from plankapy import Planka from plankapy import build_card from plankapy import OFFSET API_URL = None API_USER = None API_PASS = None default_tasks = \ [ "LLD", "LLD Invoiced", "CD", "CD Invoiced", "PD", "PD Invoiced", "Constructed" ] prj = input("Project: ") brd = input("Board: ") lst = input("List: ") mkt = input("Market: ") state = input("State: ") phase = input("Phase: ") fdas = input("FDAs (comma seperated or - for range): ") stage = input("Stage (HLD | LLD | PD | CD) enter to match board: ") labels = input("Labels (comma seperated) enter to match board: ") print("Default Tasks: HLD, HLD Invoiced, LLD, LLD Invoiced, CD, CD Invoiced, PD, PD Invoiced, Constructed") tasks = input("Tasks (comma seperated) enter for default: ") print(f"cards will be created in\n\t{prj} \n\t |-> {brd} \n\t |-> {lst}") if tasks == "": tasks = default_tasks else: tasks = tasks.split(",") if fdas.__contains__("-"): fdas = fdas.split("-") fdas = list(range(int(fdas[0]), int(fdas[1])+1)) else: fdas = fdas.split(",") if labels == "": labels = [brd] else: labels = labels.split(",") if stage == "": stage = brd desc = f"|Billable Footage | Stage | City |\n| -------- | -------- | -------- |\n| NA| {stage} | {mkt}, {state} |" instance = Planka(API_URL, API_USER, API_PASS) next_pos = OFFSET for fda in fdas: build_card(instance, project=prj, board=brd, list=lst, name=f"{mkt} {phase}.{fda}", description=desc, tasks=tasks, labels=labels, position=next_pos) next_pos += OFFSET