# MyIP.Coffee [![Support us on private.coffee!](https://shields.private.coffee/badge/private.coffee-support%20us!-pink?logo=coffeescript)](https://private.coffee) MyIP.Coffee is a simple web service that returns the IP address of the client making the request. ## Setup There are two components to this project, the website and the endpoint that returns the IP address. The endpoint runs on https://ipv4.myip.coffee and https://ipv6.myip.coffee. The IPv4 endpoint only has an A record, while the IPv6 endpoint has both only an AAAA record. ### nginx If you use nginx, you don't need the endpoint. You can use the following configuration to return the IP address of the client: ```nginx server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name ipv4.myip.coffee ipv6.myip.coffee; location / { return 200 "$remote_addr"; } } ``` ### PHP As our web hosting solution comes with Apache and PHP, there is a PHP script in [endpoint/index.php](endpoint/index.php) that just returns the IP address of the client. It is trivial to implement this in other languages, so this is left as an exercise to the reader. ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.