Welcome to Private.coffee
Thanks for using our Element instance. Private.coffee is a collection of services that respect your privacy, here are some others:
- CryptPad - Private, encrypted, real-time collaborative editor.
- Invidious - Watch YouTube videos without Google tracking.
- Mastodon - skrt.social - Decentralized social network instance.
- Mastodon - cuddly.space - Decentralized social network instance.
- Gothub - Alternative GitHub interface that respects privacy.
- AllTube - Video downloader for sites like YouTube and Vimeo.
- Indestructables - Browse Instructables without being tracked.
- NocoDB - Open-source tool turning databases into smart spreadsheets.
- Penpot - Open-source design and prototyping platform.
- YOURLS - URL shortener for creating handy links.
- Rallly - Collaborative scheduling service for polls and voting.
- LibreY - Privacy-friendly metasearch engine.
- Overleaf - Collaborative LaTeX editor for writing and sharing documents.
For hosting inquiries for privacy-related, social, or wholesome projects, get in touch!