Kumi 8b4f7eb6ce
feat: Introduce Pride theme and improve layout readability
- Added '.bg-pride-gradient' class to CSS for a colorful background gradient celebrating Pride Month, replacing the previous primary gradient. This change visually signifies our support for the LGBTQ+ community.
- Replaced the header logo with a detailed vector image to enhance visual engagement.
- Reformatted the HTML structure to improve code readability and maintainability. This involves adjusting indentation and whitespace, making the code easier to follow and modify.
- Updated section headers and content organization in the index page to enhance information flow and user engagement.

This update aligns with the initiative to celebrate and acknowledge Pride Month, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity. Additionally, the introduction of a more detailed logo and the restructured HTML seeks to enhance overall site aesthetics and user experience.
2024-06-07 22:51:24 +02:00

239 lines
21 KiB

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<h2>Empowering Pride with Open Source</h2>
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d="m 1910.26,4519.6 c -35.2,-49.35 -58.58,-96.48 -88.78,-152.73 -25.64,99.95 -41.01,209.63 -10.4,309.49 85.25,289.39 523.25,362.83 775.59,454.81 139.36,49.81 296.18,102.63 390.79,224.44 45.02,58.1 63.79,137.59 53.14,208.18 -0.35,3.1 -3.69,24.12 -3.89,26.48 -2.44,9.54 -6.22,26.17 -8.82,35.93 -6.14,19.07 -12.96,40.5 -21.14,58.8 -8.37,21.35 -20.7,44.49 -31.05,64.89 -73.67,131.84 -174.6,247.81 -281.38,352.78 73.85,-2.51 142.37,-15.5 211.77,-35.13 583.49,-172.36 698.12,-801.14 222.28,-1175.47 -3.34,-2.68 -6.76,-5.3 -10.16,-7.94 -44.39,-34.52 -93.18,-65.78 -144.75,-93.72 -74.87,-40.55 -155.53,-74.22 -236.75,-101.26 -101.18,-33.67 -203.22,-57.05 -296.05,-70.47 -127.36,-16.33 -207.44,-26.97 -310.07,-0.92 -11.53,3.2 -24.06,5.49 -35.98,7.02 -17.68,1.93 -36.49,0.79 -53.62,-4.75 l -6.78,-2.01 -3.47,-1.13 -3.11,-1.47 c -44.56,-19.55 -77.36,-54.95 -107.37,-95.82 z m -339.73,154.77 c -8.82,38.41 -12.83,76.45 -12.78,113.93 0.06,35.2 3.71,69.91 10.59,103.93 42.41,209.32 205.13,392.95 376.02,510.74 182.03,128.28 395.75,210.17 587.89,267.09 18.7,5.19 37.68,11.17 56.75,13.23 4.97,0.39 8.61,0.19 11.67,-1.55 0.46,-0.33 1.8,-0.49 1.65,-1.09 0.26,-1.02 0.67,-2.15 1.22,-3.36 0.12,-0.64 0.93,-1.14 0.67,-2.06 -0.24,-0.92 -0.45,-1.87 -0.58,-2.84 -0.47,-2.04 -0.06,-3.83 -0.66,-6.36 -2.5,-5.79 -2.39,-10.99 -5.7,-19.48 -1.31,-4.07 -1.46,-8.56 -3.06,-12.56 -4.94,-20.46 -8.04,-42.26 -5.12,-63.32 7.44,-65.45 53.97,-68.72 72.7,7.43 l 3.54,14.38 1.97,7.51 c 10.8,66.55 11.22,134.44 11.48,202.3 0.57,82.13 -1.65,163.14 2.21,246.5 0.83,17.85 1.84,35.78 3.32,53.88 v 0 c 114.15,-150.02 288.85,-370.96 295.26,-562.35 v -18.18 c -0.64,-8.54 -2.25,-18.19 -2.9,-26.73 -0.77,-5.37 -4.96,-20.62 -5.76,-25.92 -2.45,-6.4 -6.17,-18.47 -8.86,-24.86 -23.32,-52.95 -65.69,-93.84 -113.84,-125.47 -85.37,-56.47 -185.4,-91.7 -282.81,-125.23 -151.53,-51.73 -306.86,-95 -452.59,-163.53 -295.37,-135.91 -420.84,-348.98 -291.33,-663.53 -16.54,7.79 -32.54,16.62 -47.98,26.27 -100.66,62.95 -176.22,164.05 -202.82,280.48 -0.05,0.25 -0.09,0.51 -0.15,0.75 z M 2812.77,1597.01 c 40.44,9.1 80.56,19.2 119.71,34.48 -108.38,-70.01 -300.34,-96.8 -428.05,-85.32 -4.75,0.69 -18.89,2.62 -23.6,3.32 -7.39,1.8 -15.93,3.34 -23.19,5.53 l -14.83,5.55 c 19.86,-3.66 41.95,-4 62.09,-3.61 103.32,3.83 206.75,19.21 307.87,40.05 z m 29.64,66.88 c 89.97,14.33 179.21,29.28 265.61,60.02 -113.31,-83.26 -405.1,-131.21 -536.73,-80.34 90.65,-7.84 181.48,8.35 271.12,20.32 z m 143.01,103.86 c 97.86,15.92 194.51,31.96 289.18,63.78 -10.16,-7.31 -20.41,-15.13 -31.45,-21.33 -129.88,-76.83 -410.36,-124.27 -552.33,-68.44 98.45,-5.15 197.3,12.37 294.6,25.99 z m 133.54,117.92 c 105.76,17.59 209.84,34.62 312.74,67.61 -10.79,-8.19 -21.69,-17.05 -33.56,-23.9 -140.08,-86.68 -442.77,-138.05 -597.26,-75.27 106.73,-2.64 212.76,16.32 318.08,31.56 z m 428.47,192.74 c 9.92,3.34 21.25,6.85 31.46,9.71 -142.19,-120.4 -505.55,-180.91 -677.87,-108.59 115.23,-0.04 228.1,20.18 341.55,37.1 102.31,16.9 204.68,34.81 304.86,61.78 z m 55.9,127.42 c 37.73,8.38 74.57,17.77 112.38,29.19 -29.28,-26.44 -64.88,-46.93 -100.33,-64.15 -161.73,-76.9 -456.66,-125.3 -624.62,-53.85 54.59,0.52 107.65,6.11 161.3,12.52 151.28,20.16 301.94,44.61 451.27,76.29 z m 118.33,156.7 c 40.31,8.81 79.47,18.48 119.97,30.41 -159.35,-144.91 -574.38,-214.49 -771.99,-127.46 66.4,2.19 130.78,9.51 195.98,18.74 152.81,21.24 304.9,47.22 456.04,78.31 z m 132.25,172.38 c 34.29,6.89 67.25,16.25 102.31,25.88 -6.5,-6.19 -13.43,-11.89 -20.28,-17.93 -13.54,-11.66 -29.58,-21.67 -44.39,-31.47 -187.11,-113.53 -550,-176.44 -754.38,-87.45 138.47,7.34 275.25,31.56 411.95,53.6 101.63,17.75 203.94,35.01 304.79,57.37 z m 96.64,175.79 c 36.33,7.13 71.19,16.87 108.45,26.86 -13.57,-12.8 -28.39,-26.43 -44.08,-36.91 -194.92,-136.9 -600.92,-207.33 -822,-109.36 146.27,9.79 290.87,35.21 435.37,59.12 107.33,18.86 215.62,37.1 322.26,60.29 z m 169.8,203.79 c 9.51,2.63 19.12,5.36 29.15,7.71 -10.73,-10.57 -22.16,-21.01 -33.88,-30.65 -204.64,-154.58 -642.16,-231.47 -879.27,-125.04 154.12,12.16 306.54,39 458.84,64.63 122.75,21.57 246.31,42.76 368.28,69.17 18.45,4.94 38.52,8.55 56.88,14.18 z m 83.74,177.09 c -207.81,-174.65 -687.97,-257.66 -937.03,-143.03 81.6,7.27 163.11,17.92 243.82,30.74 209.33,33.27 418.08,68.94 625.73,111.65 19.4,5.17 40.57,8.91 59.9,14.71 34.83,9.03 37.84,13.77 7.58,-14.07 z m 39.67,206.74 c 16.21,4.08 31.34,8.91 48.01,12.57 -7.64,-8.06 -15.81,-15.71 -24.11,-23.46 -217.31,-185.73 -721.41,-273.06 -983.13,-151.07 127.88,12.19 254.37,33.44 380.92,54.03 166.33,29.16 333.92,56.89 499.48,90.66 24.43,4.4 54.57,12.01 78.83,17.27 z m -1.05,190.22 c 33.53,7.53 66.41,15.79 99.91,24.32 -16.17,-16.89 -33.23,-33.72 -52.38,-47.38 -236.38,-177.08 -729.86,-263.23 -1001.93,-136.59 89.56,9.84 178.88,22.03 267.73,36.76 229.56,37.83 458.46,77.5 686.67,122.89 z m 66.33,212.78 c 23.65,4.41 45.58,11.88 70.24,17.18 -16.66,-17.54 -34.52,-35.84 -54.44,-49.99 -247.31,-187.17 -761.56,-277.13 -1046.92,-143.36 20.68,3.26 42.4,5.34 63.05,7.33 42.8,5.97 87.98,12.23 130.77,18.5 256.91,41.64 512.86,86.2 768.4,135.65 19.2,3.4 49.73,10.2 68.9,14.69 z M 3829,3815.73 c 169.31,31.86 407.4,67.83 572.3,111.08 -225.37,-243.6 -851.26,-350.01 -1148.4,-202.79 189.77,22.29 387.59,58.97 576.1,91.71 z m -616.23,108.76 c 201.19,25.11 400.27,62.29 599.55,97.12 142.16,25.95 380.77,66.23 519.67,96.42 25.11,5.62 50.11,11.87 76.25,18.68 -17.22,-20.67 -37.34,-38.99 -58.42,-55.66 -265.69,-206.13 -829.33,-305.54 -1137.05,-156.56 z m -1683.1,747.26 c 0.43,-1.94 0.8,-3.88 1.25,-5.81 l 0.28,-1.33 c 33.01,-144.52 163.53,-279.03 301.49,-343.88 0,0 81.67,141.83 109.46,180.81 32.51,44.25 60.47,63.07 91.76,76.81 l 9.52,3.14 c 10.41,3.37 23.33,4.46 36.42,3.07 11,-1.43 21.34,-3.45 29.91,-5.83 l 0.87,-0.23 c 109.15,-27.7 193.72,-16.85 321.72,-0.43 l 4.11,0.52 c 99.81,14.44 204.62,39.38 303.05,72.13 32.13,10.7 63.4,22.17 93.78,34.35 788.88,-33.81 1365.57,-141.27 1365.57,-268.65 0,-154.48 -848.2,-279.71 -1894.51,-279.71 -1046.31,0 -1894.51,125.23 -1894.51,279.71 0,113.73 459.777,211.6 1119.83,255.33 z M 5068.61,3529.73 c -85.97,-618.41 -522.94,-851.16 -916.85,-932.98 8.95,17.03 17.64,34.17 26.19,51.41 258.94,52.36 487.48,193.63 646.36,400.44 146.12,190.19 219.62,419.5 196.6,613.37 -30.09,253.57 -214.29,393.94 -493.26,375.67 1.22,15.09 2.34,29.93 3.37,44.59 63.83,10.33 259.54,2.33 396.98,-105.83 121.23,-95.41 168.55,-245.69 140.61,-446.67 z M 4027.35,2583.85 c -358.63,-634.87 -936.18,-1036.1 -1584.53,-1100.81 -60.27,-6.02 -120.29,-8.99 -179.95,-8.99 -497.13,0.03 -966.1,205.97 -1280.483,569.39 -399.297,461.57 -616.309,1011.27 -728.035,1391.15 -106.356,361.57 -149.961,678.62 -151.227,878.66 29.855,-20.72 66.777,-40.56 111.094,-59.63 35.609,-15.32 75.879,-30.12 120.601,-44.41 -7.636,-113.13 -1.699,-227.81 10.395,-340.32 98.551,-816.39 521.137,-1698.02 1240.025,-2137.42 14.9,-8.14 48.86,-27.49 64.68,-35.99 42.7,-24.1 88.25,-43.68 132.68,-63.99 -38.25,30.92 -77.84,58.68 -114.89,90.61 -22.47,19.01 -52.17,42.23 -73.98,62.38 -623.996,554.85 -984.097,1346.76 -1189.57,2144 -21.933,91.54 -41.426,183.53 -56.265,276.67 97.554,-30.34 215.472,-58.18 352.707,-83.16 421.808,-76.76 981.968,-119.03 1577.318,-119.03 595.34,0 1155.5,42.27 1577.31,119.03 207.49,37.75 371.12,82.04 486.4,131.63 37.84,16.29 70.14,33.14 97.41,50.62 -11.37,-394.7 -80.44,-1133.98 -411.69,-1720.39 z m 281.6,374.71 c 96.29,270.29 153.79,547.33 187.8,794.49 224.23,-28.26 259.97,-179.52 260.39,-271.12 1.02,-220.16 -186.55,-474.2 -448.19,-523.37 z m 382.41,109.29 c 106.38,120.09 169.51,275.05 168.87,414.56 -0.48,103.64 -35.01,193.24 -99.84,259.11 -61.2,62.17 -145.4,100.22 -250.69,113.67 7.15,61.25 12.87,120.2 17.43,176.19 l 1.56,-23.2 c 265.79,17.81 434.5,-109.69 462.98,-349.69 38.81,-326.99 -223.68,-850.09 -797.4,-976.86 26.36,55.07 50.76,111 73.33,167.47 160.13,13.31 310.03,90.41 423.76,218.75 z m 296.07,992.92 c -145.85,112.26 -341.77,136.02 -449.97,125.69 4.95,96.23 6.55,179.06 6.64,243.98 1.94,9.06 2.97,18.25 2.97,27.61 0,78.1 -67.2,144.96 -205.44,204.43 -115.28,49.59 -278.91,93.9 -486.4,131.65 -201.48,36.66 -434.61,65.42 -688.01,85.5 -7.8,-6.55 -15.7,-13.01 -23.8,-19.39 -2.24,-1.79 -4.83,-3.81 -7.42,-5.8 l -2.91,-2.27 c -29.72,-23.12 -62.08,-45.31 -96.56,-66.37 297.39,-19.75 569.98,-51.19 800.24,-93.1 480.3,-87.4 607.2,-191.7 607.2,-234.65 0,-42.93 -126.9,-147.23 -607.2,-234.63 -415.9,-75.68 -969.51,-117.37 -1558.85,-117.37 -589.35,0 -1142.95,41.69 -1558.85,117.37 -480.297,87.4 -607.211,191.7 -607.211,234.63 0,42.95 126.914,147.25 607.211,234.65 229.739,41.81 501.61,73.18 798.22,92.95 0,0.9 -0.04,1.81 -0.04,2.69 0.06,33.66 3.36,67.64 9.5,101.23 -306.96,-19.96 -588.543,-52.21 -826.148,-95.44 C 493.129,4756.38 329.473,4712.07 214.219,4662.48 79.4297,4604.51 12.3633,4539.46 9.07813,4463.87 -19.0781,4279.92 15.1797,3882.31 155.438,3405.51 c 114.625,-389.66 337.597,-953.97 748.98,-1429.52 186.232,-215.28 427.842,-383.3 698.692,-485.9 82.11,-31.11 166.94,-56.11 253.47,-75.13 -523.58,-22.9 -906.412,-95.87 -906.412,-182.39 0,-104.86 562.442,-189.86 1256.252,-189.86 693.8,0 1256.25,85 1256.25,189.86 0,81.31 -338.28,150.69 -813.72,177.74 252.91,51.75 498.16,153.81 718.51,300 286.65,190.21 528.2,448.98 718.77,769.65 620.76,99.58 1005.32,466.13 1084.5,1035.56 41.95,301.79 -76.53,463.09 -183.3,545.25"
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<p class="fw-bold mb-2 text-primary">Our self-hosted Services</p>
<h3 class="fw-bold"> provides a collection of services that respect your
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{% for service in %} {% if not
service.exclude_from_index %}
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<div class="card shadow-sm">
<div class="card-body px-4 py-5 px-md-5">
class="bs-icon-lg d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center mb-3 bs-icon"
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{% if service.icon %}{{ service.icon | icon | safe }}{% endif %}
<h5 class="fw-bold card-title">{{ }}</h5>
<p class="text-muted card-text mb-4">
{{ service.long_description }}
{% for link in service.links %}
class="btn btn-primary shadow w-100 text-center"
href="{{ link.url }}"
>{{ }}</a
{% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endfor %}
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{{ "envelope" | icon | safe }}
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{{ "matrix-logo" | icon | safe }}
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<h6 class="fw-bold mb-0">Matrix</h6>
<p class="text-muted mb-0">
{% endblock %}