* Integrate compound design tokens The icons should not be included in this repo, and should live in the compound design token repo, but for simplicity sake at this phase of the integration they will be added here * Pareto color pass on the light theme * bugfixes in the light color pass * Compound color pass dark theme * Compound color pass high contrast * Fix typo * fix tooltip * Fix PR feedback * fix composer button mixin * Normalise some of the auth page colors * Update based on figma feedback * lintfix * regenerate theme index * Fix cypress tests Removed the CSS assertions in the room header as it overlaps with the Percy snapshot * fix more e2e tests * update colors based on feedback * fix color pass * Fix theme overrides * Restore -transparent * fix color mapping * Final colour pass update * Do not consume compound colors directly * rethemedex * Update pass * Final tweaks * a11y pass * scope opacity to checkbox and not label * Add missing customisations var for theming * lintfix * remove unwanted test
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264 lines
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/* Colors from Figma Compound https://www.figma.com/file/X4XTH9iS2KGJ2wFKDqkyed/Compound?node-id=559%3A741 */
$system: #21262c;
$system-transparent: #e1e6ec00;
/* unified palette */
/* try to use these colors when possible */
$bg-color: #181b21;
$base-color: #15171b;
$base-text-color: #edf3ff;
$header-panel-bg-color: #22262e;
$header-panel-text-primary-color: #a1b2d1;
$header-panel-text-secondary-color: #c8c8cd;
$text-primary-color: #edf3ff;
$text-secondary-color: #a1b2d1;
$room-highlight-color: #343a46;
/* typical text (dark-on-white in light skin) */
$primary-fg-color: $text-primary-color;
$secondary-fg-color: $primary-fg-color;
$tertiary-fg-color: $primary-fg-color;
$primary-bg-color: $bg-color;
$muted-fg-color: $header-panel-text-primary-color;
/* used for dialog box text */
$light-fg-color: $header-panel-text-secondary-color;
/* used for focusing form controls */
$focus-bg-color: $room-highlight-color;
$pill-bg-color: $room-highlight-color;
$pill-hover-bg-color: #545a66;
/* informational plinth */
$info-plinth-bg-color: $header-panel-bg-color;
$info-plinth-fg-color: #888;
$spacePanel-bg-color: $base-color;
$inverted-bg-color: $spacePanel-bg-color;
/* used by Autocomplete */
$selected-color: $room-highlight-color;
/* selected for hoverover & selected event tiles */
$event-selected-color: $header-panel-bg-color;
/* used for the hairline dividers in RoomView */
$primary-hairline-color: #000000;
$secondary-hairline-color: var(--cpd-color-gray-300);
/* used for the border of input text fields */
$input-border-color: #e7e7e7;
$input-darker-bg-color: #181b21;
$input-darker-fg-color: #61708b;
$input-lighter-bg-color: #f2f5f8;
$input-placeholder: var(--cpd-color-text-placeholder);
$resend-button-divider-color: $muted-fg-color;
/* scrollbars */
$scrollbar-thumb-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2);
/* context menus */
$menu-border-color: #000000;
$menu-bg-color: $header-panel-bg-color;
$menu-box-shadow-color: $bg-color;
$menu-selected-color: $room-highlight-color;
$avatar-initial-color: #ffffff;
$h3-color: $primary-fg-color;
$icon-button-color: var(--cpd-color-icon-tertiary);
$dialog-title-fg-color: $base-text-color;
$dialog-backdrop-color: #000;
$dialog-shadow-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.48);
$dialog-close-fg-color: $icon-button-color;
$dialog-close-external-color: $text-primary-color;
$lightbox-background-bg-color: #000;
$lightbox-background-bg-opacity: 0.85;
$settings-grey-fg-color: #a2a2a2;
$settings-subsection-fg-color: $text-secondary-color;
$topleftmenu-color: $text-primary-color;
$roomheader-addroom-bg-color: #3c4556;
$roomheader-addroom-fg-color: $text-primary-color;
$roomtopic-color: $text-secondary-color;
$room-icon-unread-color: var(--cpd-color-icon-tertiary);
/* Legacy theme backports */
$accent: #0dbd8b;
$alert: #ff5b55;
$links: #0086e6;
$link-external: #0467dd;
$primary-content: $primary-fg-color;
$secondary-content: $secondary-fg-color;
$tertiary-content: $tertiary-fg-color;
$quaternary-content: #6f7882;
$quinary-content: $quaternary-content;
$background: $primary-bg-color;
$overlay-background: rgba($background, 0.85);
$panels: rgba($system, 0.9);
$panel-actions: $roomtile-selected-bg-color;
$separator: var(--cpd-color-alpha-gray-400);
* Creating a `semantic` color scale. This will not be needed with the new
