Kumi d5777fac54
Some checks failed
website / build (push) Failing after 30s
refactor: restructure project for pip packaging
Restructured the entire project directory, making `plankapy` pip-installable, enhancing its modularity and maintainability. This involved moving and renaming Python source files and tests into a dedicated `src/plankapy` structure, introducing a `pyproject.toml` for modern packaging standards, and removing obsolete `` and `` files. Updated CI/CD pipelines to accommodate the new structure, ensuring continued automation efficiency. Added a `` for centralized test configuration, improving test reliability and ease of modification.

- Migrated project documentation and workflow under new `.forgejo` directory for consistency with Forgejo platform requirements.
- Enhanced Docker containerization in CI builds by specifying a node-based container, streamlining the environment setup process.
- Expanded `.gitignore` to include `venv/`, promoting local development best practices.
- Introduced a comprehensive README update, clarifying the project's forked nature and pip-installation goal, fostering better community understanding and contribution suitability.
2024-04-25 08:48:11 +02:00

40 lines
1.1 KiB

name: website
# build the documentation whenever there are new commits on main
- main
# Alternative: only build for tags.
# tags:
# - '*'
## security: restrict permissions for CI jobs.
contents: read
# Build the documentation and upload the static HTML files as an artifact.
image: node:20-bookworm
- name: Install dependencies
run: |
apt update
apt install -y python3 python3-pip
# ADJUST THIS: install all dependencies (including pdoc)
#- run: pip install -e .
#- run: pip install --upgrade pip
- run: pip install pdoc
- run: pip install requests
#- run: pip install json
# ADJUST THIS: build your documentation into docs/.
# We use a custom build script for pdoc itself, ideally you just run `pdoc -o docs/ ...` here.
- run: python3 -m pdoc -d markdown -o docs src/plankapy/
- uses: forgejo/upload-artifact@v4
path: docs