Obdélník",
"geo-style.rhombus-2": "Kosočtverec 2",
"geo-style.rhombus": "Kosočtverec",
"geo-style.star": "Hvězda",
"geo-style.trapezoid": "Lichoběžník",
"geo-style.triangle": "Trojúhelník",
"geo-style.x-box": "X Box",
"arrowheadStart-style.none": "Žádné",
"arrowheadStart-style.arrow": "Šipka",
"arrowheadStart-style.bar": "Bar",
"arrowheadStart-style.diamond": "Diamant",
"arrowheadStart-style.dot": "Tečka",
"arrowheadStart-style.inverted": "Převrácený",
"arrowheadStart-style.pipe": "Potrubí",
"arrowheadStart-style.square": "Čtverec",
"arrowheadStart-style.triangle": "Trojúhelník",
"arrowheadEnd-style.none": "Žádné",
"arrowheadEnd-style.arrow": "Šipka",
"arrowheadEnd-style.bar": "Bar",
"arrowheadEnd-style.diamond": "Diamant",
"arrowheadEnd-style.dot": "Tečka",
"arrowheadEnd-style.inverted": "Převrácený",
"arrowheadEnd-style.pipe": "Potrubí",
"arrowheadEnd-style.square": "Čtverec",
"arrowheadEnd-style.triangle": "Trojúhelník",
"spline-style.line": "Čára",
"spline-style.cubic": "Krychlový",
"tool.select": "Vybrat",
"tool.hand": "Ruka",
"tool.draw": "Kreslit",
"tool.eraser": "Guma",
"tool.arrow-down": "Šipka dolů",
"tool.arrow-left": "Šipka doleva",
"tool.arrow-right": "Šipka doprava",
"tool.arrow-up": "Šipka nahoru",
"tool.arrow": "Šipka",
"tool.diamond": "Diamant",
"tool.ellipse": "Elipsa",
"tool.hexagon": "Šestiúhelník",
"tool.line": "Čára",
"tool.octagon": "Osmiúhelník",
"tool.oval": "Ovál",
"tool.pentagon": "Pentagon",
"tool.rectangle": "Obdélník",
"tool.rhombus": "Kosočtverec",
"tool.star": "Hvězda",
"tool.trapezoid": "Lichoběžník",
"tool.triangle": "Trojúhelník",
"tool.x-box": "X box",
"tool.asset": "Aktivum",
"tool.frame": "Rám",
"tool.note": "Poznámka",
"tool.embed": "Vložit",
"tool.text": "Text",
"menu.title": "Menu",
"menu.copy-as": "Kopírovat jako",
"menu.edit": "Upravit",
"menu.export-as": "Exportovat jako",
"menu.file": "Soubor",
"menu.language": "Jazyk",
"menu.preferences": "Předvolby",
"menu.view": "Zobrazit",
"context-menu.arrange": "Uspořádat",
"context-menu.copy-as": "Kopírovat jako",
"context-menu.export-as": "Exportovat jako",
"context-menu.move-to-page": "Přejít na stránku",
"context-menu.reorder": "Přeobjednat",
"page-menu.title": "Stránky",
"page-menu.create-new-page": "Vytvořit novou stránku",
"page-menu.max-page-count-reached": "Maximální počet dosažených stránek",
"page-menu.new-page-initial-name": "Strana 1",
"page-menu.edit-start": "Upravit",
"page-menu.edit-done": "Hotovo",
"page-menu.submenu.rename": "Přejmenovat",
"page-menu.submenu.duplicate-page": "Duplikovat",
"page-menu.submenu.title": "Menu",
"page-menu.submenu.move-down": "Posunout dolů",
"page-menu.submenu.move-up": "Posunout nahoru",
"page-menu.submenu.delete": "Odstranit",
"share-menu.title": "Sdílet",
"share-menu.share-project": "Sdílet tento projekt",
"share-menu.copy-link": "Kopírovat odkaz",
"share-menu.readonly-link": "Pouze pro čtení",
"share-menu.copy-readonly-link": "Kopírovat odkaz pouze pro čtení",
"share-menu.offline-note": "Sdílením tohoto projektu se vytvoří hostovaná živá kopie na nové adrese URL. Adresu URL můžete sdílet až s třiceti dalšími lidmi, abyste mohli projekt prohlížet a upravovat společně.",
"share-menu.copy-link-note": "Kdokoli s odkazem bude moci tento projekt zobrazit a upravit.",
"share-menu.copy-readonly-link-note": "Kdokoli s odkazem bude moci tento projekt zobrazit (ale nikoli upravit).",
