// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP exports[` Multi-tab lockout shows the lockout page when a second tab opens after a session is restored 1`] = `


Test has been opened in another tab.

`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout shows the lockout page when a second tab opens during crypto init 1`] = `


Test has been opened in another tab.

`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout shows the lockout page when a second tab opens while we are checking the sync store 1`] = `


Test has been opened in another tab.

`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout shows the lockout page when a second tab opens while we were waiting for the lock ourselves 1`] = `


Test has been opened in another tab.

`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout waits for other tab to stop during startup 1`] = `

Test is open in another window. Click "Continue" to use Test here and disconnect the other window.

`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout waits for other tab to stop during startup 2`] = `
`; exports[` Multi-tab lockout waits for other tab to stop during startup 3`] = `


`; exports[` should render spinner while app is loading 1`] = `
`; exports[` with a soft-logged-out session should show the soft-logout page 1`] = `

You're signed out

Sign in

Regain access to your account and recover encryption keys stored in this session. Without them, you won't be able to read all of your secure messages in any session.

Sign in

Clear personal data

Warning: your personal data (including encryption keys) is still stored in this session. Clear it if you're finished using this session, or want to sign in to another account.

Clear all data
`; exports[` with an existing session onAction() room actions leave_room for a room should launch a confirmation modal 1`] = `