* visual language, but necessary during the transition period
* This abstract the `green` away from where accent shades are used
* Take: `background: rgba($accent, 0.1);`
* would be transformed to: `background: $accent-300;`
* To use under very rare circumstances, always prefer the semantics defined
* in https://compound.element.io/?path=/docs/tokens-semantic-colors--docs
$accent-100: var(--cpd-color-green-100);
$accent-200: var(--cpd-color-green-200);
$accent-300: var(--cpd-color-green-300);
$accent-400: var(--cpd-color-green-400);
$accent-500: var(--cpd-color-green-500);
$accent-600: var(--cpd-color-green-600);
$accent-700: var(--cpd-color-green-700);
$accent-800: var(--cpd-color-green-800);
$accent-900: var(--cpd-color-green-900);
$accent-1000: var(--cpd-color-green-1000);
$accent-1100: var(--cpd-color-green-1100);
$accent-1200: var(--cpd-color-green-1200);
$accent-1300: var(--cpd-color-green-1300);
$accent-1400: var(--cpd-color-green-1400);
/* Legacy theme backports */
/* ******************** */
$call-view-button-on-foreground: $primary-content;
$call-view-button-on-background: $system;
$call-view-button-off-foreground: $system;
$call-view-button-off-background: $primary-content;
$call-view-content-background: $quinary-content;
$video-feed-secondary-background: $system;
$call-system: $system;
$call-background: $background;
$call-primary-content: $primary-content;
$call-light-quaternary-content: #c1c6cd;
$roomlist-filter-active-bg-color: $panel-actions;
$roomlist-bg-color: var(--cpd-color-bg-subtle-secondary);
$roomsublist-skeleton-ui-bg: linear-gradient(180deg, #3e444c 0%, #3e444c00 100%);
$spacePanel-divider-color: $tertiary-content;
$roomtile-default-badge-bg-color: #61708b;
$roomtile-selected-bg-color: #1a1d23;
/* ******************** */
$widget-menu-bar-bg-color: $header-panel-bg-color;
$widget-body-bg-color: #1a1d23;
$event-highlight-bg-color: #25271f;
/* event timestamp */
$event-timestamp-color: $text-secondary-color;
/* Tabbed views */
$tab-label-fg-color: $text-primary-color;
$tab-label-active-fg-color: $text-primary-color;
/* Buttons */
$button-primary-fg-color: #ffffff;
$button-secondary-bg-color: transparent;
$button-danger-fg-color: #ffffff;
$button-danger-disabled-fg-color: #ffffff;
$button-danger-disabled-bg-color: #f5b6bb; /* TODO: Verify color */
/* Toggle switch */
$togglesw-off-color: $room-highlight-color;
$progressbar-bg-color: #21262c;
$visual-bell-bg-color: #800;
$dark-panel-bg-color: var(--cpd-color-bg-subtle-secondary);
$panel-gradient: rgba(34, 38, 46, 0), rgba(34, 38, 46, 1);
$message-action-bar-bg-color: $header-panel-bg-color;
$message-action-bar-fg-color: $header-panel-text-primary-color;
$message-action-bar-border-color: #616b7f;
$message-action-bar-hover-border-color: $header-panel-text-primary-color;
$reaction-row-button-hover-border-color: $header-panel-text-primary-color;
$reaction-row-button-selected-bg-color: #1f6954;
$kbd-border-color: $strong-input-border-color;
$tooltip-timeline-bg-color: $spacePanel-bg-color;
$tooltip-timeline-fg-color: #ffffff;
$breadcrumb-placeholder-bg-color: #272c35;
/* See non-legacy dark for variable information */
$voice-record-stop-border-color: #6f7882;
$voice-record-icon-color: #6f7882;
/* Appearance tab colors */
$appearance-tab-border-color: $room-highlight-color;
$composer-shadow-color: tranparent;
$codeblock-background-color: #2a3039;
$inlinecode-border-color: #2a3039;
$inlinecode-background-color: #2a3039;
/* Bubble tiles */
$eventbubble-self-bg: #14322e;
$eventbubble-others-bg: $event-selected-color;
$eventbubble-bg-hover: #1c2026;
$eventbubble-reply-color: #c1c6cd;
/* Location sharing */
/* ******************** */
$location-marker-color: #ffffff;
$location-live-color: #5c56f5;
$location-live-secondary-color: #deddfd;
/* ******************** */
/* Voice Broadcast */
/* ******************** */
$live-badge-color: #ffffff;
/* ******************** */
body {
color-scheme: dark;
/* Nasty hacks to apply a filter to arbitrary monochrome artwork to make it */
/* better match the theme. Typically applied to dark grey 'off' buttons or */
/* light grey 'on' buttons. */
.mx_filterFlipColor {
filter: invert(1);
/* markdown overrides: */
.mx_EventTile_content .markdown-body {
table {
tr {
background-color: #000000;
tr:nth-child(2n) {
background-color: #080808;
/* highlight.js overrides: */
.hljs-tag {
color: inherit; /* Without this they'd be weirdly blue which doesn't match the theme */