"share-menu.project-too-large": "Je nám líto, ale tento projekt nelze sdílet, protože je příliš velký. Pracujeme na tom!",
"people-menu.title": "Lidé",
"people-menu.change-name": "Změnit jméno",
"people-menu.change-color": "Změnit barvu",
"people-menu.user": "(Vy)",
"people-menu.invite": "Pozvat ostatní",
"help-menu.title": "Nápověda a zdroje",
"help-menu.about": "O",
"help-menu.discord": "Discord",
"help-menu.github": "Github",
"help-menu.keyboard-shortcuts": "Klávesové zkratky",
"help-menu.twitter": "Twitter",
"actions-menu.title": "Akce",
"edit-link-dialog.title": "Upravit odkaz",
"edit-link-dialog.invalid-url": "Odkaz musí být platná adresa URL.",
"edit-link-dialog.detail": "Odkazy se otevřou na nové kartě.",
"edit-link-dialog.url": "URL",
"edit-link-dialog.clear": "Smazat",
"edit-link-dialog.save": "Pokračovat",
"edit-link-dialog.cancel": "Zrušit",
"embed-dialog.title": "Vytvořit vložení",
"embed-dialog.back": "Zpět",
"embed-dialog.create": "Vytvořit",
"embed-dialog.cancel": "Zrušit",
"embed-dialog.url": "URL",
"embed-dialog.instruction": "Vložte adresu URL webu a vytvořte vložený soubor.",
"embed-dialog.invalid-url": "Z této adresy URL se nám nepodařilo vytvořit vložený soubor.",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-down": "Posunout dolů",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-up": "Posunout nahoru",
"shortcuts-dialog.title": "Klávesové zkratky",
"shortcuts-dialog.edit": "Upravit",
"shortcuts-dialog.file": "Soubor",
"shortcuts-dialog.preferences": "Předvolby",
"shortcuts-dialog.tools": "Nástroje",
"shortcuts-dialog.transform": "Transformovat",
"shortcuts-dialog.view": "Zobrazit",
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"style-panel.align": "Zarovnat",
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"style-panel.color": "Barva",
"style-panel.dash": "Pomlčka",
"style-panel.fill": "Vyplnit",
"style-panel.font": "Písmo",
"style-panel.geo": "Tvar",
"style-panel.mixed": "Smíšené",
"style-panel.opacity": "Neprůhlednost",
"style-panel.size": "Velikost",
"style-panel.spline": "Drážkování",
"tool-panel.drawing": "Výkres",
"tool-panel.shapes": "Tvary",
"navigation-zone.toggle-minimap": "Zapnout minimapu",
"navigation-zone.zoom": "Zvětšit",
"focus-mode.toggle-focus-mode": "Přepnout režim ostření",
"toast.close": "Zavřít",
"file-system.file-open-error.title": "Soubor nelze otevřít",
"file-system.file-open-error.not-a-tldraw-file": "Soubor, který jste se pokusili otevřít, nevypadá jako soubor tldraw.",
"file-system.file-open-error.file-format-version-too-new": "Soubor, který jste se pokusili otevřít, pochází z novější verze tldraw. Znovu načtěte stránku a zkuste to znovu.",
"file-system.file-open-error.generic-corrupted-file": "Soubor, který jste se pokusili otevřít, je poškozený.",
"file-system.confirm-open.title": "Přepsat aktuální projekt?",
"file-system.confirm-open.description": "Otevřením souboru nahradíte aktuální projekt a všechny neuložené změny budou ztraceny. Opravdu chcete pokračovat?",
"file-system.confirm-open.cancel": "Zrušit",
"file-system.confirm-open.open": "Otevřít soubor",
"file-system.confirm-open.dont-show-again": "Neptat se znovu",
"toast.error.export-fail.title": "Export se nezdařil",
"toast.error.export-fail.desc": "Export obrázku se nezdařil",
"toast.error.copy-fail.title": "Kopírování se nezdařilo",
