# Structables
An open source alternative front-end to Instructables. This is a fork of snowcatridge10's Indestructables, which itself is a fork of Cobra's Destructables.
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## Instances
| URL | Provided by | Country | Comments |
| ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ------- | -------- |
| [structables.private.coffee](https://structables.private.coffee/) | [Private.coffee](https://private.coffee/) | Austria | |
| [structables.bloat.cat](https://structables.bloat.cat/) | [Bloat.cat](https://bloat.cat) | Germany | |
To add your own instance to this list, please open a pull request or issue.
## Opening Issues
If you're having problems using Structables, or if you have ideas or feedback for us, feel free to open an issue in the [Private.coffee Git](https://git.private.coffee/PrivateCoffee/structables/issues) or on [Github](https://github.com/PrivateCoffee/structables/issues).
Of course, you can also join our [Matrix room](https://matrix.pcof.fi/#/#structables:private.coffee) to discuss your ideas with us.
## Run your own instance
### Production: Manual
1. Create a virtual environment: `python3 -m venv venv`
2. Activate the virtual environment: `source venv/bin/activate`
3. Install the packages: `pip install structables uwsgi`
4. Run `uwsgi --plugin python3 --http-socket --module structables.main:app --processes 4 --threads 4`
5. Point your reverse proxy to http://localhost:8002 and (optionally) serve static files from the `venv/lib/pythonX.XX/site-packages/structables/static` directory
6. Connect to your instance under your domain
7. Ensure that `/cron/` is executed at regular intervals so that the app updates its cached data.
### Production: Docker
1. Copy `.env.example` to `.env` and adjust the settings as necessary
2. Copy `docker-compose-example.yml` to `docker-compose.yml` and adjust it as necessary, for example modifying resource limits or changing the port/host configuration
3. Build and run the Docker container:
docker-compose up [-d]
4. Point your reverse proxy to (or your chosen port, if you modified it) and (optionally) serve static files from `structables/static`
5. Connect to your instance under your domain
6. Ensure that `/cron/` is executed at regular intervals so that the app updates its cached data.
### Development
1. Clone the repository: `git clone https://git.private.coffee/privatecoffee/structables.git && cd structables`
2. Create a virtual environment: `python3 -m venv venv`
3. Activate the virtual environment: `source venv/bin/activate`
4. Install in editable mode: `pip install -e .`
5. Run `structables`
6. Connect to http://localhost:8002
### Environment Variables
Structables supports the use of the following environment variables for configuration:
* `STRUCTABLES_PORT`: The port to listen on (default: 8002)
* `STRUCTABLES_LISTEN_HOST`: The host/IP address to listen on (default:
* `STRUCTABLES_INVIDIOUS`: The hostname of an Invidious instance to use for embedded YouTube videos (currently not recommended due to YouTube blocks)
* `STRUCTABLES_UNSAFE`: If set, allow embedding untrusted iframes (if unset, display a warning and allow loading the content manually)
* `STRUCTABLES_PRIVACY_FILE`: The path to a text file or Markdown file (with .md suffix) to use for the Privacy Policy page (if unset, try `privacy.txt` or `privacy.md` in the working directory, or fall back to a generic message)
* `STRUCTABLES_DEBUG`: If set, log additional debug information to stdout
## License
This project, as well as the two projects it is based on, are licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License v3. See the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for more information.