Kumi 1344adc37d
Added LICENSE and enhanced project documentation
Introduced an MIT LICENSE file for open sourcing the project, ensuring
that users are aware of their rights to use, modify, and distribute the
software. This change underlines our commitment to the open source
community and clarifies usage terms.

Updated the README.md with detailed development setup instructions,
making it easier for new contributors to get started with the project.
The amendments include steps from cloning the repository to starting the
development server, highlighting mandatory installations and
configurations for a smooth setup.

Adjusted settings.py and settings.dist.ini for better clarity and
customization. Simplifications in settings.py improve code readability
and maintainability. The addition of settings.dist.ini allows users to
easily configure their development and production environments per their
needs without altering core configuration files.

These enhancements aim to simplify the contribution process, foster
community involvement, and ensure a transparent and flexible setup for
developers engaging with the project.
2024-03-14 18:14:25 +01:00

24 lines
781 B

Debug = 1 # Set to 0 for production
Host = quackscape.local # Set to the domain name of the server
#Redis = redis://localhost:6379/0 # Uncomment to change the default Redis connection
# Uncomment if you want to use the nvidia hardware acceleration for ffmpeg:
#DefaultOption = nvidia
# Uncomment if you want to use MinIO or another S3 compatible storage:
#Bucket = quackscape
#AccessKey = quackscape
#SecretKey = secret!
#Endpoint = https://minio.local
#LocalStatic = 1 # Uncomment if you want to serve static files from the local server instead of S3
# Uncomment to set up a database connection. Only one of the headers should be uncommented:
#Host = localhost
#Username = quackscape
#Password = secret!
#Database = quackscape