"toast.error.copy-fail.desc": "Kopírování obrázku se nezdařilo",
"file-system.shared-document-file-open-error.title": "Soubor nelze otevřít",
"file-system.shared-document-file-open-error.description": "Otevírání souborů ze sdílených projektů není podporováno.",
"vscode.file-open.dont-show-again": "Neptat se znovu",
"vscode.file-open.desc": "Tento soubor byl vytvořen pomocí starší verze tldraw. Chcete jej aktualizovat, aby fungoval s novou verzí?",
"context.pages.new-page": "Nová stránka",
"style-panel.arrowhead-start": "Začátek",
"style-panel.arrowhead-end": "Konec",
"vscode.file-open.open": "Pokračovat",
"vscode.file-open.backup": "Záloha",
"vscode.file-open.backup-saved": "Záloha uložena",
"vscode.file-open.backup-failed": "Zálohování se nezdařilo: nejedná se o soubor .tldr",
"tool-panel.more": "Více",
"debug-panel.more": "Více",
"action.new-project": "Nový projekt",
"file-system.confirm-clear.title": "Vymazat aktuální projekt?",
"file-system.confirm-clear.description": "Vytvořením nového projektu vymažete aktuální projekt a všechny neuložené změny budou ztraceny. Opravdu chcete pokračovat?",
"file-system.confirm-clear.cancel": "Zrušit",
"file-system.confirm-clear.continue": "Pokračovat",
"file-system.confirm-clear.dont-show-again": "Neptat se znovu",
"action.stop-following": "Přestat sledovat",
"people-menu.follow": "Sledovat",
"style-panel.position": "Pozice",
"page-menu.go-to-page": "Přejít na stránku",
"action.insert-embed": "Vložit",
"people-menu.following": "Sleduji",
"people-menu.leading": "Sledující",
"geo-style.check-box": "Zaškrtávací políčko",
"tool.check-box": "Zaškrtávací políčko",
"share-menu.create-snapshot-link": "Vytvořit odkaz na snímek",
"share-menu.save-note": "Stáhněte si tento projekt do počítače jako soubor .tldr",
"share-menu.fork-note": "Vytvořit nový sdílený projekt na základě tohoto snímku.",
"share-menu.snapshot-link-note": "Zachyťte a sdílejte tento projekt jako odkaz na snímek pouze pro čtení.",
"share-menu.upload-failed": "Omlouváme se, ale v tuto chvíli se nám nepodařilo nahrát váš projekt. Zkuste to prosím znovu nebo nám dejte vědět, pokud problém přetrvává.",
"style-panel.vertical-align": "Svislé zarovnání",
"tool.laser": "Laser",
"action.fork-project": "Rozvětvit projekt",
"action.leave-shared-project": "Opustit sdílený projekt",
"sharing.confirm-leave.title": "Opustit současný projekt?",
"sharing.confirm-leave.description": "Jste si jisti, že chcete opustit tento sdílený projekt? Můžete se k němu vrátit přechodem na jeho adresu URL.",
"sharing.confirm-leave.cancel": "Zrušit",
"sharing.confirm-leave.leave": "Odejít",
"sharing.confirm-leave.dont-show-again": "Znovu se neptat",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion.menu": "Snížení pohybu",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion": "Přepnout snížení pohybu",
"tool.highlight": "Zvýraznit",
"action.toggle-lock": "Zamknout / Odemknout",
"share-menu.default-project-name": "Sdílený projekt",
"home-project-dialog.title": "Domácí projekt",
"home-project-dialog.description": "Tohle je Váš domácí projekt. Je pouze pro Vás!",
"rename-project-dialog.title": "Přejmenovat projekt",
"rename-project-dialog.cancel": "Zrušit",
"rename-project-dialog.rename": "Přejmenovat",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "Ok",
"action.open-cursor-chat": "Chat s kurzorem",
"shortcuts-dialog.collaboration": "Spolupráce",
