# GPTbot GPTbot is a simple bot that uses the [OpenAI ChatCompletion API](https://platform.openai.com/docs/guides/chat) to generate responses to messages in a Matrix room. It will also save a log of the spent tokens to a sqlite database (token_usage.db in the working directory). ## Installation Simply clone this repository and install the requirements. ### Requirements * Python 3.8 or later * Requirements from `requirements.txt` (install with `pip install -r requirements.txt` in a venv) ### Configuration The bot requires a configuration file to be present in the working directory. Copy the provided `config.dist.ini` to `config.ini` and edit it to your needs. ## Running The bot can be run with `python -m gptbot`. If required, activate a venv first. You may want to run the bot in a screen or tmux session, or use a process manager like systemd. ## License This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.