# Matrix-Roomba [![Support Private.coffee!](https://shields.private.coffee/badge/private.coffee-support%20us!-pink?logo=coffeescript)](https://private.coffee) [![PyPI](https://shields.private.coffee/pypi/v/matrix-roomba)](https://pypi.org/project/matrix-roomba/) [![PyPI - Python Version](https://shields.private.coffee/pypi/pyversions/matrix-roomba)](https://pypi.org/project/matrix-roomba/) [![PyPI - License](https://shields.private.coffee/pypi/l/matrix-roomba)](https://pypi.org/project/matrix-roomba/) [![Latest Git Commit](https://shields.private.coffee/gitea/last-commit/privatecoffee/matrix-roomba?gitea_url=https://git.private.coffee)](https://git.private.coffee/privatecoffee/matrix-roomba) Roomba is a moderation bot for Matrix, designed to help manage rooms and enforce content policies. The bot can block/unblock rooms, shut down rooms, and notify users of shutdowns. It integrates with Synapse's administrative API and supports optional encryption through Pantalaimon. ## Installation ```bash pip install matrix-roomba ``` Create a configuration file in `config.yaml` based on the [config.dist.yaml](config.dist.yaml) provided in the repository. At the very least, you need to provide the following configuration: ```yaml homeserver: "https://matrix.example.com" user_id: "@roomba:example.com" access_token: "YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN" moderation_room_id: "!moderation_room_id:example.com" ``` Ensure that the bot user is an admin on the homeserver, as it needs to be able to moderate rooms. Also add the user to the moderation room before starting the bot. We recommend using pantalaimon as a proxy, because the bot itself does not support end-to-end encryption. You can start the bot by running: ## Usage 1. Start the bot: ```bash roomba ``` 2. Send a message to the moderation room to get a list of available commands: ``` !roomba ``` ### Commands In the moderation room, send commands to manage rooms: - Block a room: !roomba block - Unblock a room: !roomba unblock - Shutdown a room: !roomba shutdown [--purge] - For help: !roomba ## License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](LICENSE) file for details.