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "Napište do chatu...",
"geo-style.cloud": "Cloud",
"tool.cloud": "Cloud",
"action.unlock-all": "Odemknout vše",
"status.offline": "Offline",
"status.online": "Online",
"action.remove-frame": "Odstranit rámeček"
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
"embed-dialog.create": "Erstellen",
"embed-dialog.create": "Erstellen",
"embed-dialog.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"embed-dialog.cancel": "Abbrechen",
"embed-dialog.url": "URL",
"embed-dialog.url": "URL",
"embed-dialog.instruction": "Fügen Sie die URL der Website ein, um die Einbettung zu erstellen.",
"embed-dialog.instruction": "Fügen Sie die URL der Website ein, um die Einbettung einzufügen.",
"embed-dialog.invalid-url": "Wir konnten keine Einbettung von dieser URL erstellen.",
"embed-dialog.invalid-url": "Wir konnten keine Einbettung von dieser URL erstellen.",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-down": "Nach unten",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-down": "Nach unten",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-up": "Nach oben",
"edit-pages-dialog.move-up": "Nach oben",
@ -270,9 +270,9 @@
"style-panel.spline": "Spline",
"style-panel.spline": "Spline",
"tool-panel.drawing": "Zeichnung",
"tool-panel.drawing": "Zeichnung",
"tool-panel.shapes": "Formen",
"tool-panel.shapes": "Formen",
"navigation-zone.toggle-minimap": "Minimap umschalten",
"navigation-zone.toggle-minimap": "Minimap ein- und ausblenden",
"navigation-zone.zoom": "Zoomen",
"navigation-zone.zoom": "Zoomen",
"focus-mode.toggle-focus-mode": "Fokusmodus umschalten",
"focus-mode.toggle-focus-mode": "Fokus-Modus umschalten",
"toast.close": "Schließen",
"toast.close": "Schließen",
"file-system.file-open-error.title": "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"file-system.file-open-error.title": "Datei konnte nicht geöffnet werden",
"file-system.file-open-error.not-a-tldraw-file": "Die Datei, die Sie zu öffnen versucht haben, sieht nicht wie eine tldraw-Datei aus.",
"file-system.file-open-error.not-a-tldraw-file": "Die Datei, die Sie zu öffnen versucht haben, sieht nicht wie eine tldraw-Datei aus.",
@ -293,8 +293,11 @@
"debug-panel.more": "Mehr",
"debug-panel.more": "Mehr",
"action.new-project": "Neues Projekt",
"action.new-project": "Neues Projekt",
"page-menu.go-to-page": "Gehe zu Seite",
"page-menu.go-to-page": "Gehe zu Seite",
"action.insert-embed": "Einbettung einfügen",
"geo-style.check-box": "Haken Box",
"geo-style.check-box": "Haken Box",
"tool.check-box": "Haken Box",
"tool.check-box": "Haken Box",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion.menu": "Bewegung reduzieren ",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion": "Bewegung reduzieren ein / aus",
"tool.highlight": "Markieren",
"tool.highlight": "Markieren",
"action.toggle-lock": "Sperren / Entsperren",
"action.toggle-lock": "Sperren / Entsperren",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "Okay",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "Okay",
@ -297,5 +297,59 @@
"vscode.file-open.open": "계속하기",
"vscode.file-open.open": "계속하기",
"vscode.file-open.backup": "백업",
"vscode.file-open.backup": "백업",
"vscode.file-open.backup-saved": "백업 저장완료",
"vscode.file-open.backup-saved": "백업 저장완료",
"vscode.file-open.backup-failed": "백업에 실패했습니다: .tldr 파일이 아닙니다."
