Kumi 61de9ec81b
feat: convert Flask app to static site generator
Refactored the Flask application to generate a static site instead of running as a dynamic web app. Added a CI workflow to build and deploy the static site on pushes to the 'static' branch.

- Replaced Flask route handling with a function that generates HTML files using Jinja2 templates.
- Modified the argparse logic to trigger the static site generation.
- Updated the .gitignore file to exclude the build directory.
- Created a Forgejo Actions workflow to automate the build and deploy process.

This change improves performance and reduces server overhead by serving pre-rendered static content.
2024-07-01 09:56:04 +02:00

128 lines
4.3 KiB

from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, TemplateNotFound
import json
import pathlib
import os
import datetime
import shutil
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from helpers.finances import (
# Configure Jinja2 environment
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('templates'))
# Set up the output directory for static files
output_dir = pathlib.Path('build')
output_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
# Define the icon filter
def icon(icon_name):
icon_path = pathlib.Path('assets') / f"dist/icons/{icon_name}.svg"
with open(icon_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
file_content =
except FileNotFoundError:
file_content = ''
return file_content
env.filters['icon'] = icon
def render_template_to_file(template_name, output_name, **kwargs):
template = env.get_template(template_name)
output_path = output_dir / output_name
with open(output_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
except TemplateNotFound:
print(f"Template {template_name} not found.")
def generate_static_site(development_mode=False):
# Common context
kwargs = {}
if development_mode:
"warning": env.get_template("prod-warning.html").render(),
# Load services data
services = json.loads(
(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "services.json").read_text()
# Load finances data
finances = json.loads(
(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent / "data" / "finances.json").read_text()
# Iterate over all templates in the templates directory
templates_path = pathlib.Path('templates')
for template_file in templates_path.glob('*.html'):
template_name = template_file.stem
context = kwargs.copy()
if template_name in ["index", "simple"]:
context.update({"services": services})
if template_name == "membership":
allow_current = development_mode
finances_month, finances_year = get_latest_month(finances, allow_current)
finances_period =, finances_month, 1)
finances_period_str = finances_period.strftime("%B %Y")
finances_table = generate_transparency_table(
get_transparency_data(finances, finances_year, finances_month, allow_current)
"finances": finances_table,
"finances_period": finances_period_str,
if template_name == "transparency":
finance_data = {}
for year in sorted(finances.keys(), reverse=True):
for month in sorted(finances[year].keys(), reverse=True):
if year not in finance_data:
finance_data[year] = {}
finance_data[year][month] = generate_transparency_table(
get_transparency_data(finances, year, month)
context.update({"finances": finance_data})
render_template_to_file(f"{template_name}.html", f"{template_name}.html", **context)
# Generate metrics
balances = get_transparency_data(finances, allow_current=True)["end_balance"]
response = (
"# HELP privatecoffee_balance The balance of the account\n"
response += "# TYPE privatecoffee_balance gauge\n"
for currency, balance in balances.items():
response += f'privatecoffee_balance{{currency="{currency}"}} {balance}\n'
metrics_path = output_dir / "metrics.txt"
with open(metrics_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
# Copy static assets
assets_src = pathlib.Path('assets')
assets_dst = output_dir / 'assets'
if assets_dst.exists():
shutil.copytree(assets_src, assets_dst)
print("Static site generated successfully.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = ArgumentParser(description="Generate the static site.")
parser.add_argument("--dev", action="store_true", help="Enable development mode")
args = parser.parse_args()