Now that Olm needs to be inited asynchronously anyway, we can just pass the options to Olm.init(), and as long as we do that before we start the js-sdk, we're all good. This will means the olm js is now part of the main bundle but since it's now just a wrapper around the wasm, this is probably faster. Also add the directwatch flag to olm.wasm because otherwise it doesn't seem to copy the file in watch mode...
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147 lines
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const path = require('path');
const webpack = require('webpack');
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin');
let og_image_url = process.env.RIOT_OG_IMAGE_URL;
if (!og_image_url) og_image_url = 'https://riot.im/app/themes/riot/img/logos/riot-im-logo-1.png';
module.exports = {
entry: {
// Load babel-polyfill first to avoid issues where some imports (namely react)
// are potentially loaded before babel-polyfill.
"bundle": ["babel-polyfill", "./src/vector/index.js"],
"indexeddb-worker": "./src/vector/indexeddb-worker.js",
"mobileguide": "./src/vector/mobile_guide/index.js",
// CSS themes
"theme-light": "./node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/res/themes/light/css/light.scss",
"theme-dark": "./node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/res/themes/dark/css/dark.scss",
"theme-status": "./res/themes/status/css/status.scss",
module: {
preLoaders: [
{ test: /\.js$/, loader: "source-map-loader" },
loaders: [
{ test: /\.json$/, loader: "json" },
{ test: /\.js$/, loader: "babel", include: path.resolve('./src') },
test: /\.scss$/,
// 1. postcss-loader turns the SCSS into normal CSS.
// 2. css-raw-loader turns the CSS into a javascript module
// whose default export is a string containing the CSS.
// (css-raw-loader is similar to css-loader, but the latter
// would also drag in the imgs and fonts that our CSS refers to
// as webpack inputs.)
// 3. ExtractTextPlugin turns that string into a separate asset.
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("css-raw-loader!postcss-loader?config=postcss.config.js"),
// this works similarly to the scss case, without postcss.
test: /\.css$/,
loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract("css-raw-loader"),
noParse: [
// for cross platform compatibility use [\\\/] as the path separator
// this ensures that the regex trips on both Windows and *nix
// don't parse the languages within highlight.js. They cause stack
// overflows (https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/1721), and
// there is no need for webpack to parse them - they can just be
// included as-is.
// olm takes ages for webpack to process, and it's already heavily
// optimised, so there is little to gain by us uglifying it.
output: {
path: path.join(__dirname, "webapp"),
// the generated js (and CSS, from the ExtractTextPlugin) are put in a
// unique subdirectory for the build. There will only be one such
// 'bundle' directory in the generated tarball; however, hosting
// servers can collect 'bundles' from multiple versions into one
// directory and symlink it into place - this allows users who loaded
// an older version of the application to continue to access webpack
// chunks even after the app is redeployed.
filename: "bundles/[hash]/[name].js",
chunkFilename: "bundles/[hash]/[name].js",
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate: function(info) {
// Reading input source maps gives only relative paths here for
// everything. Until I figure out how to fix this, this is a
// workaround.
// We use the relative resource path with any '../'s on the front
// removed which gives a tree with matrix-react-sdk and vector
// trees smashed together, but this fixes everything being under
// various levels of '.' and '..'
// Also, sometimes the resource path is absolute.
return path.relative(process.cwd(), info.resourcePath).replace(/^[\/\.]*/, '');
resolve: {
alias: {
// alias any requires to the react module to the one in our path, otherwise
// we tend to get the react source included twice when using npm link.
"react": path.resolve('./node_modules/react'),
"react-dom": path.resolve('./node_modules/react-dom'),
"react-addons-perf": path.resolve('./node_modules/react-addons-perf'),
// same goes for js-sdk
"matrix-js-sdk": path.resolve('./node_modules/matrix-js-sdk'),
externals: {
// Don't try to bundle electron: leave it as a commonjs dependency
// (the 'commonjs' here means it will output a 'require')
"electron": "commonjs electron",
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env': {
NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify(process.env.NODE_ENV),
new ExtractTextPlugin("bundles/[hash]/[name].css", {
allChunks: true,
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './src/vector/index.html',
// we inject the links ourselves via the template, because
// HtmlWebpackPlugin wants to put the script tags either at the
// bottom of <head> or the bottom of <body>, and I'm a bit scared
// about moving them.
inject: false,
excludeChunks: ['mobileguide'],
vars: {
og_image_url: og_image_url,
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
template: './src/vector/mobile_guide/index.html',
filename: 'mobile_guide/index.html',
chunks: ['mobileguide'],
devtool: 'source-map',
// configuration for the webpack-dev-server
devServer: {
// serve unwebpacked assets from webapp.
contentBase: './webapp',
stats: {
// don't fill the console up with a mahoosive list of modules
chunks: false,