"vscode.file-open.backup-failed": "백업에 실패했습니다: .tldr 파일이 아닙니다.",
"tool-panel.more": "자세히",
"debug-panel.more": "자세히",
"action.new-project": "새 프로젝트",
"file-system.confirm-clear.title": "현재 프로젝트를 지우시겠습니까?",
"file-system.confirm-clear.description": "새 프로젝트를 만들면 현재 프로젝트가 지워지고 저장되지 않은 변경 사항은 모두 저장되지 않습니다. 계속 진행하시겠습니까?",
"file-system.confirm-clear.cancel": "취소",
"file-system.confirm-clear.continue": "계속",
"file-system.confirm-clear.dont-show-again": "다시 묻지 마세요",
"action.stop-following": "팔로우 중지",
"people-menu.follow": "팔로우",
"style-panel.position": "위치",
"page-menu.go-to-page": "페이지로 이동",
"action.insert-embed": "임베드 삽입",
"people-menu.following": "팔로잉",
"people-menu.leading": "팔로우하기",
"geo-style.check-box": "체크박스",
"tool.check-box": "체크박스",
"share-menu.create-snapshot-link": "스냅샷 링크 만들기",
"share-menu.save-note": "이 프로젝트를 컴퓨터에 .tldr 파일로 다운로드합니다.",
"share-menu.fork-note": "이 스냅샷을 기반으로 새 공유 프로젝트를 만듭니다.",
"share-menu.snapshot-link-note": "이 프로젝트를 읽기 전용 스냅샷 링크로 캡처하고 공유하세요.",
"share-menu.upload-failed": "죄송합니다. 지금은 프로젝트를 업로드할 수 없습니다. 다시 시도하거나 문제가 지속되면 알려주시기 바랍니다.",
"style-panel.vertical-align": "수직 정렬",
"tool.laser": "레이저",
"action.fork-project": "이 프로젝트를 포크하세요",
"action.leave-shared-project": "공유 프로젝트에서 나가기",
"sharing.confirm-leave.title": "현재 프로젝트에서 나가시겠습니까?",
"sharing.confirm-leave.description": "이 공유 프로젝트에서 나가시겠습니까? 해당 URL로 이동하여 해당 페이지로 돌아갈 수 있습니다.",
"sharing.confirm-leave.cancel": "취소",
"sharing.confirm-leave.leave": "떠나기",
"sharing.confirm-leave.dont-show-again": "다시 묻지 않음",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion.menu": "움직임 줄이기",
"action.toggle-reduce-motion": "움직임 줄이기 전환",
"tool.highlight": "하이라이트",
"action.toggle-lock": "잠금/잠금 해제",
"share-menu.default-project-name": "공유 프로젝트",
"home-project-dialog.title": "홈 프로젝트",
"home-project-dialog.description": "이것은 나만의 로컬 홈 프로젝트입니다.",
"rename-project-dialog.title": "프로젝트 이름 바꾸기",
"rename-project-dialog.cancel": "취소",
"rename-project-dialog.rename": "이름 변경",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "확인",
"action.open-cursor-chat": "커서 채팅",
"shortcuts-dialog.collaboration": "협업",
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "채팅하려면 입력하세요...",
"geo-style.cloud": "클라우드",
"tool.cloud": "클라우드",
"action.unlock-all": "모두 잠금 해제",
"status.offline": "오프라인",
"status.online": "온라인",
"action.remove-frame": "프레임 삭제",
"action.fit-frame-to-content": "콘텐츠에 맞추기",
"action.toggle-edge-scrolling.menu": "가장자리 스크롤",
"action.toggle-edge-scrolling": "가장자리 스크롤 전환"
@ -7,6 +7,10 @@
"locale": "ca",
"locale": "ca",
"label": "Català"
"label": "Català"
"locale": "cs",
"label": "Čeština"
"locale": "da",
"locale": "da",
"label": "Danish"
"label": "Danish"
@ -338,8 +338,10 @@
"rename-project-dialog.cancel": "Отмена",
"rename-project-dialog.cancel": "Отмена",
"rename-project-dialog.rename": "Переименовать",
"rename-project-dialog.rename": "Переименовать",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "Хорошо",
"home-project-dialog.ok": "Хорошо",
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "Клацніть, щоб розпочати спілкування...",
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "Напишите сообщение...",
"geo-style.cloud": "Облако",
"geo-style.cloud": "Облако",
"tool.cloud": "Облако",
"tool.cloud": "Облако",
"action.unlock-all": "Разблокировать всё"
"action.unlock-all": "Разблокировать всё",
"status.offline": "Не в сети",
"status.online": "В сети"
@ -341,5 +341,7 @@
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "Натисніть, щоб розпочати спілкуватися...",
"cursor-chat.type-to-chat": "Натисніть, щоб розпочати спілкуватися...",
"geo-style.cloud": "Хмара",
"geo-style.cloud": "Хмара",
"tool.cloud": "Хмара",
"tool.cloud": "Хмара",
"action.unlock-all": "Розблокувати все"
"action.unlock-all": "Розблокувати все",
"status.offline": "Офлайн",
"status.online": "Онлайн"
@ -347,5 +347,7 @@
"tool.cloud": "云",
"tool.cloud": "云",
"action.unlock-all": "全部解锁",
"action.unlock-all": "全部解锁",
"status.offline": "离线",
"status.offline": "离线",
"status.online": "在线"
"status.online": "在线",
"action.remove-frame": "移除框架",
"action.fit-frame-to-content": "适合于内容"
@ -192,6 +192,7 @@ import iconsZoomIn from './icons/icon/zoom-in.svg'
import iconsZoomOut from './icons/icon/zoom-out.svg'
import iconsZoomOut from './icons/icon/zoom-out.svg'
import translationsAr from './translations/ar.json'
