/* Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import {sortBy, throttle} from "lodash"; import {EventType, RoomType} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/event"; import {Room} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room"; import {MatrixEvent} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event"; import {AsyncStoreWithClient} from "./AsyncStoreWithClient"; import defaultDispatcher from "../dispatcher/dispatcher"; import {ActionPayload} from "../dispatcher/payloads"; import RoomListStore from "./room-list/RoomListStore"; import SettingsStore from "../settings/SettingsStore"; import DMRoomMap from "../utils/DMRoomMap"; import {FetchRoomFn} from "./notifications/ListNotificationState"; import {SpaceNotificationState} from "./notifications/SpaceNotificationState"; import {RoomNotificationStateStore} from "./notifications/RoomNotificationStateStore"; import {DefaultTagID} from "./room-list/models"; import {EnhancedMap, mapDiff} from "../utils/maps"; import {setHasDiff} from "../utils/sets"; import {objectDiff} from "../utils/objects"; import {arrayHasDiff} from "../utils/arrays"; import {ISpaceSummaryEvent, ISpaceSummaryRoom} from "../components/structures/SpaceRoomDirectory"; import RoomViewStore from "./RoomViewStore"; type SpaceKey = string | symbol; interface IState {} const ACTIVE_SPACE_LS_KEY = "mx_active_space"; export const HOME_SPACE = Symbol("home-space"); export const SUGGESTED_ROOMS = Symbol("suggested-rooms"); export const UPDATE_TOP_LEVEL_SPACES = Symbol("top-level-spaces"); export const UPDATE_SELECTED_SPACE = Symbol("selected-space"); // Space Room ID/HOME_SPACE will be emitted when a Space's children change const MAX_SUGGESTED_ROOMS = 20; const partitionSpacesAndRooms = (arr: Room[]): [Room[], Room[]] => { // [spaces, rooms] return arr.reduce((result, room: Room) => { result[room.isSpaceRoom() ? 0 : 1].push(room); return result; }, [[], []]); }; const getOrder = (ev: MatrixEvent): string | null => { const content = ev.getContent(); if (typeof content.order === "string" && Array.from(content.order).every((c: string) => { const charCode = c.charCodeAt(0); return charCode >= 0x20 && charCode <= 0x7F; })) { return content.order; } return null; } const getRoomFn: FetchRoomFn = (room: Room) => { return RoomNotificationStateStore.instance.getRoomState(room); }; export class SpaceStoreClass extends AsyncStoreWithClient { constructor() { super(defaultDispatcher, {}); } // The spaces representing the roots of the various tree-like hierarchies private rootSpaces: Room[] = []; // The list of rooms not present in any currently joined spaces private orphanedRooms = new Set(); // Map from room ID to set of spaces which list it as a child private parentMap = new EnhancedMap>(); // Map from space key to SpaceNotificationState instance representing that space private notificationStateMap = new Map(); // Map from space key to Set of room IDs that should be shown as part of that space's filter private spaceFilteredRooms = new Map>(); // The space currently selected in the Space Panel - if null then `Home` is selected private _activeSpace?: Room = null; private _suggestedRooms: ISpaceSummaryRoom[] = []; public get spacePanelSpaces(): Room[] { return this.rootSpaces; } public get activeSpace(): Room | null { return this._activeSpace || null; } public get suggestedRooms(): ISpaceSummaryRoom[] { return this._suggestedRooms; } public async setActiveSpace(space: Room | null) { if (space === this.activeSpace) return; this._activeSpace = space; this.emit(UPDATE_SELECTED_SPACE, this.activeSpace); this.emit(SUGGESTED_ROOMS, this._suggestedRooms = []); // persist space selected if (space) { window.localStorage.setItem(ACTIVE_SPACE_LS_KEY, space.roomId); } else { window.localStorage.removeItem(ACTIVE_SPACE_LS_KEY); } if (space) { const data = await this.fetchSuggestedRooms(space); if (this._activeSpace === space) { this._suggestedRooms = data.rooms.filter(roomInfo => { return roomInfo.room_type !== RoomType.Space && this.matrixClient.getRoom(roomInfo.room_id)?.getMyMembership() !