Kumi cfeaae3fac
Add an AI generated logo
Set logo as room/space avatar
Stay admin when creating a room
Add a settings table to the database
2023-05-09 11:30:51 +00:00

45 lines
2 KiB

from import RoomMessageText
from nio import RoomCreateError, RoomInviteError
from nio.rooms import MatrixRoom
async def command_newroom(room: MatrixRoom, event: RoomMessageText, bot):
room_name = " ".join(event.body.split()[
2:]) or bot.default_room_name
bot.logger.log("Creating new room...")
new_room = await bot.matrix_client.room_create(name=room_name)
if isinstance(new_room, RoomCreateError):
bot.logger.log(f"Failed to create room: {new_room.message}")
await bot.send_message(room, f"Sorry, I was unable to create a new room. Please try again later, or create a room manually.", True)
bot.logger.log(f"Inviting {event.sender} to new room...")
invite = await bot.matrix_client.room_invite(new_room.room_id, event.sender)
if isinstance(invite, RoomInviteError):
bot.logger.log(f"Failed to invite user: {invite.message}")
await bot.send_message(room, f"Sorry, I was unable to invite you to the new room. Please try again later, or create a room manually.", True)
with bot.database.cursor() as cursor:
"SELECT space_id FROM user_spaces WHERE user_id = ? AND active = TRUE", (event.sender,))
space = cursor.fetchone()
if space:
bot.logger.log(f"Adding new room to space {space[0]}...")
await bot.add_rooms_to_space(space[0], [new_room.room_id])
if bot.logo_uri:
await bot.matrix_client.room_put_state(room, "", {
"url": bot.logo_uri
}, "")
await bot.matrix_client.room_put_state(
new_room.room_id, "", {"users": {event.sender: 100, bot.matrix_client.user_id: 100}})
await bot.matrix_client.joined_rooms()
await bot.send_message(room, f"Alright, I've created a new room called '{room_name}' and invited you to it. You can find it at {new_room.room_id}", True)
await bot.send_message(bot.rooms[new_room.room_id], f"Welcome to the new room! What can I do for you?")