import translationsAr from './translations/ar.json'
import translationsCa from './translations/ca.json'
import translationsCa from './translations/ca.json'
import translationsCs from './translations/cs.json'
import translationsDa from './translations/da.json'
import translationsDa from './translations/da.json'
import translationsDe from './translations/de.json'
import translationsDe from './translations/de.json'
import translationsEn from './translations/en.json'
import translationsEn from './translations/en.json'
@ -407,6 +408,7 @@ export function getAssetUrlsByImport(opts) {
translations: {
translations: {
ar: formatAssetUrl(translationsAr, opts),
ar: formatAssetUrl(translationsAr, opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl(translationsCa, opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl(translationsCa, opts),
cs: formatAssetUrl(translationsCs, opts),
da: formatAssetUrl(translationsDa, opts),
da: formatAssetUrl(translationsDa, opts),
de: formatAssetUrl(translationsDe, opts),
de: formatAssetUrl(translationsDe, opts),
en: formatAssetUrl(translationsEn, opts),
en: formatAssetUrl(translationsEn, opts),
@ -189,6 +189,7 @@ export function getAssetUrls(opts) {
translations: {
translations: {
ar: formatAssetUrl('./translations/ar.json', opts),
ar: formatAssetUrl('./translations/ar.json', opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl('./translations/ca.json', opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl('./translations/ca.json', opts),
cs: formatAssetUrl('./translations/cs.json', opts),
da: formatAssetUrl('./translations/da.json', opts),
da: formatAssetUrl('./translations/da.json', opts),
de: formatAssetUrl('./translations/de.json', opts),
de: formatAssetUrl('./translations/de.json', opts),
en: formatAssetUrl('./translations/en.json', opts),
en: formatAssetUrl('./translations/en.json', opts),
@ -179,6 +179,7 @@ export type AssetUrls = {
translations: {
translations: {
ar: string
ar: string
ca: string
ca: string
cs: string
da: string
da: string
de: string
de: string
en: string
en: string
@ -558,6 +558,7 @@ export function getAssetUrlsByMetaUrl(opts) {
translations: {
translations: {
ar: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/ar.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
ar: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/ar.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/ca.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
ca: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/ca.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
cs: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/cs.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
da: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/da.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
da: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/da.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
de: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/de.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
de: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/de.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
en: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/en.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
en: formatAssetUrl(new URL('./translations/en.json', import.meta.url).href, opts),
@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ export const DefaultSvgDefs: () => null;
// @public (undocumented)
// @public (undocumented)
export const defaultUserPreferences: Readonly<{
export const defaultUserPreferences: Readonly<{
name: "New User";
name: "New User";
locale: "ar" | "ca" | "da" | "de" | "en" | "es" | "fa" | "fi" | "fr" | "gl" | "he" | "hi-in" | "hu" | "it" | "ja" | "ko-kr" | "ku" | "my" | "ne" | "no" | "pl" | "pt-br" | "pt-pt" | "ro" | "ru" | "sv" | "te" | "th" | "tr" | "uk" | "vi" | "zh-cn" | "zh-tw";
locale: "ar" | "ca" | "cs" | "da" | "de" | "en" | "es" | "fa" | "fi" | "fr" | "gl" | "he" | "hi-in" | "hu" | "it" | "ja" | "ko-kr" | "ku" | "my" | "ne" | "no" | "pl" | "pt-br" | "pt-pt" | "ro" | "ru" | "sv" | "te" | "th" | "tr" | "uk" | "vi" | "zh-cn" | "zh-tw";
color: "#02B1CC" | "#11B3A3" | "#39B178" | "#55B467" | "#7B66DC" | "#9D5BD2" | "#BD54C6" | "#E34BA9" | "#EC5E41" | "#F04F88" | "#F2555A" | "#FF802B";