== "join"; }); this.emit(SUGGESTED_ROOMS, this._suggestedRooms); } } } public fetchSuggestedRooms = async (space: Room, limit = MAX_SUGGESTED_ROOMS) => { try { const data: { rooms: ISpaceSummaryRoom[]; events: ISpaceSummaryEvent[]; } = await this.matrixClient.getSpaceSummary(space.roomId, 0, true, false, limit); return data; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } return { rooms: [], events: [], }; }; public addRoomToSpace(space: Room, roomId: string, via: string[], suggested = false, autoJoin = false) { return this.matrixClient.sendStateEvent(space.roomId, EventType.SpaceChild, { via, suggested, auto_join: autoJoin, }, roomId); } private getChildren(spaceId: string): Room[] { const room = this.matrixClient?.getRoom(spaceId); const childEvents = room?.currentState.getStateEvents(EventType.SpaceChild).filter(ev => ev.getContent()?.via); return sortBy(childEvents, getOrder) .map(ev => this.matrixClient.getRoom(ev.getStateKey())) .filter(room => room?.getMyMembership() === "join") || []; } public getChildRooms(spaceId: string): Room[] { return this.getChildren(spaceId).filter(r => !r.isSpaceRoom()); } public getChildSpaces(spaceId: string): Room[] { return this.getChildren(spaceId).filter(r => r.isSpaceRoom()); } public getParents(roomId: string, canonicalOnly = false): Room[] { const room = this.matrixClient?.getRoom(roomId); return room?.currentState.getStateEvents(EventType.SpaceParent) .filter(ev => { const content = ev.getContent(); if (!content?.via) return false; // TODO apply permissions check to verify that the parent mapping is valid if (canonicalOnly && !content?.canonical) return false; return true; }) .map(ev => this.matrixClient.getRoom(ev.getStateKey())) .filter(Boolean) || []; } public getCanonicalParent(roomId: string): Room | null { const parents = this.getParents(roomId, true); return sortBy(parents, r => r.roomId)?.[0] || null; } public getSpaces = () => { return this.matrixClient.getRooms().filter(r => r.isSpaceRoom() && r.getMyMembership() === "join"); }; public getSpaceFilteredRoomIds = (space: Room | null): Set => { return this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(space?.roomId || HOME_SPACE) || new Set(); }; private rebuild = throttle(() => { // get all most-upgraded rooms & spaces except spaces which have been left (historical) const visibleRooms = this.matrixClient.getVisibleRooms().filter(r => { return !r.isSpaceRoom() || r.getMyMembership() === "join"; }); const unseenChildren = new Set(visibleRooms); const backrefs = new EnhancedMap>(); // Sort spaces by room ID to force the cycle breaking to be deterministic const spaces = sortBy(visibleRooms.filter(r => r.isSpaceRoom()), space => space.roomId); // TODO handle cleaning up links when a Space is removed spaces.forEach(space => { const children = this.getChildren(space.roomId); children.forEach(child => { unseenChildren.delete(child); backrefs.getOrCreate(child.roomId, new Set()).add(space.roomId); }); }); const [rootSpaces, orphanedRooms] = partitionSpacesAndRooms(Array.from(unseenChildren)); // somewhat algorithm to handle full-cycles const detachedNodes = new Set(spaces); const markTreeChildren = (rootSpace: Room, unseen: Set) => { const stack = [rootSpace]; while (stack.length) { const op = stack.pop(); unseen.delete(op); this.getChildSpaces(op.roomId).forEach(space => { if (unseen.has(space)) { stack.push(space); } }); } }; rootSpaces.forEach(rootSpace => { markTreeChildren(rootSpace, detachedNodes); }); // Handle spaces forming fully cyclical relationships. // In order, assume each detachedNode is a root unless it has already // been claimed as the child of prior detached node. // Work from a copy of the detachedNodes set as it will be mutated as part of this operation. Array.from(detachedNodes).forEach(detachedNode => { if (!detachedNodes.has(detachedNode)) return; // declare this detached node a new root, find its children, without ever looping back to it detachedNodes.delete(detachedNode); rootSpaces.push(detachedNode); markTreeChildren(detachedNode, detachedNodes); // TODO only consider a detached node a root space if it has no *parents other than the ones forming cycles }); // TODO neither of these handle an A->B->C->A with an additional C->D // detachedNodes.forEach(space => { // rootSpaces.push(space); // }); this.orphanedRooms = new Set(orphanedRooms); this.rootSpaces = rootSpaces; this.parentMap = backrefs; // if the currently selected space no longer exists, remove its selection if (this._activeSpace && detachedNodes.has(this._activeSpace)) { this.setActiveSpace(null); } this.onRoomsUpdate(); // TODO only do this if a change has happened this.emit(UPDATE_TOP_LEVEL_SPACES, this.spacePanelSpaces); }, 100, {trailing: true, leading: true}); onSpaceUpdate = () => { this.rebuild(); } private showInHomeSpace = (room: Room) => { return !this.parentMap.get(room.roomId)?.size // put all orphaned rooms in the Home Space || DMRoomMap.shared().getUserIdForRoomId(room.roomId) // put all DMs in the Home Space || RoomListStore.instance.getTagsForRoom(room).includes(DefaultTagID.Favourite) // show all favourites }; // Update a given room due to its tag changing (e.g DM-ness or Fav-ness) // This can only change whether it shows up in the HOME_SPACE or not private onRoomUpdate = (room: Room) => { if (this.showInHomeSpace(room)) { this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(HOME_SPACE)?.add(room.roomId); this.emit(HOME_SPACE); } else if (!this.orphanedRooms.has(room.roomId)) { this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(HOME_SPACE)?.delete(room.roomId); this.emit(HOME_SPACE); } }; private onSpaceMembersChange = (ev: MatrixEvent) => { // skip this update if we do not have a DM with this user if (DMRoomMap.shared().getDMRoomsForUserId(ev.getStateKey()).length < 1) return; this.onRoomsUpdate(); }; private onRoomsUpdate = throttle(() => { // TODO resolve some updates as deltas const visibleRooms = this.matrixClient.getVisibleRooms(); const oldFilteredRooms = this.spaceFilteredRooms; this.spaceFilteredRooms = new Map(); // put all invites (rooms & spaces) in the Home Space const invites = this.matrixClient.getRooms().filter(r => r.getMyMembership() === "invite"); this.spaceFilteredRooms.set(HOME_SPACE, new Set(invites.map(room => room.roomId))); visibleRooms.forEach(room => { if (this.showInHomeSpace(room)) { this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(HOME_SPACE).add(room.roomId); } }); this.rootSpaces.forEach(s => { // traverse each space tree in DFS to build up the supersets as you go up, // reusing results from like subtrees. const fn = (spaceId: string, parentPath: Set): Set => { if (parentPath.has(spaceId)) return; // prevent cycles // reuse existing results if multiple similar branches exist if (this.spaceFilteredRooms.has(spaceId)) { return this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(spaceId); } const [childSpaces, childRooms] = partitionSpacesAndRooms(this.getChildren(spaceId)); const roomIds = new Set(childRooms.map(r => r.roomId)); const space = this.matrixClient?.getRoom(spaceId); // Add relevant DMs space?.getJoinedMembers().forEach(member => { DMRoomMap.shared().getDMRoomsForUserId(member.userId).forEach(roomId => { roomIds.add(roomId); }); }); const newPath = new Set(parentPath).add(spaceId); childSpaces.forEach(childSpace => { fn(childSpace.roomId, newPath)?.forEach(roomId => { roomIds.add(roomId); }); }); this.spaceFilteredRooms.set(spaceId, roomIds); return roomIds; }; fn(s.roomId, new Set()); }); const diff = mapDiff(oldFilteredRooms, this.spaceFilteredRooms); // filter out keys which changed by reference only by checking whether the sets differ const changed = diff.changed.filter(k => setHasDiff(oldFilteredRooms.get(k), this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(k))); [...diff.added, ...diff.removed, ...changed].forEach(k => { this.emit(k); }); this.spaceFilteredRooms.forEach((roomIds, s) => { // Update NotificationStates const rooms = this.matrixClient.getRooms().filter(room => roomIds.has(room.roomId)); this.getNotificationState(s)?.setRooms(rooms); }); }, 100, {trailing: true, leading: true}); private onRoom = (room: Room) => { if (room?.isSpaceRoom()) { this.onSpaceUpdate(); this.emit(room.roomId); } else { // this.onRoomUpdate(room); this.onRoomsUpdate(); } if (room.getMyMembership() === "join") { if (!room.isSpaceRoom()) { const numSuggestedRooms = this._suggestedRooms.length; this._suggestedRooms = this._suggestedRooms.filter(r => r.room_id !== room.roomId); if (numSuggestedRooms !