Fix reference to label_id.
805 lines
35 KiB
805 lines
35 KiB
import requests
import json
API_URL = "http://localhost:3000"
API_USER = "demo- demo.demo"
API_PASS = "demo"
OFFSET = 65535
class Planka:
"""API wrapper class for Planka
- url: URL of Planka instance
- username: Username of Planka user
- password: Password of Planka user
def __init__(self, url:str, username:str, password:str, templates="config/templates.json"):
self.url = url
self.username = username
self.password = password
self.auth = None
with open(templates) as f:
self.templates = json.load(f)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{type(self).__name__}:\n\tBase URL: {self.url}\n\tLogin User: {self.username}\n\tLogin Pass: {self.password}\n\tAPI Token: {self.auth}\n>"
def deauthenticate(self) -> bool:
"""Deletes the auth token from the Planka API
- **return:** True if successful, False if not
self.request("DELETE", "/api/access-tokens/me")
self.auth = None
return True
raise InvalidToken(f"No active access token assigned to this instance\n{self.__repr__()}")
def validate(self) -> bool:
"""Validates the Planka API connection
- **return:** True if successful, False if not
self.request("GET", "/*")
return True
raise InvalidToken(f"Invalid API credentials\n{self.__repr__()}")
def authenticate(self) -> bool:
"""Gets an auth token from the Planka API
- **return:** True if successful, False if not
request = requests.post(f"{self.url}/api/access-tokens", data={'emailOrUsername': self.username, 'password': self.password})
self.auth = request.json()['item']
if not self.auth:
raise InvalidToken(f"Invalid API credentials\n{self.__repr__()}")
return True
raise InvalidToken(f"Invalid API credentials\n{self.__repr__()}")
def request(self, method:str, endpoint:str, data:dict=None) -> dict:
"""Makes a request to the Planka API
- method: HTTP method
- endpoint: API endpoint
- data: Data to send with request (default: None)
- **return:** JSON response from Planka API
if not self.auth:
headers = \
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.auth}"
url = f"{self.url}{endpoint}"
response = requests.request(method, url, headers=headers, json=data)
if response.status_code == 401:
raise InvalidToken("Invalid API credentials")
if response.status_code not in [200, 201]:
raise InvalidToken(f"Failed to {method} {url} with status code {response.status_code}")
return response.json()
raise InvalidToken(f"Failed to parse response from {url}")
def get_template(self, template:str) -> dict:
"""Returns a template from the templates.json file
- template: Name of template to return
- **return:** Template dictionary
return self.templates[template]
raise InvalidToken(f"Template not found: {template}")
class Controller():
def __init__(self, instance:Planka) -> None:
"""Controller class for Planka API
- instance: Planka API instance
self.instance = instance
self.template:dict = None
self.data:dict = None
self.response:dict = None
def __str__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the controller object
- **return:** String representation of controller object
return f"{type(self).__name__}:\n{json.dumps(self.data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
"""Returns a string representation of the controller object
- **return:** String representation of controller object
return f"<{type(self).__name__}({self.__class__.__bases__[0].__name__})>{self.__str__()}"
def build(self, **kwargs) -> dict:
"""Builds the controller data
- **return:** Controller data dictionary
if not kwargs:
return kwargs
valid_keys = self.template.keys()
data = {key: value for key, value in kwargs.items() if key in valid_keys}
self.data = data
return self.data
def create(self, route:str, data:dict=None) -> dict:
"""Creates a new controller object (POST)
- route: Route for controller object POST request
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
self.response = self.instance.request("POST", route, data)
return self.response
def get(self, route:str) -> dict:
"""Gets a controller object (GET)
- route: Route for controller object GET request
- **return:** GET response dictionary
return self.instance.request("GET", route)
def update(self, route:str, data:dict=None) -> dict:
"""Updates a controller object (PATCH)
- route: Route for controller object PATCH request
- oid: ID of controller object
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not self.data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before updating")
self.response = self.instance.request("PATCH", route, data=data)
return self.response
def delete(self, route:str) -> dict:
"""Deletes a controller object (DELETE)
- route: Route for controller object DELETE request
- oid: ID of controller object
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
return self.instance.request("DELETE", route)
def last_response(self) -> dict:
"""Returns the last response from the controller object
- **return:** Last response dictionary
return self.response
class Project(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("project")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, name:str=None, oid:str=None) -> dict:
"""Gets a project by name
- oid: ID of project to get (optional)
- name: Name of project if None returns all projects
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if oid:
return super().get(f"/api/projects/{oid}")
prjs = super().get("/api/projects")
if not name:
return prjs
prj_names = [prj["name"] for prj in prjs["items"]]
if name not in prj_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"Project {name} not found")
prj_id = [prj for prj in prjs["items"] if prj["name"] == name][0]["id"]
