Travis Ralston f89fcd1fe9 Fix tests and add general safety
We don't need the fake clock anymore, but we do have to wait for async actions to complete before moving forward.

This also exposes a number of functions for the store to be puppetted with.
2020-07-07 15:45:59 -06:00

305 lines
11 KiB

import React from 'react';
import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils';
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';
import lolex from 'lolex';
import * as TestUtils from '../../../test-utils';
import {MatrixClientPeg} from '../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg';
import sdk from '../../../skinned-sdk';
import { DragDropContext } from 'react-beautiful-dnd';
import dis from '../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher';
import DMRoomMap from '../../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap.js';
import GroupStore from '../../../../src/stores/GroupStore.js';
import { MatrixClient, Room, RoomMember } from 'matrix-js-sdk';
import {DefaultTagID} from "../../../../src/stores/room-list/models";
import RoomListStore, {LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT} from "../../../../src/stores/room-list/RoomListStore2";
function generateRoomId() {
return '!' + Math.random().toString().slice(2, 10) + ':domain';
function waitForRoomListStoreUpdate() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
RoomListStore.instance.once(LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT, () => resolve());
describe('RoomList', () => {
function createRoom(opts) {
const room = new Room(generateRoomId(), null, client.getUserId());
if (opts) {
Object.assign(room, opts);
return room;
let parentDiv = null;
let client = null;
let root = null;
const myUserId = '@me:domain';
const movingRoomId = '!someroomid';
let movingRoom;
let otherRoom;
let myMember;
let myOtherMember;
beforeEach(async function(done) {
client = MatrixClientPeg.get();
client.credentials = {userId: myUserId};
//revert this to prototype method as the test-utils monkey-patches this to return a hardcoded value
client.getUserId = MatrixClient.prototype.getUserId;
parentDiv = document.createElement('div');
const RoomList = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomList2');
const WrappedRoomList = TestUtils.wrapInMatrixClientContext(RoomList);
root = ReactDOM.render(
<WrappedRoomList searchFilter="" onResize={() => {}} />
, parentDiv);
ReactTestUtils.findRenderedComponentWithType(root, RoomList);
movingRoom = createRoom({name: 'Moving room'});
// Mock joined member
myMember = new RoomMember(movingRoomId, myUserId);
myMember.membership = 'join';
movingRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myMember,
otherRoom = createRoom({name: 'Other room'});
myOtherMember = new RoomMember(otherRoom.roomId, myUserId);
myOtherMember.membership = 'join';
otherRoom.getMember = (userId) => ({
[client.credentials.userId]: myOtherMember,
// Mock the matrix client
client.getRooms = () => [
createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.1}}, name: 'Some other room'}),
createRoom({tags: {'m.favourite': {order: 0.2}}, name: 'Some other room 2'}),
createRoom({tags: {'m.lowpriority': {}}, name: 'Some unimportant room'}),
createRoom({tags: {'custom.tag': {}}, name: 'Some room customly tagged'}),
client.getVisibleRooms = client.getRooms;
const roomMap = {};
client.getRooms().forEach((r) => {
roomMap[r.roomId] = r;
client.getRoom = (roomId) => roomMap[roomId];
// Now that everything has been set up, prepare and update the store
await RoomListStore.instance.makeReady(client);
afterEach(async (done) => {
if (parentDiv) {
parentDiv = null;
await RoomListStore.instance.resetLayouts();
await RoomListStore.instance.resetStore();
function expectRoomInSubList(room, subListTest) {
const RoomSubList = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomSublist2');
const RoomTile = sdk.getComponent('views.rooms.RoomTile2');
const subLists = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, RoomSubList);
const containingSubList = subLists.find(subListTest);
let expectedRoomTile;
try {
const roomTiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(containingSubList, RoomTile);
console.info({roomTiles: roomTiles.length});
console.log("IS SAME?", room === roomTiles[0].props.room, room, roomTiles[0].props.room);
expectedRoomTile = roomTiles.find((tile) => tile.props.room === room);
} catch (err) {
// truncate the error message because it's spammy
err.message = 'Error finding RoomTile for ' + room.roomId + ' in ' +
subListTest + ': ' +
err.message.split('componentType')[0] + '...';
throw err;
function expectCorrectMove(oldTagId, newTagId) {
const getTagSubListTest = (tagId) => {
return (s) => s.props.tagId === tagId;
// Default to finding the destination sublist with newTag
const destSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(newTagId);
const srcSubListTest = getTagSubListTest(oldTagId);
// Set up the room that will be moved such that it has the correct state for a room in
// the section for oldTagId
if (oldTagId === DefaultTagID.Favourite || oldTagId === DefaultTagID.LowPriority) {
movingRoom.tags = {[oldTagId]: {}};
} else if (oldTagId === DefaultTagID.DM) {
// Mock inverse m.direct
DMRoomMap.shared().roomToUser = {
[movingRoom.roomId]: '@someotheruser:domain',
dis.dispatch({action: 'MatrixActions.sync', prevState: null, state: 'PREPARED', matrixClient: client});
expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, srcSubListTest);
dis.dispatch({action: 'RoomListActions.tagRoom.pending', request: {
oldTagId, newTagId, room: movingRoom,
expectRoomInSubList(movingRoom, destSubListTest);
function itDoesCorrectOptimisticUpdatesForDraggedRoomTiles() {
// TODO: Re-enable dragging tests when we support dragging again.
describe.skip('does correct optimistic update when dragging from', () => {
it('rooms to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, DefaultTagID.DM);
it('rooms to favourites', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.favourite');
it('rooms to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove(undefined, 'm.lowpriority');
// XXX: Known to fail - the view does not update immediately to reflect the change.
// Whe running the app live, it updates when some other event occurs (likely the
// m.direct arriving) that these tests do not fire.
xit('people to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, undefined);
it('people to favourites', () => {
expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, 'm.favourite');
it('people to lowpriority', () => {
expectCorrectMove(DefaultTagID.DM, 'm.lowpriority');
it('low priority to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', undefined);
it('low priority to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', DefaultTagID.DM);
it('low priority to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.lowpriority', 'm.lowpriority');
it('favourites to rooms', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', undefined);
it('favourites to people', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', DefaultTagID.DM);
it('favourites to low priority', () => {
expectCorrectMove('m.favourite', 'm.lowpriority');
describe('when no tags are selected', () => {
describe('when tags are selected', () => {
function setupSelectedTag() {
// Simulate a complete sync BEFORE dispatching anything else
action: 'MatrixActions.sync',
prevState: null,
state: 'PREPARED',
matrixClient: client,
}, true);
// Simulate joined groups being received
action: 'GroupActions.fetchJoinedGroups.success',
result: {
groups: ['+group:domain'],
}, true);
// Simulate receiving tag ordering account data
action: 'MatrixActions.accountData',
event_type: 'im.vector.web.tag_ordering',
event_content: {
tags: ['+group:domain'],
}, true);
// GroupStore is not flux, mock and notify
GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => {
return [movingRoom];
// We also have to mock the client's getGroup function for the room list to filter it.
// It's not smart enough to tell the difference between a real group and a template though.
client.getGroup = (groupId) => {
return {groupId};
// Select tag
dis.dispatch({action: 'select_tag', tag: '+group:domain'}, true);
beforeEach(() => {
it('displays the correct rooms when the groups rooms are changed', async () => {
GroupStore.getGroupRooms = (groupId) => {
return [movingRoom, otherRoom];
await waitForRoomListStoreUpdate();
expectRoomInSubList(otherRoom, (s) => s.props.tagId === DefaultTagID.Untagged);