/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, ISendEventResponse, MatrixClient, MatrixEvent, Room, SyncState } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import Modal from "../../../../src/Modal"; import { startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording, VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType, VoiceBroadcastInfoState, VoiceBroadcastRecordingsStore, VoiceBroadcastRecording, VoiceBroadcastPlaybacksStore, VoiceBroadcastPlayback, } from "../../../../src/voice-broadcast"; import { mkEvent, stubClient } from "../../../test-utils"; import { mkVoiceBroadcastInfoStateEvent } from "./test-utils"; jest.mock("../../../../src/voice-broadcast/models/VoiceBroadcastRecording", () => ({ VoiceBroadcastRecording: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock("../../../../src/Modal"); describe("startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording", () => { const roomId = "!room:example.com"; const otherUserId = "@other:example.com"; let client: MatrixClient; let playbacksStore: VoiceBroadcastPlaybacksStore; let recordingsStore: VoiceBroadcastRecordingsStore; let room: Room; let infoEvent: MatrixEvent; let otherEvent: MatrixEvent; let result: VoiceBroadcastRecording | null; beforeEach(() => { client = stubClient(); room = new Room(roomId, client, client.getUserId()!); jest.spyOn(room.currentState, "maySendStateEvent"); mocked(client.getRoom).mockImplementation((getRoomId: string) => { if (getRoomId === roomId) { return room; } return null; }); mocked(client.sendStateEvent).mockImplementation( (sendRoomId: string, eventType: string, content: any, stateKey: string): Promise<ISendEventResponse> => { if (sendRoomId === roomId && eventType === VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType) { return Promise.resolve({ event_id: infoEvent.getId()! }); } throw new Error("Unexpected sendStateEvent call"); }, ); infoEvent = mkVoiceBroadcastInfoStateEvent( roomId, VoiceBroadcastInfoState.Started, client.getUserId()!, client.getDeviceId()!, ); otherEvent = mkEvent({ event: true, type: EventType.RoomMember, content: {}, user: client.getUserId()!, room: roomId, skey: "", }); playbacksStore = new VoiceBroadcastPlaybacksStore(recordingsStore); recordingsStore = { setCurrent: jest.fn(), getCurrent: jest.fn(), } as unknown as VoiceBroadcastRecordingsStore; mocked(VoiceBroadcastRecording).mockImplementation((infoEvent: MatrixEvent, client: MatrixClient): any => { return { infoEvent, client, start: jest.fn(), } as unknown as VoiceBroadcastRecording; }); }); afterEach(() => { jest.clearAllMocks(); }); describe("when trying to start a broadcast if there is no connection", () => { beforeEach(async () => { mocked(client.getSyncState).mockReturnValue(SyncState.Error); result = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); }); it("should show an info dialog and not start a recording", () => { expect(result).toBeNull(); expect(Modal.createDialog).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("when the current user is allowed to send voice broadcast info state events", () => { beforeEach(() => { mocked(room.currentState.maySendStateEvent).mockReturnValue(true); }); describe("when currently listening to a broadcast and there is no recording", () => { let playback: VoiceBroadcastPlayback; beforeEach(() => { playback = new VoiceBroadcastPlayback(infoEvent, client, recordingsStore); jest.spyOn(playback, "pause"); playbacksStore.setCurrent(playback); }); it("should stop listen to the current broadcast and create a new recording", async () => { mocked(client.sendStateEvent).mockImplementation( async ( _roomId: string, _eventType: string, _content: any, _stateKey = "", ): Promise<ISendEventResponse> => { window.setTimeout(() => { // emit state events after resolving the promise room.currentState.setStateEvents([otherEvent]); room.currentState.setStateEvents([infoEvent]); }, 0); return { event_id: infoEvent.getId()! }; }, ); const recording = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); expect(recording).not.toBeNull(); // expect to stop and clear the current playback expect(playback.pause).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(playbacksStore.getCurrent()).toBeNull(); expect(client.sendStateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( roomId, VoiceBroadcastInfoEventType, { chunk_length: 120, device_id: client.getDeviceId(), state: VoiceBroadcastInfoState.Started, }, client.getUserId()!, ); expect(recording!.infoEvent).toBe(infoEvent); expect(recording!.start).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe("when there is already a current voice broadcast", () => { beforeEach(async () => { mocked(recordingsStore.getCurrent).mockReturnValue(new VoiceBroadcastRecording(infoEvent, client)); result = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); }); it("should not start a voice broadcast", () => { expect(result).toBeNull(); }); it("should show an info dialog", () => { expect(Modal.createDialog).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("when there already is a live broadcast of the current user in the room", () => { beforeEach(async () => { room.currentState.setStateEvents([ mkVoiceBroadcastInfoStateEvent( roomId, VoiceBroadcastInfoState.Resumed, client.getUserId()!, client.getDeviceId()!, ), ]); result = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); }); it("should not start a voice broadcast", () => { expect(result).toBeNull(); }); it("should show an info dialog", () => { expect(Modal.createDialog).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("when there already is a live broadcast of another user", () => { beforeEach(async () => { room.currentState.setStateEvents([ mkVoiceBroadcastInfoStateEvent(roomId, VoiceBroadcastInfoState.Resumed, otherUserId, "ASD123"), ]); result = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); }); it("should not start a voice broadcast", () => { expect(result).toBeNull(); }); it("should show an info dialog", () => { expect(Modal.createDialog).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); describe("when the current user is not allowed to send voice broadcast info state events", () => { beforeEach(async () => { mocked(room.currentState.maySendStateEvent).mockReturnValue(false); result = await startNewVoiceBroadcastRecording(room, client, playbacksStore, recordingsStore); }); it("should not start a voice broadcast", () => { expect(result).toBeNull(); }); it("should show an info dialog", () => { expect(Modal.createDialog).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); });