return super().get(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}")
def get_project_names(self) -> list:
"""Gets a list of project names
- **return:** List of project names
return [prj["name"] for prj in self.get()['items']]
def create(self) -> dict:
"""Creates a new project
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not self.data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
if self.data["name"] in [prj["name"] for prj in self.get()['items']]:
raise InvalidToken(f"Project {self.data['name']} already exists")
return super().create("/api/projects")
def update(self, name:str) -> dict:
"""Updates a project
- name: Name of project to update
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
prj_id = prj_id = self.get(name)['item']['id']
return super().update(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}")
def delete(self, name:str) -> dict:
"""Deletes a project
- name: Name of project to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
prj_id = self.get(name)['item']['id']
return super().delete(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}")
class Board(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("board")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, oid:str=None) -> dict:
"""Gets a board by name
- oid: ID of board to get (optonal)
- name: Name of board if None returns all boards
- project_name: Name of project to get boards from
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if oid:
return super().get(f"/api/boards/{oid}")
if not (project_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project name")
prj_con = Project(self.instance)
prj = prj_con.get(project_name)
boards = prj["included"]["boards"]
if not board_name:
return boards
board_names = [board["name"] for board in boards]
if board_name not in board_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"Board `{board_name}` not found")
board_id = [board for board in boards if board["name"] == board_name][0]["id"]
return super().get(f"/api/boards/{board_id}")
def create(self, project_name:str) -> dict:
"""Creates a new board
- prj_name: Name of project to create board in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not self.data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
prj_con = Project(self.instance)
prj_id = prj_con.get(project_name)['item']['id']
return super().create(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}/boards")
def update(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, data:dict=None, oid:str=None) -> dict:
"""Updates a board
- oid: ID of board to update (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to update board in
- board_name: Name of board to update
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before updating")
if oid:
return super().update(f"/api/boards/{oid}", data=data)
if not (project_name and board_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project and board names")
board_id = self.get(project_name, board_name)['item']['id']
return super().update(f"/api/boards/{board_id}", data=self.data)
def delete(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a board
- oid: ID of board to delete (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to delete board in
- board_name: Name of board to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid:
return super().delete(f"/api/boards/{oid}")
if not project_name:
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project name")
if not board_name:
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a board name")
board_id = self.get(project_name, board_name)['item']['id']
return super().delete(f"/api/boards/{board_id}")
class List(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("list")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None):
"""Gets a list by name
NOTE: No GET route for list by ID
- project_name: Name of project to get list from
- board_name: Name of board to get list from
- list_name: Name of list to get
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if not (project_name and board_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project and board names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
lists = board["included"]["lists"]
list_names = [lst["name"] for lst in lists]
if not list_name:
return lists
if list_name not in list_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"List `{list_name}` not found")
return [lst for lst in lists if lst["name"] == list_name][0]
def create(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, data:dict=None):
"""Creates a new list
- project_name: Name of project to create list in
- board_name: Name of board to create list in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
if not (project_name and board_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project and board name")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board_id = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)['item']['id']
return super().create(f"/api/boards/{board_id}/lists")
def update(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, data:dict=None, oid:str=None):
"""Updates a list
- oid: ID of list to update (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to update list in
- board_name: Name of board to update list in
- list_name: Name of list to update
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before updating")
if oid:
return super().update(f"/api/lists/{oid}", data=data)
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, and list names")
lst = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name)