color: "#02B1CC" | "#11B3A3" | "#39B178" | "#55B467" | "#7B66DC" | "#9D5BD2" | "#BD54C6" | "#E34BA9" | "#EC5E41" | "#F04F88" | "#F2555A" | "#FF802B";
isDarkMode: false;
isDarkMode: false;
edgeScrollSpeed: 1;
edgeScrollSpeed: 1;
@ -6126,7 +6126,7 @@
"kind": "Content",
"kind": "Content",
"text": "<{\n name: \"New User\";\n locale: \"ar\" | \"ca\" | \"da\" | \"de\" | \"en\" | \"es\" | \"fa\" | \"fi\" | \"fr\" | \"gl\" | \"he\" | \"hi-in\" | \"hu\" | \"it\" | \"ja\" | \"ko-kr\" | \"ku\" | \"my\" | \"ne\" | \"no\" | \"pl\" | \"pt-br\" | \"pt-pt\" | \"ro\" | \"ru\" | \"sv\" | \"te\" | \"th\" | \"tr\" | \"uk\" | \"vi\" | \"zh-cn\" | \"zh-tw\";\n color: \"#02B1CC\" | \"#11B3A3\" | \"#39B178\" | \"#55B467\" | \"#7B66DC\" | \"#9D5BD2\" | \"#BD54C6\" | \"#E34BA9\" | \"#EC5E41\" | \"#F04F88\" | \"#F2555A\" | \"#FF802B\";\n isDarkMode: false;\n edgeScrollSpeed: 1;\n animationSpeed: 0 | 1;\n isSnapMode: false;\n}>"
"text": "<{\n name: \"New User\";\n locale: \"ar\" | \"ca\" | \"cs\" | \"da\" | \"de\" | \"en\" | \"es\" | \"fa\" | \"fi\" | \"fr\" | \"gl\" | \"he\" | \"hi-in\" | \"hu\" | \"it\" | \"ja\" | \"ko-kr\" | \"ku\" | \"my\" | \"ne\" | \"no\" | \"pl\" | \"pt-br\" | \"pt-pt\" | \"ro\" | \"ru\" | \"sv\" | \"te\" | \"th\" | \"tr\" | \"uk\" | \"vi\" | \"zh-cn\" | \"zh-tw\";\n color: \"#02B1CC\" | \"#11B3A3\" | \"#39B178\" | \"#55B467\" | \"#7B66DC\" | \"#9D5BD2\" | \"#BD54C6\" | \"#E34BA9\" | \"#EC5E41\" | \"#F04F88\" | \"#F2555A\" | \"#FF802B\";\n isDarkMode: false;\n edgeScrollSpeed: 1;\n animationSpeed: 0 | 1;\n isSnapMode: false;\n}>"
"fileUrlPath": "packages/editor/src/lib/config/TLUserPreferences.ts",
"fileUrlPath": "packages/editor/src/lib/config/TLUserPreferences.ts",
@ -559,6 +559,9 @@ export const LANGUAGES: readonly [{
}, {
}, {
readonly locale: "ca";
readonly locale: "ca";
readonly label: "Català";
readonly label: "Català";
}, {
readonly locale: "cs";
readonly label: "Čeština";
}, {
}, {
readonly locale: "da";
readonly locale: "da";
readonly label: "Danish";
readonly label: "Danish";
@ -2688,7 +2688,7 @@
"kind": "Content",
"kind": "Content",
"text": "readonly [{\n readonly locale: \"ar\";\n readonly label: \"عربي\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ca\";\n readonly label: \"Català\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"da\";\n readonly label: \"Danish\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"de\";\n readonly label: \"Deutsch\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"en\";\n readonly label: \"English\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"es\";\n readonly label: \"Español\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fa\";\n readonly label: \"فارسی\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fi\";\n readonly label: \"Suomi\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fr\";\n readonly label: \"Français\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"gl\";\n readonly label: \"Galego\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"he\";\n readonly label: \"עברית\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"it\";\n readonly label: \"Italiano\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ja\";\n readonly label: \"日本語\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ko-kr\";\n readonly label: \"한국어\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ku\";\n readonly label: \"کوردی\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"hi-in\";\n readonly label: \"हिन्दी\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"hu\";\n readonly label: \"Magyar\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"my\";\n readonly label: \"မြန်မာစာ\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ne\";\n readonly label: \"नेपाली\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"no\";\n readonly label: \"Norwegian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pl\";\n readonly label: \"Polski\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pt-br\";\n readonly label: \"Português - Brasil\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pt-pt\";\n readonly label: \"Português - Europeu\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ro\";\n readonly label: \"Română\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ru\";\n readonly label: \"Russian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"sv\";\n readonly