62 lines
2.3 KiB
62 lines
2.3 KiB
const React = require('react');
const expect = require('expect');
import * as languageHandler from '../../src/languageHandler';
const testUtils = require('../test-utils');
describe('languageHandler', function() {
let sandbox;
beforeEach(function(done) {
sandbox = testUtils.stubClient();
afterEach(function() {
it('translates a string to german', function() {
languageHandler.setLanguage('de').then(function() {
const translated = languageHandler._t('Rooms');
it('handles plurals', function() {
const text = 'and %(count)s others...';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, { count: 1 })).toBe('and one other...');
expect(languageHandler._t(text, { count: 2 })).toBe('and 2 others...');
it('handles simple variable subsitutions', function() {
const text = 'You are now ignoring %(userId)s';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, { userId: 'foo' })).toBe('You are now ignoring foo');
it('handles simple tag substitution', function() {
const text = 'Press <StartChatButton> to start a chat with someone';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, {}, { 'StartChatButton': () => 'foo' }))
.toBe('Press foo to start a chat with someone');
it('handles text in tags', function() {
const text = '<a>Click here</a> to join the discussion!';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, {}, { 'a': (sub) => `x${sub}x` }))
.toBe('xClick herex to join the discussion!');
it('variable substitution with React component', function() {
const text = 'You are now ignoring %(userId)s';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, { userId: () => <i>foo</i> }))
.toEqual((<span>You are now ignoring <i>foo</i></span>));
it('tag substitution with React component', function() {
const text = 'Press <StartChatButton> to start a chat with someone';
expect(languageHandler._t(text, {}, { 'StartChatButton': () => <i>foo</i> }))
.toEqual(<span>Press <i>foo</i> to start a chat with someone</span>);