return super().update(f"/api/lists/{lst['id']}", data=data)
def delete(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a list
- oid: ID of list to delete (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to delete list in
- board_name: Name of board to delete list in
- list_name: Name of list to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid:
return super().delete(f"/api/lists/{oid}")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board, and list names")
lst = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name)
return super().delete(f"/api/lists/{lst['id']}")
class Card(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("card")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Gets a card by name
- oid: ID of card to get (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to get card from
- board_name: Name of board to get card from
- list_name: Name of list to get card from
- card_name: Name of card to get
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if oid != None:
return super().get(f"/api/cards/{oid}")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, and list names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
lst_id = [ls for ls in board["included"]["lists"] if ls["name"] == list_name][0]["id"]
cards = [card for card in board["included"]["cards"] if card["listId"] == lst_id]
card_names = [card["name"] for card in cards]
if not card_name:
return [self.get(oid=card["id"]) for card in cards]
if card_name not in card_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"Card `{card_name}` not found")
card_id = [card for card in cards if card["name"] == card_name][0]['id']
return super().get(f"/api/cards/{card_id}")
def create(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, data:dict=None):
"""Creates a new card
- project_name: Name of project to create card in
- board_name: Name of board to create card in
- list_name: Name of list to create card in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board and list names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
lst_id = [ls for ls in board["included"]["lists"] if ls["name"] == list_name][0]["id"]
return super().create(f"/api/lists/{lst_id}/cards")
def delete(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a card
- oid: ID of card to delete (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to delete card in
- board_name: Name of board to delete card in
- list_name: Name of list to delete card in
- card_name: Name of card to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid != None:
return super().delete(f"/api/cards/{oid}")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board, list, and card name")
card = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name)
return super().delete(f"/api/cards/{card['id']}")
def update(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, data:dict=None, oid:str=None):
"""Updates a card
- oid: ID of card to update (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to update card in
- board_name: Name of board to update card in
- list_name: Name of list to update card in
- card_name: Name of card to update
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before updating")
if oid:
return super().update(f"/api/cards/{oid}", data=data)
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board, list, and card name")
card = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name)
return super().update(f"/api/cards/{card['id']}", data=data)
def get_labels(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Gets labels for a card
- oid: ID of card to get labels from (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to get card from
- board_name: Name of board to get card from
- list_name: Name of list to get card from
- card_name: Name of card to get
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if oid:
return self.get(oid=oid)['included']['cardLabels']
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, list, and card names")
card_id = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name)['item']['id']
return self.get(oid=card_id)['included']['cardLabels']
class Label(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("label")
self.options = instance.get_template("colors")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def colors(self) -> list:
return self.options
def get(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, label_name:str=None) -> dict:
"""Gets a label by name
- project_name: Name of project to get label from
- board_name: Name of board to get label from
- label_name: Name of label to get
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if not (project_name and board_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project and board names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
labels = board["included"]["labels"]
label_names = [label["name"] for label in labels]
if not label_name:
return labels
if label_name not in label_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"Label `{label_name}` not found")
return [label for label in labels if label["name"] == label_name][0]
def create(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, data:dict=None):
"""Creates a new label
- project_name: Name of project to create label in
- board_name: Name of board to create label in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
if not (project_name and board_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project and board names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)['item']
return super().create(f"/api/boards/{board['id']}/labels")