== this._suggestedRooms.length) { this.emit(SUGGESTED_ROOMS, this._suggestedRooms); } } else if (room.roomId === RoomViewStore.getRoomId()) { // if the user was looking at the space and then joined: select that space this.setActiveSpace(room); } } }; private onRoomState = (ev: MatrixEvent) => { const room = this.matrixClient.getRoom(ev.getRoomId()); if (!room) return; switch (ev.getType()) { case EventType.SpaceChild: if (room.isSpaceRoom()) { this.onSpaceUpdate(); this.emit(room.roomId); } break; case EventType.SpaceParent: // TODO rebuild the space parent and not the room - check permissions? // TODO confirm this after implementing parenting behaviour if (room.isSpaceRoom()) { this.onSpaceUpdate(); } else { this.onRoomUpdate(room); } this.emit(room.roomId); break; case EventType.RoomMember: if (room.isSpaceRoom()) { this.onSpaceMembersChange(ev); } break; } }; private onRoomAccountData = (ev: MatrixEvent, room: Room, lastEvent: MatrixEvent) => { if (ev.getType() === EventType.Tag && !room.isSpaceRoom()) { // If the room was in favourites and now isn't or the opposite then update its position in the trees const oldTags = lastEvent.getContent()?.tags; const newTags = ev.getContent()?.tags; if (!!oldTags[DefaultTagID.Favourite] !== !!newTags[DefaultTagID.Favourite]) { this.onRoomUpdate(room); } } } private onAccountData = (ev: MatrixEvent, lastEvent: MatrixEvent) => { if (ev.getType() === EventType.Direct) { const lastContent = lastEvent.getContent(); const content = ev.getContent(); const diff = objectDiff>(lastContent, content); // filter out keys which changed by reference only by checking whether the sets differ const changed = diff.changed.filter(k => arrayHasDiff(lastContent[k], content[k])); // DM tag changes, refresh relevant rooms new Set([...diff.added, ...diff.removed, ...changed]).forEach(roomId => { const room = this.matrixClient?.getRoom(roomId); if (room) { this.onRoomUpdate(room); } }); } }; protected async onNotReady() { if (!SettingsStore.getValue("feature_spaces")) return; if (this.matrixClient) { this.matrixClient.removeListener("Room", this.onRoom); this.matrixClient.removeListener("Room.myMembership", this.onRoom); this.matrixClient.removeListener("RoomState.events", this.onRoomState); this.matrixClient.removeListener("Room.accountData", this.onRoomAccountData); this.matrixClient.removeListener("accountData", this.onAccountData); } await this.reset({}); } protected async onReady() { if (!SettingsStore.getValue("feature_spaces")) return; this.matrixClient.on("Room", this.onRoom); this.matrixClient.on("Room.myMembership", this.onRoom); this.matrixClient.on("RoomState.events", this.onRoomState); this.matrixClient.on("Room.accountData", this.onRoomAccountData); this.matrixClient.on("accountData", this.onAccountData); await this.onSpaceUpdate(); // trigger an initial update // restore selected state from last session if any and still valid const lastSpaceId = window.localStorage.getItem(ACTIVE_SPACE_LS_KEY); if (lastSpaceId) { const space = this.rootSpaces.find(s => s.roomId === lastSpaceId); if (space) { this.setActiveSpace(space); } } } protected async onAction(payload: ActionPayload) { if (!SettingsStore.getValue("feature_spaces")) return; switch (payload.action) { case "view_room": { const room = this.matrixClient?.getRoom(payload.room_id); if (room?.getMyMembership() === "join") { if (room.isSpaceRoom()) { this.setActiveSpace(room); } else if (!this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(this._activeSpace?.roomId || HOME_SPACE).has(room.roomId)) { // TODO maybe reverse these first 2 clauses once space panel active is fixed let parent = this.rootSpaces.find(s => this.spaceFilteredRooms.get(s.roomId)?.has(room.roomId)); if (!parent) { parent = this.getCanonicalParent(room.roomId); } if (!parent) { const parents = Array.from(this.parentMap.get(room.roomId) || []); parent = parents.find(p => this.matrixClient.getRoom(p)); } if (parent) { this.setActiveSpace(parent); } } } break; } case "after_leave_room": if (this._activeSpace && payload.room_id === this._activeSpace.roomId) { this.setActiveSpace(null); } break; } } public getNotificationState(key: SpaceKey): SpaceNotificationState { if (this.notificationStateMap.has(key)) { return this.notificationStateMap.get(key); } const state = new SpaceNotificationState(key, getRoomFn); this.notificationStateMap.set(key, state); return state; } } export default class SpaceStore { private static internalInstance = new SpaceStoreClass(); public static get instance(): SpaceStoreClass { return SpaceStore.internalInstance; } } window.mxSpaceStore = SpaceStore.instance;