Kumi 013d02a15c
Enhance editor UI and user content management
Introduced significant updates to the user interface for editing VR
scenes, adding new CSS styles for a coherent and modern look.
Implemented data tables for robust content management in the user area,
now users can easily navigate through scenes and media with DataTables
integration. Expanded the API with category retrieval capabilities,
enabling dynamic content categorization.

The editor now seamlessly integrates into the UI with a sidebar for
properties editing, improving usability. The teleportation element
creation and modification logic has been significantly refined,
including a search-enabled dropdown for destination selection, making it
more user-friendly. Added thumbnail display for scenes and media in the
user area, enhancing content overview.

This update also introduced user area templates and routes, providing a
foundational structure for user content management functionality,
including categories and individual category views.

Refactored JavaScript imports to align with the new editor CSS and
adjusted scene loading to support embedded scenes, improving the
flexibility and usability of scene components.
2024-03-14 17:28:14 +01:00

145 lines
4.1 KiB

import { getScene } from "./api";
// Detect iOS devices
// There is probably a better way to handle issues there, but...
var iOS = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent);
// Define the <quackscape-scene> element
class QuackscapeScene extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
// When one is created, automatically load the scene
this.scene = this.getAttribute("scene");
this.embedded = this.getAttribute("embedded") != undefined;
this.x = this.getAttribute("x") | 0;
this.y = this.getAttribute("y") | 0;
this.z = this.getAttribute("z") | 0;
loadScene(this.scene, this.x, this.y, this.z, this, this.embedded);
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", function (event) {
customElements.define("quackscape-scene", QuackscapeScene);
// Function to load a scene into a destination object
// x and y signify the initial looking direction, -1 for the scene's default
async function loadScene(
x = -1,
y = -1,
z = -1,
destination = null,
embedded = false
) {
// Get WebGL maximum texture size
var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
var gl =
canvas.getContext("webgl") || canvas.getContext("experimental-webgl");
if (!gl) {
alert("Unable to initialize WebGL. Your browser may not support it.");
var maxTextureSize = gl.getParameter(gl.MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE);
if (iOS) {
maxTextureSize = Math.min(8192, maxTextureSize);
// Get scene information from API
getScene(scene_id).then((response) => {
var scene = response.obj;
// Get largest image that will fit in the texture size from scene.resolutions
// First, order the resolutions by width
var resolutions = scene.base_content.resolutions.sort(
(a, b) => b.width - a.width
// Then, find the first resolution that is less than or equal to the max texture size
var content = resolutions.find(
(resolution) => resolution.width <= maxTextureSize
// Select a destination element if not specified
if (!destination) {
destination = document.getElementsByTagName("quackscape-scene")[0];
destination.setAttribute("id", scene_id);
// Start by removing any existing scenes
var scenes = document.getElementsByTagName("a-scene");
if (scenes.length > 0) {
// Now, build the scene element
var a_scene = document.createElement("a-scene");
a_scene.setAttribute("cursor", "rayOrigin: mouse");
if (embedded) {
a_scene.setAttribute("embedded", "embedded");
// Create a-camera element
var rig = document.createElement("a-entity");
rig.setAttribute("id", "rig");
// Rotate camera if requested
if (x != -1 && y != -1 && z != -1) {
rig.setAttribute("rotation", x + " " + y + " " + z);
var camera = document.createElement("a-camera");
camera.setAttribute("wasd-controls-enabled", "false"); // TODO: Find a more elegant way to disable z axis movement
// Create a-assets element
var assets = document.createElement("a-assets");
// Add background image as sky
var sky = document.createElement("a-sky");
sky.setAttribute("src", "#" + content.id);
// Add img element to assets
var background = document.createElement("img");
background.setAttribute("id", content.id);
background.setAttribute("src", content.file);
// Add elements to scene
scene.elements.forEach((element) => {
var node = document.createElement(element.data.tag);
node.setAttribute("id", element.data.id);
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(element.data.attributes)) {
node.setAttribute(key, value);
// Add node to scene
// Dispatch a signal for the editor to pick up
const loaded_event = new CustomEvent("loadedQuackscapeScene");
window.loadScene = loadScene;
export { loadScene };