def delete(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, label_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a label
- oid: ID of label to delete (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to delete label from
- board_name: Name of board to delete label from
- label_name: Name of label to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid:
return super().delete(f"/api/labels/{oid}")
if not (project_name and board_name and label_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, and label names")
label = self.get(project_name, board_name, label_name)
return super().delete(f"/api/labels/{label['id']}")
def add(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None ,card_name:str=None, label_name:str=None, card_id:str=None, label_id:str=None):
"""Adds a label to a card
- project_name: Name of project to add label to card in
- board_name: Name of board to add label to card in
- label_name: Name of label to add to card
- card_name: Name of card to add label to
- list_name: Name of list to add label to card in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if label_id and card_id:
return super().create(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/labels", data={"labelId":label_id})
if not (project_name and board_name and label_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board, label name")
if card_id:
label = self.get(project_name, board_name, label_name)
return super().create(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/labels", data={"labelId":label['item']['id']})
if not (card_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a card and list name")
card_con = Card(self.instance)
card = card_con.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name)
label = self.get(project_name, board_name, label_name)
return super().create(f"/api/cards/{card['item']['id']}/labels", {"labelId":label['item']['id']})
def remove(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None ,card_name:str=None, label_name:str=None, card_id:str=None, label_id:str=None):
"""Removes a label from a card
- project_name: Name of project to remove label from card in
- board_name: Name of board to remove label from card in
- label_name: Name of label to remove from card
- card_name: Name of card to remove label from
- list_name: Name of list to remove label from card in
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if label_id and card_id:
return super().delete(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/labels/{label_id}")
if not (project_name and board_name and label_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a project, board, label name")
if card_id:
label_id = [label['id'] for label in Card(self.instance).get_labels(oid=card_id) if label['name'] == label_name][0]
return super().delete(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/labels/{label_id}")
if not (card_name and list_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide a card and list name")
card_con = Card(self.instance)
card = card_con.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name)
label = self.get(project_name, board_name, label_name)
return super().delete(f"/api/cards/{card['item']['id']}/labels/{label['item']['id']}")
class Task(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("task")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, task_name:str=None) -> dict:
"""Gets a task by name
NOTE: No GET route for tasks by OID
- project_name: Name of project to get task from
- board_name: Name of board to get task from
- list_name: Name of list to get task from
- card_name: Name of card to get task from
- task_name: Name of task to get
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, list, and card names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
list_id = [ls for ls in board["included"]["lists"] if ls["name"] == list_name][0]["id"]
cards = [card for card in board["included"]["cards"] if card["name"] == card_name and card["listId"] == list_id]
card_id = [card for card in cards if card["name"] == card_name][0]["id"]
tasks = [task for task in board["included"]["tasks"] if task["cardId"] == card_id]
task_names = [task["name"] for task in tasks]
if not task_name:
return tasks
if task_name not in task_names:
raise InvalidToken(f"Task `{task_name}` not found")
return [task for task in tasks if task["name"] == task_name][0]
def create(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, data:dict=None, card_id:str=None):
"""Creates a new task
- card_id: ID of card to create task in (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to create task in
- board_name: Name of board to create task in
- list_name: Name of list to create task in
- card_name: Name of card to create task in
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before creating")
if card_id:
return super().create(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/tasks")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, list, and card names")
board_con = Board(self.instance)
board = board_con.get(project_name, board_name)
list_id = [ls for ls in board["included"]["lists"] if ls["name"] == list_name][0]["id"]
cards = [card for card in board["included"]["cards"] if card["name"] == card_name and card["listId"] == list_id]
card_id = [card for card in cards if card["name"] == card_name][0]["id"]
return super().create(f"/api/cards/{card_id}/tasks")
def update(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, task_name:str=None, data:dict=None, oid:str=None):
"""Updates a task
- oid: Object ID of task to update (optional)