label: \"Svenska\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"te\";\n readonly label: \"తెలుగు\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"th\";\n readonly label: \"ภาษาไทย\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"tr\";\n readonly label: \"Türkçe\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"uk\";\n readonly label: \"Ukrainian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"vi\";\n readonly label: \"Tiếng Việt\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"zh-cn\";\n readonly label: \"Chinese - Simplified\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"zh-tw\";\n readonly label: \"繁體中文 (台灣)\";\n}]"
"text": "readonly [{\n readonly locale: \"ar\";\n readonly label: \"عربي\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ca\";\n readonly label: \"Català\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"cs\";\n readonly label: \"Čeština\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"da\";\n readonly label: \"Danish\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"de\";\n readonly label: \"Deutsch\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"en\";\n readonly label: \"English\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"es\";\n readonly label: \"Español\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fa\";\n readonly label: \"فارسی\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fi\";\n readonly label: \"Suomi\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"fr\";\n readonly label: \"Français\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"gl\";\n readonly label: \"Galego\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"he\";\n readonly label: \"עברית\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"it\";\n readonly label: \"Italiano\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ja\";\n readonly label: \"日本語\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ko-kr\";\n readonly label: \"한국어\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ku\";\n readonly label: \"کوردی\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"hi-in\";\n readonly label: \"हिन्दी\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"hu\";\n readonly label: \"Magyar\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"my\";\n readonly label: \"မြန်မာစာ\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ne\";\n readonly label: \"नेपाली\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"no\";\n readonly label: \"Norwegian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pl\";\n readonly label: \"Polski\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pt-br\";\n readonly label: \"Português - Brasil\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"pt-pt\";\n readonly label: \"Português - Europeu\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ro\";\n readonly label: \"Română\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"ru\";\n readonly label: \"Russian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"sv\";\n readonly label: \"Svenska\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"te\";\n readonly label: \"తెలుగు\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"th\";\n readonly label: \"ภาษาไทย\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"tr\";\n readonly label: \"Türkçe\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"uk\";\n readonly label: \"Ukrainian\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"vi\";\n readonly label: \"Tiếng Việt\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"zh-cn\";\n readonly label: \"Chinese - Simplified\";\n}, {\n readonly locale: \"zh-tw\";\n readonly label: \"繁體中文 (台灣)\";\n}]"
"fileUrlPath": "packages/tlschema/src/translations/languages.ts",
"fileUrlPath": "packages/tlschema/src/translations/languages.ts",
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
export const LANGUAGES = [
export const LANGUAGES = [
{ locale: 'ar', label: 'عربي' },
{ locale: 'ar', label: 'عربي' },
{ locale: 'ca', label: 'Català' },
{ locale: 'ca', label: 'Català' },
{ locale: 'cs', label: 'Čeština' },
{ locale: 'da', label: 'Danish' },
{ locale: 'da', label: 'Danish' },
{ locale: 'de', label: 'Deutsch' },
{ locale: 'de', label: 'Deutsch' },
{ locale: 'en', label: 'English' },
{ locale: 'en', label: 'English' },
Reference in a new issue