[Quackscape] Debug = 1 # Set to 0 for production Host = quackscape.local # Set to the domain name of the server #Redis = redis://localhost:6379/0 # Uncomment to change the default Redis connection # Uncomment if you want to use the nvidia hardware acceleration for ffmpeg: #[ffmpeg] #DefaultOption = nvidia # Uncomment if you want to use MinIO or another S3 compatible storage: #[S3] #Bucket = quackscape #AccessKey = quackscape #SecretKey = secret! #Endpoint = https://minio.local #LocalStatic = 1 # Uncomment if you want to serve static files from the local server instead of S3 # Uncomment to set up a database connection. Only one of the headers should be uncommented: #[Postgres] #[MySQL] #Host = localhost #Username = quackscape #Password = secret! #Database = quackscape