/* Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd Copyright 2019 Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com> Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import * as React from "react"; import { User, IContent, Direction, ContentHelpers } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger"; import { MRoomTopicEventContent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/topic"; import dis from "./dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { _t, _td, UserFriendlyError } from "./languageHandler"; import Modal from "./Modal"; import MultiInviter from "./utils/MultiInviter"; import { Linkify, topicToHtml } from "./HtmlUtils"; import QuestionDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/QuestionDialog"; import WidgetUtils from "./utils/WidgetUtils"; import { textToHtmlRainbow } from "./utils/colour"; import { AddressType, getAddressType } from "./UserAddress"; import { abbreviateUrl } from "./utils/UrlUtils"; import { getDefaultIdentityServerUrl, setToDefaultIdentityServer } from "./utils/IdentityServerUtils"; import { WidgetType } from "./widgets/WidgetType"; import { Jitsi } from "./widgets/Jitsi"; import BugReportDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/BugReportDialog"; import { ensureDMExists } from "./createRoom"; import { ViewUserPayload } from "./dispatcher/payloads/ViewUserPayload"; import { Action } from "./dispatcher/actions"; import SdkConfig from "./SdkConfig"; import SettingsStore from "./settings/SettingsStore"; import { UIComponent, UIFeature } from "./settings/UIFeature"; import { CHAT_EFFECTS } from "./effects"; import LegacyCallHandler from "./LegacyCallHandler"; import { guessAndSetDMRoom } from "./Rooms"; import { upgradeRoom } from "./utils/RoomUpgrade"; import DevtoolsDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/DevtoolsDialog"; import RoomUpgradeWarningDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/RoomUpgradeWarningDialog"; import InfoDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/InfoDialog"; import SlashCommandHelpDialog from "./components/views/dialogs/SlashCommandHelpDialog"; import { shouldShowComponent } from "./customisations/helpers/UIComponents"; import { TimelineRenderingType } from "./contexts/RoomContext"; import { ViewRoomPayload } from "./dispatcher/payloads/ViewRoomPayload"; import VoipUserMapper from "./VoipUserMapper"; import { htmlSerializeFromMdIfNeeded } from "./editor/serialize"; import { leaveRoomBehaviour } from "./utils/leave-behaviour"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "./MatrixClientPeg"; import { getDeviceCryptoInfo } from "./utils/crypto/deviceInfo"; import { isCurrentLocalRoom, reject, singleMxcUpload, success, successSync } from "./slash-commands/utils"; import { deop, op } from "./slash-commands/op"; import { CommandCategories } from "./slash-commands/interface"; import { Command } from "./slash-commands/command"; import { goto, join } from "./slash-commands/join"; export { CommandCategories, Command }; export const Commands = [ new Command({ command: "spoiler", args: "", description: _td("Sends the given message as a spoiler"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, message = "") { return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeHtmlMessage(message, `${message}`)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "shrug", args: "", description: _td("Prepends ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ to a plain-text message"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let message = "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯"; if (args) { message = message + " " + args; } return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage(message)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "tableflip", args: "", description: _td("Prepends (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ to a plain-text message"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let message = "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻"; if (args) { message = message + " " + args; } return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage(message)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "unflip", args: "", description: _td("Prepends ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ) to a plain-text message"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let message = "┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)"; if (args) { message = message + " " + args; } return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage(message)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "lenny", args: "", description: _td("Prepends ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) to a plain-text message"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let message = "( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"; if (args) { message = message + " " + args; } return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage(message)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "plain", args: "", description: _td("Sends a message as plain text, without interpreting it as markdown"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, messages = "") { return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeTextMessage(messages)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "html", args: "", description: _td("Sends a message as html, without interpreting it as markdown"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, messages = "") { return successSync(ContentHelpers.makeHtmlMessage(messages, messages)); }, category: CommandCategories.messages, }), new Command({ command: "upgraderoom", args: "", description: _td("Upgrades a room to a new