* mock Element.scrollIntoView in jest setup Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io> * extract theme switcher from quick settings, add match system option, test Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io> * i18n Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io> * forgotten copyright Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io> * stylelint Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io> * remove old class Signed-off-by: Kerry Archibald <kerrya@element.io>
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52 lines
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import { TextEncoder, TextDecoder } from 'util';
import Adapter from "@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17";
import { configure } from "enzyme";
import * as languageHandler from "../src/languageHandler";
import SdkConfig, { DEFAULTS } from '../src/SdkConfig';
languageHandler.setMissingEntryGenerator(key => key.split("|", 2)[1]);
// uninitialised SdkConfig causes lots of warnings in console
// init with defaults
// jest 27 removes setImmediate from jsdom
// polyfill until setImmediate use in client can be removed
global.setImmediate = callback => setTimeout(callback, 0);
// Stub ResizeObserver
class ResizeObserver {
observe() {} // do nothing
unobserve() {} // do nothing
disconnect() {} // do nothing
window.ResizeObserver = ResizeObserver;
// polyfilling TextEncoder as it is not available on JSDOM
// view https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/9983
global.TextEncoder = TextEncoder;
global.TextDecoder = TextDecoder;
configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });
// maplibre requires a createObjectURL mock
global.URL.createObjectURL = jest.fn();
// matchMedia is not included in jsdom
const mockMatchMedia = jest.fn().mockImplementation(query => ({
matches: false,
media: query,
onchange: null,
addListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated
removeListener: jest.fn(), // Deprecated
addEventListener: jest.fn(),
removeEventListener: jest.fn(),
dispatchEvent: jest.fn(),
global.matchMedia = mockMatchMedia;
window.HTMLElement.prototype.scrollIntoView = jest.fn();