If you make any kind of change to any persisted data shape in this package, you must add migrations that are able to convert old versions to new versions, and vice-versa.
If you are making a change that affects the structure of a record, shape, or asset, update the migrations in the same file as the record, shape, or asset is defined.
If you are making a change that affects the structure of the store (e.g. renaming or deleting a type, consolidating two shape types into one, etc), add your changes in the migrations in `schema.ts`.
After making your changes, add a new version number, using a meaninful name. For example, if you add a new property
to the `TLShape` type called `ownerId` that points to a user, you might do this:
Have questions, comments or feedback? [Join our discord](https://discord.gg/rhsyWMUJxd) or [start a discussion](https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/discussions/new).
## Distributions
You can find tldraw on npm [here](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tldraw/tldraw?activeTab=versions).
## Contribution
Please see our [contributing guide](https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md). Found a bug? Please [submit an issue](https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/issues/new).
The tldraw source code and its distributions are provided under the [tldraw license](https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/blob/master/LICENSE.md). This license does not permit commercial use.
If you wish to use this project in commercial product, you need to purchase a commercial license. Please contact us at [hello@tldraw.com](mailto:hello@tldraw.com) for more inforion about obtaining a commercial license.
Copyright (c) 2023-present tldraw Inc. The tldraw name and logo are trademarks of tldraw. Please see our [trademark guidelines](https://github.com/tldraw/tldraw/blob/main/TRADEMARKS.md) for info on acceptable usage.
Find us on Twitter at [@tldraw](https://twitter.com/tldraw) or email [hello@tldraw.com](mailto://hello@tldraw.com). You can also [join our discord](https://discord.gg/rhsyWMUJxd) for quick help and support.