- project_name: Name of project to update task in
- board_name: Name of board to update task in
- list_name: Name of list to update task in
- card_name: Name of card to update task in
- task_name: Name of task to update
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken(f"Please Build a {type(self).__name__} before updating")
if oid:
return super().update(f"/api/tasks/{oid}")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name and task_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, list, card, and task names")
task = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name, task_name)
return super().update(f"/api/tasks/{task['id']}")
def delete(self, project_name:str=None, board_name:str=None, list_name:str=None, card_name:str=None, task_name:str=None, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a task
- oid: ID of task to delete (Use this if you already have the ID)
- project_name: Name of project to delete task from
- board_name: Name of board to delete task from
- list_name: Name of list to delete task from
- card_name: Name of card to delete task from
- task_name: Name of task to delete
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid:
return super().delete(f"/api/tasks/{id}")
if not (project_name and board_name and list_name and card_name and task_name):
raise InvalidToken("Please provide project, board, list, card, and task names")
task = self.get(project_name, board_name, list_name, card_name, task_name)
return super().delete(f"/api/tasks/{task['id']}")
class Attachment(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("attachment")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
class Stopwatch(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("stopwatch")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
class Background(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("background")
self.options = instance.get_template("gradients")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def gradients(self) -> dict:
"""Gets all gradients
- **return:** GET response dictionary
return self.options
def apply(self, prj_name:str):
"""Applies a gradient to a project
- project: Name of project to apply gradient to
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
project = Project(self.instance)
prj_id = project.get(prj_name)["item"]["id"]
if "type" not in self.data.keys():
raise InvalidToken("Please specify a background type: `gradient` | `image`")
if self.data["type"] == "gradient" and self.data["name"] not in self.options:
raise InvalidToken(f"Gradient {self.data['name']} not found: please choose from\n{self.options}")
return super().update(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}", data={"background": self.data})
def clear(self, prj_name:str):
"""Clears a gradient from a project
- project: Name of project to clear gradient from
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
project = Project(self.instance)
prj_id = project.get(prj_name)["item"]["id"]
return super().update(f"/api/projects/{prj_id}", data={"background": None})
class Comment(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("comment-action")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
class User(Controller):
def __init__(self, instance:Planka, **kwargs) -> None:
"""Creates a user
- username: Username of user to create
- name: Display name of user to create
- password: Password of user to create
- email: Email of user to create
- subscribe: Subscibe user to own cards (default: False)
- organization: Organization of user to create (default: None)
- admin: Admin state of user to create (default: False)
self.instance = instance
self.template = instance.get_template("user")
self.data = self.build(**kwargs)
def get(self, username:str=None):
"""Gets a user
- username: Username of user to get (all if not provided)
- **return:** GET response dictionary
if not username:
return super().get("/api/users")["items"]
users = super().get("/api/users")["items"]
names = [user["username"] for user in users]
if username not in names:
raise InvalidToken(f"User {username} not found")
return users[names.index(username)]
def create(self, data:dict=None):
"""Creates a user
- data: Data dictionary to create user with (optional)
- **return:** POST response dictionary
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken("Please either build a user or provide a data dictionary")
if self.data["username"] in [user["username"] for user in self.get()]:
raise InvalidToken(f"User {self.data['username']} already exists")
return super().create("/api/users", data=self.data)
def delete(self, username:str, oid:str=None):
"""Deletes a user
- username: Username of user to delete
- oid: ID of user to delete (Use this if you already have the ID)
- **return:** DELETE response dictionary
if oid:
return super().delete(f"/api/users/{oid}")
if username not in [user["username"] for user in self.get()]:
raise InvalidToken(f"User {username} not found")
return super().delete(f"/api/users/{self.get(username)['id']}")
def update(self, username:str, oid:str=None, data:dict=None):
"""Updates a user
- username: Username of user to update
- oid: ID of user to update (Use this if you already have the ID)
- data: Data dictionary to update user with (optional)
- **return:** PATCH response dictionary
user = self.get(username)
if not data:
data = self.data
if not data:
raise InvalidToken("Please either build a user or provide a data dictionary")
return super().update(f"/api/users/{user['id']}", data=data)
class InvalidToken(Exception):
"""General Error for invalid API inputs