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99 lines
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import { MOVE_DEFAULTS } from '../constants'
import { getElementByWd, pointWithinActiveArea, wd } from './app'
export async function brush(x1: number, y1: number, x2: number, y2: number) {
const start = await pointWithinActiveArea(x1, y1)
const end = await pointWithinActiveArea(x2, y2)
await browser
.move({ ...start, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
export async function draw(points: { x: number; y: number }[]) {
const mappedPoints = []
for (const point of points) {
mappedPoints.push(await pointWithinActiveArea(point.x, point.y))
let chain = browser.action('pointer')
for (const [index, mappedPoint] of mappedPoints.entries()) {
if (index === 0) {
chain = chain.move({ ...mappedPoint, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS }).down()
} else {
chain = chain.move({ ...mappedPoint, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
await chain.perform()
export async function click(x1: number, y1: number) {
const start = await pointWithinActiveArea(x1, y1)
await browser
.move({ ...start, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
export async function doubleClick(x1: number, y1: number) {
const start = await pointWithinActiveArea(x1, y1)
await browser
.move({ ...start, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
export async function dragBy(target: WebdriverIO.Element, dx: number, dy: number) {
const loc = await target.getLocation()
const size = await target.getSize()
const locX = Math.floor(loc.x) + Math.floor(size.width / 2)
const locY = Math.floor(loc.y) + Math.floor(size.height / 2)
const startX = locX
const startY = locY
const endX = locX + dx
const endY = locY + dy
await browser.actions([
.move({ x: startX, y: startY, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
.move({ x: endX, y: endY, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
export async function contextMenu(x: number, y: number, path: string[] = []) {
await browser
.move({ x, y, ...MOVE_DEFAULTS })
// await $(wd('active-area')).click({button: 2, x, y})
for await (const item of path) {
await $(wd(`menu-item.${item}`)).waitForExist()
await $(wd(`menu-item.${item}`)).click()
export async function clickTextInput() {
await (await $(wd(`canvas`) + ' textarea')).click()
export async function selectionHandle(...possibleSelectors: string[]) {
return getElementByWd(...possibleSelectors.map((s) => `selection.${s}`))