version"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const room = cli.getRoom(roomId); if (!room?.currentState.mayClientSendStateEvent("m.room.tombstone", cli)) { return reject( new UserFriendlyError("You do not have the required permissions to use this command."), ); } const { finished } = Modal.createDialog( RoomUpgradeWarningDialog, { roomId: roomId, targetVersion: args }, /*className=*/ undefined, /*isPriority=*/ false, /*isStatic=*/ true, ); return success( finished.then(async ([resp]): Promise => { if (!resp?.continue) return; await upgradeRoom(room, args, resp.invite); }), ); } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "jumptodate", args: "", description: _td("Jump to the given date in the timeline"), isEnabled: () => SettingsStore.getValue("feature_jump_to_date"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { return success( (async (): Promise => { const unixTimestamp = Date.parse(args); if (!unixTimestamp) { throw new UserFriendlyError( "We were unable to understand the given date (%(inputDate)s). Try using the format YYYY-MM-DD.", { inputDate: args, cause: undefined }, ); } const { event_id: eventId, origin_server_ts: originServerTs } = await cli.timestampToEvent( roomId, unixTimestamp, Direction.Forward, ); logger.log( `/timestamp_to_event: found ${eventId} (${originServerTs}) for timestamp=${unixTimestamp}`, ); dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, event_id: eventId, highlighted: true, room_id: roomId, metricsTrigger: "SlashCommand", metricsViaKeyboard: true, }); })(), ); } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, }), new Command({ command: "nick", args: "", description: _td("Changes your display nickname"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { return success(cli.setDisplayName(args)); } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "myroomnick", aliases: ["roomnick"], args: "", description: _td("Changes your display nickname in the current room only"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const ev = cli.getRoom(roomId)?.currentState.getStateEvents("m.room.member", cli.getSafeUserId()); const content = { ...(ev ? ev.getContent() : { membership: "join" }), displayname: args, }; return success(cli.sendStateEvent(roomId, "m.room.member", content, cli.getSafeUserId())); } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "roomavatar", args: "[]", description: _td("Changes the avatar of the current room"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let promise = Promise.resolve(args ?? null); if (!args) { promise = singleMxcUpload(cli); } return success( promise.then((url) => { if (!url) return; return cli.sendStateEvent(roomId, "m.room.avatar", { url }, ""); }), ); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "myroomavatar", args: "[]", description: _td("Changes your profile picture in this current room only"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { const room = cli.getRoom(roomId); const userId = cli.getSafeUserId(); let promise = Promise.resolve(args ?? null); if (!args) { promise = singleMxcUpload(cli); } return success( promise.then((url) => { if (!url) return; const ev = room?.currentState.getStateEvents("m.room.member", userId); const content = { ...(ev ? ev.getContent() : { membership: "join" }), avatar_url: url, }; return cli.sendStateEvent(roomId, "m.room.member", content, userId); }), ); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "myavatar", args: "[]", description: _td("Changes your profile picture in all rooms"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let promise = Promise.resolve(args ?? null); if (!args) { promise = singleMxcUpload(cli); } return success( promise.then((url) => { if (!url) return; return cli.setAvatarUrl(url); }), ); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "topic", args: "[]", description: _td("Gets or sets the room topic"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const html = htmlSerializeFromMdIfNeeded(args, { forceHTML: false }); return success(cli.setRoomTopic(roomId, args, html)); } const room = cli.getRoom(roomId); if (!room) { return reject( new UserFriendlyError("Failed to get room topic: Unable to find room (%(roomId)s", { roomId, cause: undefined, }), ); } const content = room.currentState.getStateEvents("m.room.topic", "")?.getContent(); const topic = !!content ? ContentHelpers.parseTopicContent(content) : { text: _t("This room has no topic.") }; const body = topicToHtml(topic.text, topic.html, undefined, true); Modal.createDialog(InfoDialog, { title: room.name, description: {body}, hasCloseButton: true, className: "markdown-body", }); return success(); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "roomname", args: "", description: _td("Sets the room name"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { return success(cli.setRoomName(roomId, args)); } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "invite", args: " []", description: _td("Invites user with given id to current room"), analyticsName: "Invite", isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli) && shouldShowComponent(UIComponent.InviteUsers), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const [address, reason] = args.split(/\s+(.+)/); if (address) { // We use a MultiInviter to re-use the invite logic, even though // we're only inviting one user. // If we need an identity server but don't have one, things // get a bit more complex here, but we try to show something // meaningful. let prom = Promise.resolve(); if (getAddressType(address) === AddressType.Email && !cli.getIdentityServerUrl()) { const defaultIdentityServerUrl = getDefaultIdentityServerUrl(); if (defaultIdentityServerUrl) { const { finished } = Modal.createDialog(QuestionDialog, { title: _t("Use an identity server"), description: (

{_t( "Use an identity server to invite by email. Click continue to use the default identity server (%(defaultIdentityServerName)s) or manage in Settings.", { defaultIdentityServerName: abbreviateUrl(defaultIdentityServerUrl), }, )}

), button: _t("action|continue"), }); prom = finished.then(([useDefault]) => { if (useDefault) { setToDefaultIdentityServer(cli); return; } throw new UserFriendlyError( "Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings.", ); }); } else { return reject( new UserFriendlyError("Use an identity server to invite by email. Manage in Settings."), ); } } const inviter = new MultiInviter(cli, roomId); return success( prom .then(() => { return inviter.invite([address], reason, true); }) .then(() => { if (inviter.getCompletionState(address) !== "invited") { const errorStringFromInviterUtility = inviter.getErrorText(address); if (errorStringFromInviterUtility) { throw new Error(errorStringFromInviterUtility); } else { throw new UserFriendlyError( "User (%(user)s) did not end up as invited to %(roomId)s but no error was given from the inviter utility", { user: address, roomId, cause: undefined }, ); } } }), ); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), goto, join, new Command({ command: "part", args: "[]", description: _td("action|leave_room"), analyticsName: "Part", isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { let targetRoomId: string | undefined; if (args) { const matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/); if (matches) { let roomAlias = matches[1]; if (roomAlias[0] !== "#") return reject(this.getUsage()); if (!roomAlias.includes(":")) { roomAlias += ":" + cli.getDomain(); } // Try to find a room with this alias const rooms = cli.getRooms(); targetRoomId = rooms.find((room) => { return room.getCanonicalAlias() === roomAlias || room.getAltAliases().includes(roomAlias); })?.roomId; if (!targetRoomId) { return reject( new UserFriendlyError("Unrecognised room address: %(roomAlias)s", { roomAlias, cause: undefined, }), ); } } } if (!targetRoomId) targetRoomId = roomId; return success(leaveRoomBehaviour(cli, targetRoomId)); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "remove", aliases: ["kick"], args: " [reason]", description: _td("Removes user with given id from this room"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/); if (matches) { return success(cli.kick(roomId, matches[1], matches[3])); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "ban", args: " [reason]", description: _td("Bans user with given id"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const matches = args.match(/^(\S+?)( +(.*))?$/); if (matches) { return success(cli.ban(roomId, matches[1], matches[3])); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "unban", args: "", description: _td("Unbans user with given ID"), isEnabled: (cli) => !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const matches = args.match(/^(\S+)$/); if (matches) { // Reset the user membership to "leave" to unban him return success(cli.unban(roomId, matches[1])); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.admin, renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room], }), new Command({ command: "ignore", args: "", description: _td("Ignores a user, hiding their messages from you"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const matches = args.match(/^(@[^:]+:\S+)$/); if (matches) { const userId = matches[1]; const ignoredUsers = cli.getIgnoredUsers(); ignoredUsers.push(userId); // de-duped internally in the js-sdk return success( cli.setIgnoredUsers(ignoredUsers).then(() => { Modal.createDialog(InfoDialog, { title: _t("Ignored user"), description: (

{_t("You are now ignoring %(userId)s", { userId })}

), }); }), ); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, }), new Command({ command: "unignore", args: "", description: _td("Stops ignoring a user, showing their messages going forward"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) { if (args) { const matches = args.match(/(^@[^:]+:\S+$)/); if (matches) { const userId = matches[1]; const ignoredUsers = cli.getIgnoredUsers(); const index = ignoredUsers.indexOf(userId); if (index !== -1) ignoredUsers.splice(index, 1); return success( cli.setIgnoredUsers(ignoredUsers).then(() => { Modal.createDialog(InfoDialog, { title: _t("Unignored user"), description: (

{_t("You are no longer ignoring %(userId)s", { userId })}

), }); }), ); } } return reject(this.getUsage()); }, category: CommandCategories.actions, }), op, deop, new Command({ command: "devtools", description: _td("Opens the Developer Tools dialog"), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadRootId) { Modal.createDialog(DevtoolsDialog, { roomId, threadRootId }, "mx_DevtoolsDialog_wrapper"); return success(); }, category: CommandCategories.advanced, }), new Command({ command: "addwidget", args: "", description: _td("Adds a custom widget by URL to the room"), isEnabled: (cli) => SettingsStore.getValue(UIFeature.Widgets) && shouldShowComponent(UIComponent.AddIntegrations) && !isCurrentLocalRoom(cli), runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, widgetUrl) { if (!widgetUrl) { return reject(new UserFriendlyError("Please supply a widget URL or embed code")); } // Try and parse out a widget URL from iframes if (widgetUrl.toLowerCase().startsWith("